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Quote from Green-Kirby:
YY-Chr. What I use properly beater at any other GFX changing then big sprites or a sprite with many animations.

Good luck! >;D
Okay.  I've got both programs.  In either one...  When I locate some of Samus's sprites - how can I change the color so that it even remotely looks like what it does in the game?  I know the order will be jumbled up.  I would guess there's nothing that can be done about that.  But getting the colors recognizable would be a helpful start. :?

....*fiddles around with it some more*

I see the pallet thing in the bottom/right corner affects the color.  *sigh* 


Yes....  'Devious Smiley' Indeed.  :P  I've got my work cut out for me.  Embarassed
Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Gaius_4:
When I locate some of Samus's sprites - how can I change the color so that it even remotely looks like what it does in the game?

You can load a Zsnes save stat. And in most save stats samus is on the screen. >;D

Yes....  'Devious Smiley' Indeed.  :P  I've got my work cut out for me.

Whats wrong with my smily. It rocks! ;(

>;D  >;D  >;D  >;D  >;D  >;D
Quote from Green-Kirby:
You can load a Zsnes save stat. And in most save stats samus is on the screen. >;D
I'll try that.  Although I prefer snes9x.  Embarassed

Quote from Green-Kirby:
Yes....  'Devious Smiley' Indeed.  :P  I've got my work cut out for me.

Whats wrong with my smily. It rocks! ;(
  laugh new  I like your smiley.  I've used something like it before whenever I've tried to be mischevious.  >:-D  or >:-)

*hopes this works*  [-o<
Anyone get through SFI?

All the mini bosses are done but...Where's Screw Attack!?  ](*,)
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
SFI? or SMI? I do recall SMI giving you the SA and Ice Beam last (you should find them yourself, though)
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
I think he means Search For Items
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Never heard of it. >_>

Doesn't quite sound like my cup of tea, though, so meh....
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
It's even on the Hack List 2.0
Yes, I meant Search For Items.  You might want to try it, it's the only hack I've enjoyed besides drewseph's Redesign.
Armor Guardian
SFI should come with a folder with a bunch of maps of the hack.
Why do you say that?  It needs more than the maps.

I'm at these speed blocks that regenerate as soon as you break them, so you can't get is that a glitch or something I have to figure out?  What the hell.  :x
Eschews avatars
SFI is an very curious hack, albeit a touch buggy. One of its curiosities/problems is that it can be beaten in almost any order. My guess is that you haven't yet beaten Draygon in Maridia. Go do that. The Screw Attack is in the room to the left of the Gold Torizo's room, but you need Space Jump to reach it due to a very annoying and silly glitch. As for the respawning speed blocks, where are you? I don't particularly remember any of those causing problems.
I've beaten Draygon, thanks for the tip about the screw attack I'll go check it out.

The respawning blocks I'm talking about are near Samus's ship, under the speed blocks that protect the x-ray scope.

Definitely a curious hack.  I have all the mini bosses and bosses beaten and yet there are still grey
Ive got a question, when relocating samus's ship, the enemie objects move after you save, ive managed to get samus's ship into place properlly but the two things below it are causing me problems(i can't figure out where to place them) Help please. Yes i have compared to other roms, thats how i got smaus's ship in place.
Eschews avatars
@SMF: Please use the SMILE help topic when posting questions about hacking rather than the hacks themselves. As for your question, I think that relocating the ship, which has so many scripts associated with it, is a pretty bad idea. Even if you manage to line up its multiple parts exactly, it probably requires some ASM hacking to adjust the scripts for the ship taking off elsewhere. *hopes drewseph will post*.

@researchtriangle: Ohh, right. You don't need to worry about those guys quite yet. Also, if all nine bosses (except mother brain, of course :p ) have been beaten, you should probably look for Tourian.
yeah I know where Tourian is, just didn't feel like going through it yet...let me guess, those blocks are part of the escape route at the end?  8-)
you can move and align them all you want in smile, just so long as you don't expect the sprites to line up, and mroe importantly, that you don't expect to be landing anywhere after ceres.  since you'll find yourself stuck in the sky forever.

with ASM anything is possible.  however if you want to move the ship without ASM then use a hex editor.  Smile tells you where to find the data to change.

The ships position is uneffected by the takeoff during the escape, no matter whre it is, it will lift off and fly into the sky just as is should from anyewhere. That is, once samus boards it.
I need help with installing Metroid Legacy. I just downloaded it from the Jap website, and I don't know how to use it or patch or anything. And if you need to know, I have a .smc super metroid rom.

Please, I need instructions on how to install this hackkkkk Do I need to download something else? HELP
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Quote from "[url=
P.JMan"][/url]Download Super Metroid (JU) [!] (SNES ROM number 5412)
Download a Hack Patcher
Download the Hack
Download an Emualator, a good recommended emulator is ZSNES

Open up the Hack Patcher, Click "Apply Patch"
Select the Hack, then select the ROM.
Now open up the ROM into the emulator. Tada!!
Thanks, I did it... but how do I unattach the hack?

Also, I just got speed booster in Legacy, and I can't find anything to do in Brinstar, so i went to Norfair and I couldn't do anything there either, so I'm stuck... Where do I go???
Eschews avatars
Run around in Brinstar for a while. There are a lot of speed blocks there...
Quote from Bolognab:
Thanks, I did it... but how do I unattach the hack?

Get a new ROM. And next time make a backup.
Quote from moozooh:
Quote from Bolognab:
Thanks, I did it... but how do I unattach the hack?

Get a new ROM. And next time make a backup.


Well, I worked my way to Phantoon, but I only have 40 missiles 5 supers and 3 Etanks... I can't seem to beat him. I don't have spazer, ice or grapple or anything else I would have in the orignial game. Should I have more items by now?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Speed Booster IIRC
Eschews avatars
No, Phantoon's pretty early in Legacy. Man, if this item order is tripping you up, you'll be LOST in Limit.

BTW, the next item you find should be
Varia Suit