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Green-Kirby, ROAR!
Quote from Gaius_4:
Why was I getting the Spring Ball?  I was getting everything again.  I was mainly curious if I could get 200%.  :P

Moahahha no.
The game do read what items you have picked up. Now how many you got. So you can't get more then 100% on the ending screen.
But hey you can always have fun with the reset glitch.  laugh new

For the sake of saying I did even try it to :]

Or maybe I was wrong..... Maybe it was a low % I did try after reset...
Well the game read what you picked up not what you have am I pretty sure about..... But not 100%
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
The game counts what you have, not what you picked up (except Redesign counts what you picked up)
You cannot have 2 morph balls or 2 gravity suits, you just get 1 of each.
You can have 50,000 missiles / 10,000 missile packs.
The ending percent display glitches up anyways, though.
I was thinking that, but....  Just had to know. 

edit2: I know you can only have 1 of some items, but you can have double of all the weapons (missles and bombs) and energy and reserve tanks.

So if I was to not get anything else after doing the reset glitch -I'd have a low %?  Or would it still be 100% because I got everything the 1st time through?  (no need to answer this)

That's why I was thinking it would be more than 100%.


I went back up to MB but I died anyways because I unequiped my suits and had lost my reserve tanks from one of the rooms before with the 2 jumping bug things in it (in Tourian -I also unequiped my suits)...  So as to speed up the process of the Big Metroid sapping my remaining energy.

So I didn't get to see what percentage it would've been.

One thing I did learn...  Like Draygon -when you use the X-Ray Scope and Plazma Beam on Botwoon- he also dies very quickly!  :o

edit:  It must be an underwater thing.  8-) 
But even Crocomire had an unusual death using the Plazma Beam...
Quote from Gaius_4:
One thing I did learn...  Like Draygon -when you use the X-Ray Scope and Plazma Beam on Botwoon- he also dies very quickly!  :o

edit:  It must be an underwater thing.  8-) 
But even Crocomire had an unusual death using the Plazma Beam...

How does the X-Ray scope help?
Quote from Spoo:
How does the X-Ray scope help?

Xray freezes everything including beam shots, but the invincibility timer for enemies continues to run down.  So if you're using Plasma and the enemy isn't programmed to stop the beam when it hits (off the top of my head, only Ridley, MB, and possibly a few regular enemies have this progamming) you can make one shot hit many more times than it should.
That's interesting.  Are there any time saving implications for this you'll be using in your run?

edit: I'm retarded, shoud've read page 14.

Do you just have to charge your beam and then select the xray or what?

edit2: ok its been so long since I've used the xray visor that I forgot how its used.  Is it dash?
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Yes, it's Dash. For some annoying reason. No problem charging the beam if the scope's selected.
I was experimenting last night and my first plan was to use that xray thing like catnap did on draygon but that didn't work because you can't get the plasma beam before you fight him.  I then tried it on Ridley and it didn't work either so idk.
Eschews avatars
Sadly, the developers must have actually forseen Plasma Beam abuse. Ridley, Mother Brain, and all normal Lower Norfair enemies stop the beam as it hits them. However, the Gold Torizo does not. That fight is pretty much the only application of the xray glitch, but it's still cool.
Well I tried it on Gold Torizo and it didn't do anything either.
Eschews avatars
Strange. Are you xraying for a long enough time? It doesn't instantly reset the time counter, it just lets it run out while pausing the rest of the game.
I was xraying for about a half second each time I guess.
Against Draygon and Botwoon you can just keep pressing the dash button (and quickly -I believe) and not have to hold it or anything. 

I tried it just a while ago on Gold Torizo.  It seemed to only hit 2 more times (for 3 hits).  ...I'm sure that's what happened.  Because he would flash 1 or 2 more times after I fired a charged Ice/Plasma beam at him then activated the x-ray. 

It's not really super effective like when you use it against Draygon and Botwoon.  Unless there's something specific that has to be done.

