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I run this here hotel of an evening
i guess they wanted me to know that the flower can't open doors

EDIT: perhaps the bloodflowers shot is the same as one of samus's beams or a missle, just changed a little speed wise and graphics wise.
that's the only thing i can think of, short of Retro being crazy
red chamber dream
Quote from Odylg:
i was playing around in metroid quarantine A and waited for a metroid to lunge at me, then froze it at the last second. it was latched on, and my screen was flashing red, but i wasn't taking damage and the static wasn't there.

i'm guessing that i had a frozen metroid on my face, hehehe

You could move around, right?
I run this here hotel of an evening
yeah, i could move around. i didn't try to morph, i was being amused by the frozen metroid on my face
Lol im going to try that later...
Quote from Odylg:
yeah, i could move around. i didn't try to morph, i was being amused by the frozen metroid on my face

It's latched on to if you morph. Stefanvandijke uploaded a video of this, and it has happened to me a couple of times too.
hmm where to begin these where the first glitches from my first run :

1. The Elevator stuck on my way to Chozo ruins, there was a  loud beeping noise coming from my television

2. On my way to collect the Ice beam, after climbing up the spider track, i got stuck on a curve in the hall way in mid air, i was like what the fuck like i was stuck

3. Out running the camera, i forgot how many but it happens way too often

On my new run these are classic i tell you:-

1. After collecting the Plasma beam i was going back up to Tallon overworld, i was trying to select my Plasma beam to blast the pirates to ash, it won't select. Actually it was acting as if i didn't collect it at all, yet the insignia is there that i collected it, oh same ting for my Wave beam  :? and no it wasn't a control issue, i tried all four controllers.

2.In the process of escaping Magmoor in boost ball mode, on my way to the first save room, I accidentally fell in the lava, so i  unmorphed and jumped out on to my merry way to save. After saving i was hearing this omnious sound like i was still in ball mode boosting, even when i was on the elevator back up it was still there  :( , i was like okay then

3. Oh yes this one i use whenever i am collecting that artifact at phendrana, A single plasma shot to each pirate make sure you enter the room and melt the ice to shoot the pillar, the video puts you back outside hahaha

thats it for now

um i could only under stand half the beam not working just might be your controller but the thing where it puts you out side huh?

I didn't get that do you mean in the controll towers after you knock one down the cuts scean happends?
red chamber dream
Neo Evolution, if you make one more post without proper punctuation, action will be taken.
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
um i could only under stand half the beam not working just might be your controller but the thing where it puts you out side huh?

I didn't get that do you mean in the controll towers after you knock one down the cuts scean happends?

Yes when that cutscence occurs, no matter where you are, you will be outside, so instead of turning around and jumping back out you will be right infront of the hole, saving you some precious seconds

Thats not really a gilcth though..
red chamber dream
Quote from Neo Evolution:
Yes when that cutscence occurs no matter where you are you will be outside so instead of turning around and jumping back out you will be right infront of the hole saving you some precious seconds

No, really, I wasn't kidding.
Probation will last two weeks.
always move fast
arky likes his periods.
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
Thats not really a gilcth though..

Oh it isn't, hmmm, must be moving too fast then oh well

please read my edit post maybe you can all figure it out now damn!

Quote from Arkarian:
Quote from Neo Evolution:
Yes when that cutscence occurs no matter where you are you will be outside so instead of turning around and jumping back out you will be right infront of the hole saving you some precious seconds

No, really, I wasn't kidding.
Probation will last two weeks.

Whoa probation, kool so do i get a wanted star, or something  Rolling Eyes .

red chamber dream
Nah, just a ban.
Ready and willing.
ROFL. I meet a person and say goodbye to him forever in the space a few seconds.
red chamber dream
Heh, yeah, that has got to be the fastest warning-probation-ban evar.
everybody knows it's true
It seems that those who leave their username after a post always gets banned

-Mr. Aran
(user is banned)

During the the Cutscence where Samus meets the metroid larvae for the first time, Samus isn't present, well she is, but only her arm cannon.
everybody knows it's true

what happened there?
red chamber dream
Neo Evolution just doesn't get it. He made a new account (Hyrulian) and tried posting with it, but he needs to realise that a banned user is not permitted to make new accounts. No ban contesting.
I hope he's reading this now.
always move fast

somehow i shot two missiles at the same time.

result of missiling too fast, perhaps?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Shocked  That's the best glitch ever.
I run this here hotel of an evening
i had to slow the vid down to actually see it, and i agree. it is the best glitch ever!

i turned the music up, and muted the sfx, for no real reason but to listen to the music only, and noticed that the item collection jingle, the sound made after you shoot a missle lock or find something ''secret'', is actually part of the music, but not the annoying timer sound when bombing the slots in Energy Core.


on my way back from getting bombs going to attempt wavebuster w/o wave, i saved right before....well it's the save just before flaaghra. didn't wanna get stuck and lose me bombs. anyway, i decided to attempt IBBF again, as i failed last time i tried. after i entered the SW, i noticed that the 'music' that plays while you're in a save station, not just the room, was still playing as i was in the SW. it's still playing now, because of all the floating i keep having to do.

also i noticed (which isn't a glitch, neither is my top music notice) that the music played when fighting the ghosts in Ruined Shrine (different file) turned off when i went just before the door to RSA, which may actually be a glitch, now that i think of it. considering i was still fighting them and all (i like killing stuff from under the floor, and watching the splinter thingies go underground, they aren't moving, just sliding down. then poof! gone...)

and with that, my rambling is done (you can only hope)
everybody knows it's true
Strange. Whenever I missle too fast, NO missles come out :/.