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ING-X: 2007-11-12 03:29:44 pm
Quote from P.JMan:
33001542 0002 if I recall correctly. If not then replace the last 2 with a 1

Tanks. (Not a typo; funny way of saying thanks without the "h")
Quote from ING-X:
Tanks. (Not a typo; funny way of saying thanks without the T)

Wouldn't thanks without a t be hanks?
Edit history:
Fano7: 2007-11-16 07:33:09 pm
Every Bit Counts
he means the secound t

Edit: I'm an idiot. Thanks olny has one t. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
iirc it's thanks, not ttanks.
red chamber dream
lol "iirc" as if you learned how to spell "thanks" once, but can only vaguely remember now.
Whoops. I meant without the "h". Going to edit it now. Embarassed
Listen up, kids; this is important.

I've found another reason why you can't skip Power Grip.

If you want to try some of this stuff, you can use 33001542 0002, but it's easiest to just use the memory viewer to set the address to 02, because you have to change that value in order to pick up anything that brings you to the status screen.
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P.JMan: 2007-11-20 03:39:51 pm
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Quote from uNsane:
because you have to change that value in order to pick up anything that brings you to the status screen.

You could just do 23001542 0002

I actually advise you do 23001542 0003, if you go into the equiptment screen you can see the actual items you have

Also, after you get gravity suit, you won't have power grip anymore (unlike varia suit)
03 gives you an equipment screen similar to your normal suit in that unknown items show up as the scrambled characters, similar to the new suit in that you can turn unknown items on/off with the debug menu, and similar to suitless in palette. 02 is the only true suitless memory value. Also, I think that codebreaker with 0003 would only show you your items if you set it to 02 first, or used 33001542 0002, went back to the game, turned off the cheat, and then finally used the or code.

It's also quite possible that I have no idea what I'm talking about.
Quote from P.JMan:
33001542 0002 if I recall correctly. If not then replace the last 2 with a 1

Wait, is that Gameshark or Codebreaker? I can't believe I <i>just</i> realized I should ask that.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Codebreaker of course
I discovered a infinite shinespark that doesn't require any cheats. Here's the original topic: http://forum.metroid2002.com/index.php/topic,6190.0.html

You can also ballspark if you have Hi Jump.

It's Codebreaker. Gameshark codes will never have an address in them and always consist of 16 digits (for GBA), since they're encrypted. Codebreaker codes have a value 2-F at the start, the address, and then four more digits. Either way, I still recommend setting the value via the memory viewer in VBA, because then you just have to type in any value other than 02 to pick up powerups.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
Well, codebreaker codes can start with any hexadecimal value (0-F). 0, 1 and 9 are almost never used because codebreaker doesn't need master codes

0000xxxx yyyy Master code ID

1xxxxxxx yyyz Master code hook

2xxxxxxx yyyy 'Logical OR' code

3xxxxxxx 00yy '8-bit' code

4xxxxxxx yyyy 'Slide' code
aaaabbbb cccc

5xxxxxxx yyyy 'MemWrite' code
[Groups of zzzz's]

6xxxxxxx yyyy 'Logical AND' code

7xxxxxxx yyyy 'If' code

8xxxxxxx yyyy Standard 16-bit code

9xyyxxxx xxxx Master code enable

Axxxxxxx yyyy 'If not' code

Bxxxxxxx yyyy 'If greater' code

Cxxxxxxx yyyy 'If lesser' code

D0000020 yyyy 'Input activated' code

Exxxxxxx yyyy 'Plus' code

Fxxxxxxx yyyy 'If logical AND' code
"C'mon, Luigi!"
Haven't been on here in a while...but anyway.

I don't know if this is old or not (because I am teh noobzorz around here laugh new), so please let me know if it is. I GUESS you could call it a glitch...because I don't know what else you could call it.

In the Acid Worm room, there are four bomb blocks (two layers of two) in the ground, right? Well, instead of bombing the floor to get into the room on the left (you know, the one with the missle expansion), screw attack the LEFT bomb block ONLY. It seems the top-right bomb block is the trigger that makes the screen shift to the lower level of the room, so if you can get down into that area without triggering the screen shift, well, yeah. That's it. grin new You can run around down there without seeing Samus (oh fun!). However, if you get into the missle expansion room, and then go back into the Acid Worm room, the screen will be as high as it can get. If you drop down into the acid, you can see the bottom half of Samus right under the ceiling... Just try it and play around with it; it's kinda creepy in my opinion. And if you want the screen to go back to its natural position, just screw attack that top-right bomb block or hit reset.
Sounds new, good find.
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
The other scroll glitch like this was used in Dragonfangs' TAS in a room in norfair where doesn't shoot the shot block that makes the screen scroll and instead sparks through the speed boost blocks below

That is hilarious. That should totally be added to the site.
Something very similar is already up.
The real ZM Ridley
I found this weird glitch when I was bored. You must start a new game and not save. If you die when the Brinstar Worm (the one that gives you the Charge Beam) is coming down to escape, once continuing, the Brinstar music will play when the ship is landing and during Samus's quote (or whatever it is). If you don't understand me, just watch the video. No, I can't make an AVI short enough to fit the size limitations.

If this is caused by the music continuing after the worm escapes or is killed and being interrupted, why wouldn't it play during the "Game Over" screen? Anyone have any ideas on this?
The Charge Beamst uses its own special music; if you change the music in its room and defeat it, you'll see what I mean. It has introduction music, boss music, and then after it is defeated, it forces the normal Brinstar music to play. I'd assume that interrupting the intro music would cause the next music to play, in this case the game over music, then the Charge Beamst code forces Brinstar music.

Edit: I just thought I'd clarify that this is speculation, and that I do not know for a fact that this is what happens.
Edit history:
P.JMan: 2008-05-23 02:12:38 am
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
er, which ROM do you use. It won't work with my Metroid - Zero Mission (U) [!] or my Metroid - Zero Mission (E) (M5)
Hated by all
Uh, the PAL one (E)?
The real ZM Ridley
I'm using Visualboy Advance.
I don't know where to find what ROM it is, but the information is:

Game Title:

Game Code:

Maker Code:

Maker Name:

Main Unit Code:

Device Type:

ROM Version:

1d (1d)

Also make sure you save both files to the same place. The VMV file won't work without the VM0 file.