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everybody knows it's true
What's a good time for all (or most) to go on eachother in one game?

Also level 7!!
duno whats your time?

Im level eight now i can't get higher all these level 40's are picking on me .

My characters name is M2K2_Sally.
everybody knows it's true
Mountain time, no Light saving.

Lol, Arizona needs no light saving.
Too many fangirls to count
Quote from Random Zelda Person:
I tried playing but found out that I am, indeed, teh suck.

EDIT:  Also, whenever I try to start it up, an error message that says "You cannot run the GunZ" comes up, which I assume is the program's way of taunting me.
download the patchzorz
Downloading right now...
Lol i couldn't post here last night cause i was too tried anyways i bought all rex armor made me super slow but i totally PWND toes stupid level 40 guys!! woot! go me!

And im Level 9 now.
Quote from Klefmung:
download the patchzorz

I have the full version thing, yo.  I can run it once, but if I try again, the "You cannot run the GunZ" comes up.  Then I reinstall it and it works once.  Again.
YO my bro can't find the pacth

anyways a gilcth happend i turned into level 10 with 99% XP

I knew i wasn't fair so i told some one to kill me and now im down to 1% of XP.
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
i was too tried
I know it was a misspelling, but it still brings me pictures...
I can't connect to a server, for some reason. It says "Too many users" or "Cannot connect server"...
red chamber dream
Snytbaggen, there's no reason to double post. Edit next time.
keep trying thats what i do to bust in.

Ill face some one if they want I made a room in free server 1 called Metroid 2002

The Pass is M2K2.

I close it temporay for now i had 6 ppl ask me to join there clan im not sure if i should make one for m2k2 yet.
Too many fangirls to count
Hold enter, you will get in eventually.
actually i hold G : P

Edit: Level 11 now RZP can you tell me exactly what you uninstalled so my brother can play?

Pacth or program?

Now im a vertran along with the other gunZ players damn everyone is as good as me in thoses channels but less ppl though.
here are some stuff i just did.

i have some more funny pics like my brother Spawnded on my head.
Quote from Arkarian:
Snytbaggen, there's no reason to double post. Edit next time.
Shocked  I double posted? Had no idea of that...

Anyway, it works now. I tried Klefmungs method, and it worked fine.
everybody knows it's true
Letsa talk about creating a M2K2 clan. Who's going to be the leader? When should we form?
Leader: No idea
When: asap
everybody knows it's true
Quote from Snytbaggen:
Leader: Mr. Aran
When: asap
Obviously we need an exact time
i duno im al most level 12 i don't got enough money though.

So many people want me to be there 4 founding members of there clan or join them it so werid ..

Make one? or join one >_> <_<"...
everybody knows it's true
Join one and eventually take over >_>
Hey man what level i only have 1000 BP cause i bought and sold ALOT of stuff. Im still stuck at 11.
everybody knows it's true
I barely have any clue what you said. If it meant "what level are you?" I'm level 10
Sorry about that you wana play a game now i kinda suck though.
hey, i'm still on leven one...
everybody knows it's true
If you want to play a game, SAL, then reply in the next 6 hours.