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I had a terrible deja vu after reading this post.
:( on my earlier post it wasn't clear enough for anyone to understand so i tried to break it down and make it as simple as i could.
oh well i guess its no point for me to post in this topic anymore until i find some more glitches.
Quote from moozooh:
I had a terrible deja vu after reading this post.

Actually, I think that's just gas.
i found it! sne9x for pc and i tried some of the glitches and they don't work but when i do a glitch it works differently then the one on my dc and i kinda not so good since i don't have my controller for my pc anymore(it broke).

and i tried the dead glitch on sne9x instead of loading to the timeless erupting planet it erased all the map coverage on my file just like i never played the game.
I find weird glitch yesterday. It was pure mishap

i get out room with mock ball, but i don,t open door. SO WEIRD!

This room located  in Brinstar after Spore Spawrn Super missile.

I try that many times again, but i never can made that again. It was pure lucky/mishap. Is anybody founded that before me?
Almost happy
I became the victim for some relly werad glitch in the battle against dragyn.

I was doing a single segmented run and everything seemed to go realy well (like record time) and the batlle against dragyn also went well, untill the final shot that is. I somehow managed hit him with the final blast just when he was entering the screen (like the first frame or something) and when he died he just floated into the wall and died there leaving the doors locked forever and my realy good SS run ruined
I'll be back. Maybe...
i think i recall kejardon saying something about that
if draygon is killed under certain circumstances (which i can't remember) while moving to the death location it will go the wrong way, looping all the way around the entire map rather than taking the short path. this takes about 2 hours, iirc.
I once had a weird glitch with Draygon. I killed him pretty fast and everything went fine, but after that my horizontal speed went down, as if one of his goo balls had been stuck on me! And none were on me. This kinda ruined my SS run when getting out of Maridia...

"# Once you can do all that in your sleep, you can try for the one-and-only Secret Room in Metroid 3! (However, I asked the big N, and they said that it was a "bug in the first release version of Super Metroid," so I hope you bought it as soon as it came out!)
Go to the room where you fought the Crocomire, in Norfair. All the way on the right is an item (I forget what, since I got it waaay back when), on a pedestal. Now, in the "first release version," the block in the upper-right corner of the ceiling there can be broken with Speedball. Strangely enough, it doesn't show up on the X-ray specs.....but anyway:

Go back onto the platform with the Crocomire's skull. Walk all the way to the right edge of it, so you're on two blocks overhanging the lava. Now walk left. On the floor, you should pass a small growth, then small growth next to a wide growth, then a wide growth. The *wide* growth is "X marks the spot." What you need to do is: Go to the left side of the platform (by the skull), and Run right. When you reach the above mentioned wide growth, jump, as high as you can. Do an Air Speedball at the top of your jump, but continue to hold Jump. If done right, you should bounce-jump in the lava, then impact against the block that you can break.....

......and if you have the right version, and were rising (not falling from the bounce), you break through the block, fall off the map, and see a green Chozo....and the game freezes. Congrats! Now push Reset, and try to find a way around the freeze.....I haven't yet."

Is this true? I wanna see a video of this one... I've never done it myself.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Both Draygon glitches are known.
The first one is simply killing Draygon when he's off the left side of the room. Draygon thinks that the fastest way to get to his death spot from there is to go left, because FFFF > 0080. Someone forgot to do a signed check instead of an unsigned check. <_<
On a side note, it only takes something like 18 minutes (65535 / 3600). But that's more than enough to kill a speed run.

The second glitch is if you kill a piece of gunk when it's on you a certain way. The way I know of doing it is laying a powerbomb while Draygon is spewing gunk, then run into Draygon's mouth when the powerbomb explosion is overlapping Draygon's mouth, while he's still spewing gunk, but it doesn't sound like that's what you did.
On another side note, this is the exact same effect as escaping the Metroid's room with the Metroid on you.
No way to fix it, unfortunately. Until you get to the Metroid, at least.

The green chozo glitch, as that one is called, is famous and false. There is a glitch-breakable block in the corner, but there is no way Samus can reach it. There is also no door block there to trigger a room transition to a green chozo room, and no way to scroll the screen outside of the room map. There is also a brick wall completely surrounding the breakable block. The breakable block also must be broken with a diagonal wave + spazer or plasma shot - speedball won't do any good. There are also only *two versions* of the game, NTSC and PAL. The glitch doesn't work on either, and can't work on either because of the game mechanics.
I can keep going if you want. :P
I'll be back. Maybe...
mike z is an infamous liar.
as well as the infamous green chozo, he also claims that you can kill mother brain while the big metroid is still alive.
this is evidently an absurdity.
i think i found something that could be useful for speedruns.

did you know that the charge beam speed is determined by samus speed.

for example:

here's what i've been testing on the beam.

also skreemaster and kejardon is right about those glitches being false cause i tried the exact spots of what mike z wrote and got stuck in a wall but then i'm not sure since everyone don't use the same emulator.