I also activated the x-ray (multiple times) after beating Phantoon.  His dying animation keeps going and you can watch him get bigger...  It's just...  wierd is all.  :|  ...nothing too interesting.

edit: 176152  extra_smug
I was wondering if this glitch is new...
Ninja Bomb- Equip the chainsaw beam(wave spazer plasma no charge) . Lay a power bomb and start firing the beam.  The resulting blast has the ability to open blue doors and damage and hurt enemies like the Red Ki Hunters.  Over a short to medium range it damages any boss and takes out 90% of a Zebetite's health.  The power bomb explosion animation doesn't appear so it looks like you're killing enemies on screen without actually doing anything.  It also makes water temporarily opaque so you can kill Botwoon without seeing him take damage.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
That would be new. Added to m3.c.
Time to go disassemble some code, I guess.

Ok, after some work, I've found <strike>two</strike> three interesting things.
First off, the chainsaw beam will instantly delete itself if the powerbomb timer is off. If the powerbomb timer is running, the chainsaw beam WILL hit enemies... for 150 super missile damage. :P Still doesn't open red and green doors though.
Use: It's a working weapon. It's a bit small though, and doesn't seem to actually move. But it can also hit multiple times, even bosses. Doesn't fade until the power bomb does, and it's still rapid fire, so you can very quickly max out the projectile array.
Doesn't hurt MB's first form though.
It contains the plasma beam though, and gives enemies an invincibility timer.

Second off, the chainsaw beam seems to think it's a powerbomb. It will follow the powerbomb explosion and hit every spot the power bomb hits.
These register as powerbomb hits, but do 150 super missile damage from a beam source, I think. At least it's not *charged* super missile damage, that'd be a real headache. >_>
Use: Not actually useful as a weapon - it doesn't affect enemies, only blocks.
Can be used to open blue doors/gates though. Doesn't kill eyedoors.

Third use is a bit odd. Even without an active power bomb explosion, the beam will hit the block at the *last* power bomb explosion's x/y position just by firing the beam. It will have already deleted itself however, and so it's a nothing beam that deals 0 damage. It's still enough to break a block or open a door though.
So the working weapon hit's enemies on what power?! 150 super missiles if I understood right? Any smv showing the use of this new weapon?

That's a pretty nice glitch really.
Armor Guardian
No, he means that if an enemy is vulnerable to Super Missiles, it will receive 150 points of damage.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
In comparison, a super missile does 300 damage.
But you can kill a zebetite easily with 2 powerbombs. The damage is pretty good, but not quite speed-kill worthy. Maybe it'd make a good opening for Ridley or something though.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
so it sticks around as long as the Pbomb, meaning it keeps on hitting enemies? Or does it just let you hit bosses using uncharged beams? Also, if you use this and max out the projectile array, could this crash the game on a SNES?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
The beam will stay where you shot it until the power bomb explosion ends. Then the beam will disappear. Hitting enemies, bosses, walls, zebetites, and anything else will not make the beam disappear. As far as I know, at least.
It can also hurt bosses since it does super missile damage, even though it's an uncharged beam - the index overflows since there are no damage multipliers for plasma+spazer and it grabs super missile's multiplier instead.
Most (probably all) blocks check projectile type though, and so even though it does super missile damage, it isn't a super missile projectile and can't open red/green doors and gates.
All maxing out the projectile array does is make it so you can't fire any more projectiles. It really doesn't ever happen in normal gameplay though, since all normal projectiles are destroyed so quickly and there's room for 5 of them (bombs are counted seperately).
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
So that's quintuple hitting a boss after the first hit as long as the Pbomb is still ticking? That's about 750 per hit, isn't it? Or does only one get to hit them?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
I'd have to double check, but since they're plasma beam, I'm pretty sure that only one will hit at a time. The rest are ignored because the enemy gets invincibility from a plasma hit.
I used the chainsaw Pbomb to beat Draygon in about ten hits and got Ridley to flash damage three times.  Phantoon on the other hand took 8 hits so they're acting like standard super missile hits on bosses.  Since it is Super Missile type damage does it do double on Ridley?
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
It will do double damage to Ridley, however, since Ridley can be hurt by power bombs, you can lose chances to hit Ridley with the beam if he's hit by the power bomb.