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Too many fangirls to count
It is a free third person shooting multiplayer game.It is a TPS but you play different games, like any other game, but your character gains the levels. It pwnz. It is just a GREAT game.
Thread title: 
cool im going to play now looks interesting..
everybody knows it's true
*Trailer Watching*


M2K2 Klan!!!
Too many fangirls to count
Good idea! That is honestly a great idea!

Sick M2K2 in front of your user name like me!

I like how you ccan use a kick butt sword and run on walls thats just wicked!
everybody knows it's true
Um... I stuck it after my name >_> <_<

Username- Mr. Aran *M2K2*
Uh oh >_> <_<
Too many fangirls to count
well, mine isn't in there. klefmung. that is all. and I have 2 characters. Klefmung and kl3fmung
everybody knows it's true
Pics!!! :o (press f12 to capture)

everybody knows it's true
More pics!!

red chamber dream
How about thumbnailing those next time, so the screen doesn't get stretched, eh?
Wow i started play ten miutes ago and im already level4 everyone here suks...
I tried playing but found out that I am, indeed, teh suck.

EDIT:  Also, whenever I try to start it up, an error message that says "You cannot run the GunZ" comes up, which I assume is the program's way of taunting me.
Finally got around to watching the trailers and if the game comes close to what was in there, it'll be awesome.

*begins download sequence*

It completely shocks me to find a game like this, with those requirements and FREE. But, we'll see how it is when you actually play it.
i got this once too in my pic but have head shot and level up all at the same time I PWNDS!!!

I think there no secret world though they are smart i found out how to wall climb in the island level and i was at the topest ledge killing all these noobs.

I got 3000 XP in one macth heheh.

everybody knows it's true
The only SW's you can find is by dieing next to a wall.

Level 5!!
really you know how to wall climb too mr aran?
It's an alright game. I was playing it for a while but there were too many hackers to even bother. I hear they updated a patch so there are no more hackers, but I can't be bothered to start playing it again.
everybody knows it's true
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
really you know how to wall climb too mr aran?
It's teh fun

level 6!
Still level five but i only played for half an hour .
Too many fangirls to count
I am still one because of viruses on my computer causing lag every time I move the mouse on that game. So it isn't my skill, it is my frikkin' virus'd computer.
or is it your skill in removing viruses?

(bad-um, ching)
Too many fangirls to count
I would format, but I don't know have and I have a lazy brother. Also, I dlded a boot disk, but the getting it onto a freaking disk part is hard.
everybody knows it's true

Level seven now with a bum kicking rifle!