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Well, I'm back... youmay remember me from a few weeks ago when I need help in Limit. I need help again...

I'm at the upper part of the room that holds plasma beam. I am supposed to grapple swing up to a spike shaft and then infinite bomb jump up to the chozo statue holding plasma. The problem is there are little flying things that knock me off course when I'm bomb jumping. Is there a method to get past them?
Lay a PB before jumping down to the grapple point.

Or start your IBJ with a PB followed by a DBJ then switch to normal IBJ.
Now how do I blue suit glitch? Whenever I shinespark up that purple tiled shaft, I never get it. Is there a specific place you need to shinespark?

Edit: okay that is it. I have gone through hell twice getting that stupid plasma beam, spent many many hours getting to this point to find that I did all that for NOTHING. Just because of a stupid undoable blue suit glitch I can't go on any further. Metroid Limit is the worst! I QUIT

Double Edit: Well, if someone can upload a zmv or something with all items with gravity, that would be nice.
The bluesut doesn't work on all emus nfortunately.  Instead, you can just temporarily enter in a chat code for constant speedbooster.  I don't know it off the top of my head, though, so I'll see about getting back to you after I look it up.

EDIT: 7E0B3F04
You're my savior.  wub
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from BlueGlass:
Instead, you can just temporarily enter in a chat code for constant speedbooster.

Try /me constantly speedboosts
I need help ing Super Metroid Search For Items
I have 130 Missles, 20 Super Missles and Power Bombs, and Grapple Beam. I killed Ridley and Phantoon, it looks like i need speed booster to advance. Where do i get it?
Eschews avatars
Look in the first few rooms of Norfair as you enter from the Wrecked Ship (I assume you meant Kraid and Phantoon, unless you're absurdly good).

Also, just as a general heads-up, you are now capable of getting all the beams from where you are, so look carefully. When I played SFI, I assumed the beams would be easier to find and wound up facing Ridley (an extremely hard fight in SFI) with just Wave and Spazer. Not fun times.
Quote from ducknerd:
Look in the first few rooms of Norfair as you enter from the Wrecked Ship (I assume you meant Kraid and Phantoon, unless you're absurdly good).

Also, just as a general heads-up, you are now capable of getting all the beams from where you are, so look carefully. When I played SFI, I assumed the beams would be easier to find and wound up facing Ridley (an extremely hard fight in SFI) with just Wave and Spazer. Not fun times.
i fought him w/ wave and plasma. then i found spazar a few days later :/
thanks for the help!
edit:now i'm playing redesign, and i have more trouble. I have 7 missles and i'm in crateria.bombs. what do i do? or where do i get bombs?
edit2: also, in SFI i just cant seem to find kraid. is he to the right of the first room?
I'm trying to update my Zsnes 1.36 to version 1.51, but it doesn't erally work for me. All I did was delete version 1.36 and install version 1.51, but all my games can't be applied with 1.51.  Did I do something wrong?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
You mean that you can't double click your ROM so that it opens in ZSNES?
Yeah... it asks which program to use it with, and I can't select Zsnes for some reason.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Rename your ZSNES to something else and then try again
i am closing this topic now. please create a new topic for help on a specific hack (or reply in that hack's announcement topic) if you need help.