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Bangaa Bishop
Does any of youse guys' Firefox browsers crash when following the second link in nate's original post? I cant view it without firefox crashing.
it's probably the quicktime plugin (assuming you're talking about the ds [lite] comparison page). try uninstalling and reinstalling quicktime (latest version).
Quote from DJGrenola:
the code in carlmmii's sig will not work.
There's nothing wrong at all with it always telling you "j00=t3h sux". ;)
Bangaa Bishop
I assume this means there probably wont be a section on the website until after the DS lite is out (or a good emulator is developed) so that you'll have some decent quality video to put on it.
that depends on the magnitude of the discoveries and the quality of video people are offering me/i am recording.
PlayAsia has this nice stand that's kind of a stupid product on its own, but if you intend to record stuff while playing, it's actually really helpful.

A tad expensive at its $14.90 though, but it's an officially licensed product by Hori.



Some people do that for recording live MKDS vids.
Quote from falcondude:

Some people do that for recording live MKDS vids.

Yeah, thats essentially what I did you just have to keep your hand steady.
red chamber dream
I don't really see how that's useful at all except with games that only use the stylus, such as Brain Age or Kirby: Canvas Curse.
Would probably be even more difficult to record a Hunters run using that than by just holding the damn thing.