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Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
Please do not post links to roms in this forum. If you have an IPS file of the patch please post that. The mods would appreciate that better. Also, this is not the first time you have posted a link to a rom.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Quote from Lawrence Reyome:
If you have an IPS file of the patch please post that.

Speaking of which
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Is this passage supposed to be solid (and therefore impassable)

okay more pls... and in 2 Hours i make a IPS patch ... but please send me more wrong thinks!
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
You get trapped here because of the solid block under the crumble block

okay, but why the game goes error at repruductable enemies?
defrag in progress
I have a question regarding the Redesign-hack:

I lost my savegames some months ago and just restarted playing it.
Now I want to get the spazer beam. I know where it is and I know that I need to shinespark up to it, but I do not find enough room to load the charge.
Do I have to perform a quick charge or is there another way, cause my skill is not sufficient enough for quick/short charges. :(
Metroid Exp: Exploration - Great, Skills - Decent
This question belongs in the Redesign topic, but I will answer it

You need to boost from a long room below the room where you are at
defrag in progress
Yeah, I know, nate suggested to post it here, cause the other one is pretty old.

Ok, the spazer room is above me and I shall go down one more room?
So I need to boost through two ceilings, right?

&#8364;: Ok, I got it! And another power bomb, too! Thanks!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
...I'm surprised he didn't suggest the SMR topic, actually.

Also, I actually got spazer by preserving a shinespark from a room above and to the right, before I got far enough to discover the easier method. >_>
Alright, I've been trying for hours now and I've looked over this site completely. But I can not figure out how to get most of these hacks to work. I've only managed to get Redesign and Impossible (headerless versions) to work 100%, but all of the other hacks I patch freeze up at the start of the Space Colony. I've tried downloading Super Metroid (JU)[!] from a bunch of different sites, different versions of the emulators (including different emulators all together) and two different IPS patchers and nothing seems to work out.

If anyone could reply with some helpful info I'd be really appreciative.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Download Super Metroid (JU) [!] (SNES ROM number 5412)
Download a Hack Patcher
Download the Hack
Download an Emualator, a good recommended emulator is ZSNES

Open up the Hack Patcher, Click "Apply Patch"
Select the Hack, then select the ROM.
Now open up the ROM into the emulator. Tada!!
Oh I know how to patch, I just need to know why it keeps freezing at that point and a possible solution.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Have you got this specific ROM
Super Metroid (JU) [!] (SNES ROM number 5412)

Your ROM needs to be headered
How would I go about finding the ROM number? and if it is headered or not?

*EDIT* I looked it up and the ROM is headered, but i have no idea about the ROM number.

Its weird that the headerless version works on the headered rom...
I have tried everything to make this work, but no matter how hard i try i can't fiz the freaking room. I'd appreciate all help, run this on a unheadered rom... i think. Also the door leading to the room on the left part leads to the next room. but goes black and stays black.

And you will understand the problem please help.

Thank you too everyone that tries to help.
Eschews avatars
For some reason, your hack won't work for me, but I've run into this problem myself. It's generally caused by increasing the PLM count in other rooms. The corrupted rooms are sadly unsalvageable.
Tanks for the info. So basically i have to restart. Am i right? Also did you check that the rom to applied it too was headerless?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
We just made a SMILE help topic in addition to the hack help topic

I'll take a look at this hack later though Wink
Nig-ga stole my avatar!!  Evil or Very Mad
red chamber dream
Tonski, don't avoid the censor. This is a warning.

Also, read the forum rules if you haven't already.
Can someone answer my question from before...
Someone already did
Where can you get SMILE?
I like Big Butts and I can not lie