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Hello all. I'm a long time lurker and speed runner. I havent gone through super metroid in over a year. My best any % time is 00:45. Any way the reason I'm making this thread is because I needed a little advice/help. I still use the old Hotarubi route. Is there any new routes I should now about? I hear the way back to the 4 statues is faster through maridia for example.

Another thing I wanted to touch on was my controller set up. Im well aware of arm pumping but my problem is that I'm so used to having run on L. What would be an optimal setup with arm pumping in mind? What would be the least awkward placement for jump, run, shoot?

Also I was told murder beaming ridley and motherbrain is actually slower then just fighting them normally. Now I tested this out once yesterday aganist mother brain. My time seemed to be a minute faster murder beaming her. Can any one confirm which is faster?

any way thanks in advance for any advice.
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horscht(i): 2012-01-09 05:26:19 am
horscht(i): 2012-01-09 05:23:11 am
defrag in progress
I found the it very convenient to have Run on L. Best option imho. Think about the other options: With your right thumb you may manage to press two buttons in a "non-awkward" way. For more than that you might have to twist your wrist or even your whole hand.
Then you might be able to press 3 buttons. But Jump and Shoot is only necessary at distinct moments, while Run needs to be kept pressed for charging speed boosters etc. So no chance to do it only with your right thumb. You might want to use your index finger, too, and use your middle finger for R...
Again...pretty much away from what I call a "non-akward" setup. And remember, if you do a single-segment run, you need to live with your setup for the whole run. You need to consistently pull off speed tricks without mixing up your fingers. Your right hand is now fully overloaded with almost everything and your left hand is barely working. Sliding the thumb around the d-pad only. Setting Run on L therefore reduces the complexity for your right hand and almost adds no additional stress to your left hand. Even with L pressed you have decent control over the d-pad. The 4 buttons are now free to be filled with Shoot, Jump, Weapon Select and Cancel Select.

As said: Imho Run on L is one of the best options you can choose for your setup.
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Run on a shoulder button is pretty standard now for speedrunners.  As for routes, your best bet for seeing the most tricks and tactics would be to watch the (fairly) recent 100% WR run from Behemoth.

As for arm pumping: If you have L as run, you can still arm pump well with just R.  How arm pumping works is that you move forward one pixel when you press R and another pixel when you release R, so with practice, there's barely a difference between arm pumping by alternating R and L or just pressing and releasing R.
Heh, I still have B button as run but I'm just weird. L button is used for my selecting missiles etc.

Also I think there's a kind of misunderstanding among many runners that arm pumping somehow greatly benefits players on console. Only in a couple areas does it help like avoiding a bad knockback on an enemy or something. Even with very optimal arm pumping you could probably only knock 5 seconds off your run at the very best. In fact arm pumping actually benefits ledge grabbing a whole lot more and when mastered, turns decent runs into great runs. Both for time, and visual appeal.
Thanks for the responses guys. I figured at most arm pumping would probably only save you a minute tops. Its such a hassle trying to switch any way. I'll just stick to L for run heh.