edit: thanks kejardon for telling me because i wasn't sure if anyone knew what it could do, since it was new to me especially the changes in the position for this emulator.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
The first is the space/time beam glitch. It causes tons of garbage. You can escape rooms with it. You can go back to Ceres. You can kill Mother Brain 20 times. We already know that. Stop posting stuff about it, because it's all ALREADY KNOWN, and also considered invalid because of it's nature - what it does is outside the parameters of the SNES itself.
Lemme say that again.
Outside the parameters of the SNES. This is not just a glitch in the game, this is a glitch the system is not designed to function with. Because of this, no emulators will emulate the glitch the same way, and it's entirely possible different versions of the SNES/SFamicom will react differently to the glitch (that'd be an interesting thing to test, come to think of it), and people are anticipating testing the glitch on the Virtual Console just to see what it does (and I'm one of them. XD). Although, from what I've heard, it's entirely possible that this glitch will actually be fixed on VC (They changed the passwords in Kid Icarus apparently)... so hopefully Nintendo doesn't still have the source code or my fix of the glitch. ;)
Anyways, to sum that all up:

Anyways, as for Samus's speed being stacked onto the initial speeds of Samus's beams.... that's already common knowledge. And certainly not a glitch, I could seriously show you the code that explicitly does that.

::uber random edit:: That's funny, the capital bolded Y is missing a line of pixels in my browser.
When coming in contact with the Murder Beam orb, some enemies freeze as if hit by the Ice Beam, however they turn the color of the Murder Beam (green & purple).  Turning on and off certain beam combos will cause the "frozen" enemy to switch into many colors.

This is where the journey hits a fork in the road.  Some enemies remain frozen for a great period of time, letting you get in all nine beam combos.  Examples of this include Torizo's and Metroids.  Others will die the fame after freezing.  This includes Red Kihunters & Rinka's.  The latter is very hard to capture so...

Hereby send all of you out on a quest to find any enemy that result in the first scenario!  Report your findings back to me in this thread!
I've encountered a new stupid glitch... I keep having these kind of glitches/bugs with different bosses.

I've had a glitch with Draygon that cuts my horizontal moving velocity by half, and that really sucks if it happens in a SS run.

I've had the same thing with Phantoon, except this one cut my vertical velocity (mostly jumping hight/speed) by half...

Also I one day I had a nice thing with the Blue Suit. It got stuck on me. Ducking didn't remove it allowing me to shinespark! I don't know it just got stuck on me. It's fun to run on sand with it though.  :P
Ok, I'm new here, but there seems to be a glitch that nobody has found yet.  I have looked everywhere and it seems that it is non-existent....until now.  The game can be finished without even stepping 1 foot into Tourian.  Yes I'm serious.  Currently I'm going to record a *.zmv movie and some screenshots to show everybody.  Just give me about 2 hours and I'll be back with an update.

*Note: This also makes speedruns even faster, seeing as you don't have to go into Tourian!  You can cut off almost 5 minutes or MORE with this glitch!
Sorry, but it's well-known, doesn't work on an SNES, and isn't allowed in speedruns because it doesn't make sense from the character's perspective, in addition to the "only works on emu" part.
I didn't find this, credit for that goes to Slowbeef from Let's Play Super Metroid on Something Awful forums. It's pretty funny, because nobody else would consider even trying to use the Grapple Beam against Mother Brain. Anyway, if you do and she hits you with the brain drain beam while you're firing, this happens:
Question:What is the Kagoball glitch?
This is some very weird stuff involving Blue Suit, including getting it while Draygon is still alive, among other things.


This is also from the Let's Play Super Metroid thread, and it's Scarboy who found it this time. How he triggered it isn't shown, but based on watching it I think he shinesparked horizontally into Draygon while gooped, and Draygon grabbed him out of the shinespark and started spanking him. Then for some reason the game thought he was still gooped, and he could only move at slow speed. Draygon doesn't even release goo anymore, he just goes straight for Samus since she's labeled as already gooped.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
Quote from Kejardon:
Both Draygon glitches are known...

The second glitch is if you kill a piece of gunk when it's on you a certain way. The way I know of doing it is laying a powerbomb while Draygon is spewing gunk, then run into Draygon's mouth when the powerbomb explosion is overlapping Draygon's mouth, while he's still spewing gunk, but it doesn't sound like that's what you did.
On another side note, this is the exact same effect as escaping the Metroid's room with the Metroid on you.
No way to fix it, unfortunately. Until you get to the Metroid, at least.

I shinesparked into Draygon, got the Blue Suit, Draygon died!

After that all my directional buttons didn't work, neither did action buttons. Only shooting and R and L worked. Samus just stood there with the Blue Suit.
Edit history:
Bahamut: 2009-01-27 12:22:13 am
Edit: I'm editing all my really big useless posts into this so you don't waste your time reading them. If I should just leave them how they are then tell me and I'll stop editing them, but I think it would be better to not waste room on the page and stop if someone tells me to, than leaving them here to be annoying.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from moozooh:
I had a terrible deja vu after reading this post.

Probably because you're the one that typed it.

And to make sure this post isn't pure necrophelia, I'm gonna guess Bahamut is forgetting to hit left and A at the same time across from Plasma beam. I don't understand the use of the term "status bar," though. I can't think of any status bars in the game, so he must be talking about the program loading stuff. O_o
I think he's referring to the top of the screen, where the energy, weapons, and mini-map are shown.