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Which was the best metroid ending boss batte?
Mother Brain (Metroid) (1)
Metroid Queen (Metroid II) (2)
Mother Brain (Super) (16)
SA-X/Omega (Fusion) (4)
Metroid Prime (Prime) (15)
I picked mother brain from Super because though I like Prime more than Super, I can remember getting chills when samus got the hyper beam.  The music fit perfectly!  That whole sequence was just so awesome!

PS: If you don't think SA-X counts as part of the fusion ending boss, just think of the omega for that choice.

PPS: I don't have Zero Mission yet so I didn't include that one.

PPPS: I put the game names in parenthesis just to be official, not to insult your intelligence.
Thread title: 
Ready and willing.
Prime, but not by much. Facing it down from first person view puts you into the action, and I've always enjoyed side-dashing out of attack's way. And don't forget the crazy music... :)

(BTW, I think without the names, it would be hard to pick from Mother Brain and Mother Brain.)
I agree, Super has the best last boss/ending. It's the only boss fight in any Metroid that has any real emotion in it. All the others, you only fight because they're the boss. With Super's Mother Brain, it's personal.
I don't know. Metroid 1's I've only seen, but from what I see it doesn't look so spectactular. I don't know anything about Metroid 2's. SM's was okay, but it was kind of easy. Fusion's was almost great. The SA-X part was pretty cool although sort of routine, but then when the SA-X transformed and everything it was kind of dumb. And it was a short battle too. Prime's was the only one that felt like a good final boss battle, but I was a little disappointed with that one too. It was almost a little too long, and kind of boring. I don't know why, but I didn't really enjoy any of the Metroid game's final bosses.
I say Super or Prime.
Quote from Xin:
You forgot Zero Mission.

I mentioned that. You must read, weedhopper!
I picked Fusion, and SA-X sure as hell better count, because from there on out, there wern't any saves.  When I first played it, I was racing a friend to beat it, so we were both hideously unprepared when we ran into SA-X.  When she turned into a spikey ball after dying, I felt like I had been personaly insulted by the designers.

And then fighting Omega under the clock, knowing full well I'd have to replay SA-X if I lost...

In the end, of course, it proved to be quite a simple task.  Like all bosses, it gets much easier when you play it over and over.  But that first time really sticks out in my mind.  Super's boss ending was great, I admit.  But it didn't throw me anything I wasn't expecting.  Fusion just kept going.

Prime's final boss failed to impress me at all, although that was possibly because I had been playing for two days straight, and was really just sick of that game at that point.

Also, while I voted for Fusion, I think I ought to mention that the Metroid Queen was the first final boss I ever beat, and that I love her for that.  I hope we can still be friends.
I vote Super Metroid. Even if it was my first Metroid experience, I still think the way they designed the whole thing makes it... like LoD put it, it feels personal.

Fusion's definitly close, with the multiple end bosses and the "agh, just die!" feeling... and Prime WOULD have been alright if he'd just done something more than float around and cause his own death... I found Return of Samus' ending... anticlimatic.
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
This is not the greatest thread in the world. No, this is just a tribute.

Anyway, Metroid's was too annoying, Super's was too scripted, Prime's was too easy, Fusion's was too retarded, so Metroid Queen by default.
Quote from Toozin:
This is not the greatest thread in the world.

Um, I'm sorry.  I could have sworn you said this isn't the greatest thread in the world, when it clearly is.  Did you not see the title? Wink
Ready and willing.
I must say, fighting a final boss while on the clock was a great idea. If only the boss weren't so... random.

[edit] Geez, Toozin, such a hater...  Rolling Eyes [/edit]
Samus Lauren
Ya know, that first line Toozin wrote reminds me of that song by Jack Black's band that goes, "This is not the greatest song in the world. Its just a tribute, to the greatest song in the world.." etc, etc.
Quote from Cantonbags04:
Ya know, that first line Toozin wrote reminds me of that song by Jack Black's band...

I think that's the point...
And all of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon. In the middle, of the road. AND HE SAID:

"Make the best thread in the world, or I'll eat your souls!"

Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Your lack of Tenacious D knowledge saddens me greatly.

With the exception of Rox, of course. Rox knows what it's all about.
Yeah! This may only be my 12th post, but that doesn't mean I'm a total newbie to everything in the universe!

Music. The fish stirs in its egg. You are there.
Quote from Toozin:
Anyway, Metroid's was too annoying, Super's was too scripted, Prime's was too easy, Fusion's was too retarded, so Metroid Queen by default.

Toozin makes the most sense here.  It's the Queen by default.

And I'm still pissed it wasn't a harder Queen Metroid at the end of Fusion, even though I'm still too pissed at the game to actually beat it.
Original Metroid: Just... no.

Metroid II: Challenging, but no.

Super: Yeah, it was easy.  Despite the general lack of challenge, I really enjoyed fighting her.

Fusion: SA-X and Omega Metroid were too easy.  The Omega seemed tacked on, especially after Samus fought herself.  Fighting while on the clock was good though.  I've never been happier than I was after getting back her normal-looking Power Suit and the Ice Beam. (Fuck the Ice Missiles)  Is it just me or was the Varia Suit a fruity-colored mess?

Prime: Well done, but no.  I can't explain it but it wasn't as good as other endings.  You just get into a groove and own MP's ass.  Hard was a little worse but the battle wasn't particularly satisfying.

Zero Mission:
The "sort-of two final bosses" were well done.  MB was tougher imo than Robot Ridley with all the shit flying all over the screen.  Generally speaking, Robot Ridley was flat out random and not that fantastic to fight.

And after reviewing these bosses, I realize that I can't decide on a "best".  None stand out and jump at me as being a "wow, holy crap, that was amazing" type of battle.  I probably had the most fun re-educating Super MB so I suppose that one will do for now.
Super Metroid Mother Brain = teh rock.
Quote from Faust:
Is it just me or was the Varia Suit a fruity-colored mess?

No, you're definately right.  The varia suit usually looks the best (besides the phazon suit) and they made it ugly.  Why nintendo? WHY?
Quote from Faust:
Is it just me or was the Varia Suit a fruity-colored mess?

I've only just realised, but Fusion's Varia Suit is yellow and purple, and quite possibly the ugliest thing I've ever seen. The normal gravity suit, however, is the same colours: purple and yellow. It, however, looks alright. Maybe they just really messed up the Varia Suit sprites? I mean, it had green bits on it. What part of yellow and purple is GREEN?!?
Ready and willing.
Quote from Light of Day:
I agree, Super has the best last boss/ending. It's the only boss fight in any Metroid that has any real emotion in it. All the others, you only fight because they're the boss. With Super's Mother Brain, it's personal.

Well sorta. For you as the player, it's the only one that's personal. But as Samus, I'd have to say that Metroid Prime is probably the most personal. After all, this thing's Phazon leaking fun was causing the Chozo to wither, go insane, and then die, and these were the people who raised her from near birth. I'd give a lot more attachment to them than to a baby metroid who just sort of followed me around, however cute. The only thing is that as the player, you haven't really played through Samus' childhood, so the connection here is too cerebral.
Super Metroid was my favourite. The first time you bust MBs tank and then it all explodes and I think... is that it....

Then the creepy music starts and she rises up to her full form and I'm like AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!

Got my butt kicked a couple of times... Honestly I think the room getting to her did more damage to me than she did!!!

For sheer power the Metroid queen takes it. Unless I constantly screw attack, stopping only to fire a missile - I'm dead.

For annoyance - SA-X. She's killed me more times than any other boss! Why I don't know. I just always seem to have problems killing the SA-X. Omega Metroids a piece of cake but the SA-X....
I can remember getting sad when the big metroid or "super metrod" as some call it dies after saving my life.  I never had all the tanks so I was like "run away! I'll be fine-- NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"............I'm done
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
I pick MB from Super, simply because the others were....  kinda lacking.  It was just awesome--Mother Brain was very badass, the whole story part of the battle meshed in really well with the actual battle part, and getting revenge on Brain felt really righteous the first time I did it--never have I been so angry at a fictional creature for killing another fictional creature.