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OH ****!!!!
Quote from Arkarian:
Time to bust these out again:

Arkarian's forum guidelines — please consider each of the following before posting.
1. "Is my post stupid?"

2. "Is my post incoherent?"
3. "Is my post not going to contribute anything to this thread?" 

If yes, do not post.

I see A LOT of people who break rule number three. Looks like your sliping arky. ;)
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
They're not exactly rules, just guidelines. There have been several off-topic posts or really short, useless, but funny posts, but usually it's not a constant issue. If a user frequently posts contentlessly, those posts need to get cleaned up fairly often.
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2008-10-01 04:51:00 pm
Mr. Shadow, you are yourself in direct violation of #1, there. You should know why.
* KennyMan666 glares

Also, as pointed out by one of my colleagues, you're breaking #2 and #3 as well. Watch your step.
Super Metroid Addict
Mr. Shadow, you are yourself in direct violation of #1, there. You should know why.
* KennyMan666 glares

Also, as pointed out by one of my colleagues, you're breaking #2 and #3 as well. Watch your step.

Lol... Mr.Shadow, better run before Kenny's glare withers you laugh new
Kenn, thanks for the writing advices the other day 8-)
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
ALRIGHT! I'm sorry I started going off topic here, okay? I only said it because it's funny! I didn't think anyone could get hurt! I'm sorry! Just please, make it stop! ;_;

...Oh hey, there's a lock button. Cool.