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DaveBatista: 2010-10-05 08:33:40 pm
Yoshi is back
Well, like T.J. said, Errors. They aren't bad but, they would enter the Late beginner work, Early Intermediate.

Edit: On your 1st Maridia, Try to give the walls more umph. Make slopes there or cliffs.
yeah not my best, but not nearly as bad as what everything was, I've turned this hack around from what it was going to be, but they still are a work in progress. As for the BTS errors, they need to be worked on.
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Quietus: 2010-10-06 05:41:48 am
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
File size: Just open the .bmp file in an art program, and save it as something else.  Most people use .png.  It'll be muuuch smaller.

Regarding the BTS: Most of them seem to be fine, but you seem to be in a bad habit of placing the square blocks below / above the ramps, which aren't required.  They only need to be placed BEHIND the ramp.  Imagine Samus running up the ramp.  She needs to run onto one of those squares.  Do the same for ceilings too, to prevent snagging when people are mockballing.  Oh, and they don't need to go behind ramps if they're up against a wall.

(I'm lookin' at you, Tyjet! cookie)
What'd you say?
Hey, hey, I don't do that anymore =P
Yoshi is back
Lol, Yeah you do that, sometimes, don't you....Quietus cookie
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ortbeast: 2010-10-07 12:33:09 am
ortbeast: 2010-10-07 12:32:09 am
Just open the .bmp file in an art program, and save it as something else.  Most people use .png.

Really helpful, i took a new screenshot to try it out, the screenshot is a 50th the size a it was as a .bmp. And thank you for telling me a little bit on how to improve BTS placement.

Also What do you think of this room, it's the room after the gold torizo.

Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
I'd be tempted (if they're not already) to make the blocks up the middle speed blocks, as some players (like me) like to short charge after killing GT, collect the item, and then spark upward.  It'll improve the flow.  To make it even better, you could add a ramp from the door, which means players would have GT's room, and then most of this room to run and charge.  They don't have to, of course, but offering choices is always good.
Yoshi is back
That's true, I'd be fine with Quietus' idea and go with the speed booster blocks. Also, I like the Green Chozo palette.
What'd you say?
Anyone who frequents MetConst will recognize this as my newest ROTW, I decided to post this for everyone else though, enjoy.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Rooms like that are perfect examples of the false layering I was on about before.  I like your sexy slopes.  They are slopey. Wink
What'd you say?
False layering? I remember you mentioning that before but I hadn't used any here. As for the slopes, yes, they are indeed sexy and they really make my rooms great. aiwebs_011
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Sorry, it should have read 'perfect example of a room that could benefit from false layering', or something like that. Silenced
Yoshi is back
That's one of my fav. rooms, I really livens the game up.
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I discovered a nice little quirk in my current project that can be used for many new puzzles, here is that example:

And yes, this room is still a work in progress so please don't comment about it.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
When you say a 'little quirk', is that without having done anything, or it that after applying some of the hex tweaks?  It looks like you've got the 'maintain speed when jumping / turning' things added...
What'd you say?
I have maintain speed after landing a jump or from a fall hex tweaks applied. I did not use the one to preserve speed during a jump which is why I think this is interesting. After you jump and turn you slow down, but since the previous tweaks were added, apparently every step counts towards your speed echos charging. The only time you loose your echos is if you hit a wall.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Yeah, that's correct.  Beware with this that if you're planning to have some semblance of order to your hack, allowing access to the Speed Booster early will enable people to do this, and thus spark almost anywhere, allowing a LOT more freedom.  This is fine for the most part, but can lead to real problems with permastucks.  Oh, and I'd suggest avoiding respawning speed blocks unless absolutely necessary, as they're a permastuck waiting to happen.
Yoshi is back
I don't see the pic, It doesn't show...did you take it down?
What'd you say?
I'm not going to use returning speedbooster blocks. But as for other perma stucks, would you care to list a couple of examples. So I can avoid placing them.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Basically, anywhere you can do some fancy sparking, and reach any place that you aren't really intending players to reach yet, you can run into these things.

Gates that can only be opened from one side.
Reaching a boss with no weapons that damage them.
Ledges too high without Hi-Jump (if bombs are later).  Even with Bombs, you'd force an IBJ to leave.
Anywhere that you call fall through crumble blocks with no exit for current weaponry - as in Super doors and Power Bomb doors.

There're probably others, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head.  I hope this helps with planning. aiwebs_004
What'd you say?
I'll be sure to avoid all of those at all possible costs.
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Tyjet66: 2010-10-15 11:51:18 am
Tyjet66: 2010-10-15 11:43:08 am
What'd you say?
A simple item room, the bottom contains lava.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Those slopes allow for some pretty cool geological structures.  I also love the way that they, in conjunction with the existing 45 degree slopes, allow you to create some lovely, flowing curves.
At last, I've finished it.

Presenting balls frame. Also, beam frame extended in width.
I like turtles.
If you switched off the Morphing Ball, Bombs, and Spring Ball, would the balls be... inert?