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I need help....

In kip's 1:04 I noticed at the end of segment 6 he gets the powerbomb really fast... he barely goes through the maze at all. I am wondering if there is a consistant or semi-consistant way to get through the maze fast.....because I have not been able to get through it that fast.... because those bomb-able barriers never spawn well.

Thanks in advance.
In my experience, the maze that is created upon defeating the Invisible Security Drone is random.  There are quite a few different mazes that spawn.  He could've just redone the segment over and over again until he got lucky with an easy maze.
yeah, it's random. sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
red chamber dream
Did he keep redoing the segment, though? Something tells me no.
Perhaps he got lucky?

I could've sworn that I once saw something about a wallcrawl that would let you get the Bombs before the Morph Ball... Do I remember correctly, or is this not possible?
speed runners definitely reject segments with bad mazes.
red chamber dream
Ah, okay. Come to think of it, I do remember reading a discussion about that maze (and rejecting poor ones) in a different topic awhile ago.

Quote from DeathNoble:
I could've sworn that I once saw something about a wallcrawl that would let you get the Bombs before the Morph Ball... Do I remember correctly, or is this not possible?

I also remember that, though I could be wrong, too.
I run this here hotel of an evening
as far as i know, the burn dome (or whatever room you get bombs in) won't load/secretize or something like that
:?  Hmm...  Well, that was just a prep question for my actual question.  Does anbody think it'd be possible to get to Magmoor without the Morph Ball or Morph Ball bombs?

I was thinking...  If we get a really experienced wallcrawler to wallcrawl from Main Plaza of Chozo Ruins to the Magmoor elevator, then use the Burning Trail secret world to wallcrawl to Phendrana, what would happen if we got the Boost Ball before the Morph Ball?

Since they're both Balls, and since the cut scene puts you in Morph Ball mode, would that make Boost Ball an alternative to the Morph Ball?

If we get Boost Ball without the Morph Ball, and it gives us the ability to Morph Ball with the Boost Ball abilities still in it...

Then since 21% is impossible because you need Boost in order to skip Space Jump...  However, you skipped Morph Ball...  Bam!  A 21% game.

This might just be crazy enough to work... Shocked
red chamber dream
Even if that did work, it would be using Secret Worlds, which would be cheating. We're trying to do a legitimate 21% game.

Quote from Andrew Mills:
Quote from Lazylen:
21% with secret worlds is still kinda useless though, seeing as how its not allowed at SDA, and its kinda "cheating"...

I can't be arsed opening this tin of worms again, so all I'll say to this comment is:  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing (And this: 21% with or without using SWs is STILL 21% regardless). :P

It'd be just like skipping Emerald translator on Echoes.  May not be legal as far as SDA is concerned, however, we'll still be able to pull off a 21% game.  It may not be legal, but at the very least, people that manage to pull it off would be able to have the just vindication of saying silently to themselves "I did it."
I would be very interested in a 21% game with secret worlds. It doesn't matter to me whether it's going on SDA or not.
red chamber dream
Sure, I think it's neat; I just don't really consider it a true SB if it uses SWs.
Armor Guardian
Quote from Arkarian:
Sure, I think it's neat; I just don't really consider it a true SB if it uses SWs.

Your current sig is truer than ever.
Just to clarify, you'd need to wallcrawl to the Magmoor elevator in Chozo Ruins if you don't have the Morph Ball, right?  For Magmoor, you need to wallcrawl due to the Morph Ball tunnels in (Insert the name of the room with the Artifact in the breakable pillar) and right before the elevator to Phendrana.  And lastly, we'd need to wallcrawl in Phendrana due to the Bombus.  Or can we get past those without Morph Ball/Wave Beam?

So who's the "God" of wallcrawling?  Can we commission (s)he to attempt a Chozo Ruins, Magmoor, and Phendrana Drifts wallcrawl to the Boost Ball without the Morph Ball or bombs?

It'd be a hell of a wallcrawl...
A Morph Ball skip using the Boost Ball is not possible. Boost Ball is in Phendrana. To enter Phendrana, you must pass through Magmoor. Magmoor has morph ball tunnels. As for using SWs, without Morph Ball, you cannot defeat Flaaghra, and you won't have the Varia Suit. Thus, a MB skip is impossible with BB.
Gods of wallcrawling are (I'm sure that I'll forget many but I'm sorry for that, I'm not the god of knowledge Laughing ) :

-Master ZED
-Mr Potter
Well then, I wish I was more of a wallcrawling master so I wouldn't be stuck at Dynamo Access. >_<
Quote from Mr Potter:
A Morph Ball skip using the Boost Ball is not possible. Boost Ball is in Phendrana. To enter Phendrana, you must pass through Magmoor. Magmoor has morph ball tunnels. As for using SWs, without Morph Ball, you cannot defeat Flaaghra, and you won't have the Varia Suit. Thus, a MB skip is impossible with BB.

Man, I think too much and don't stop to consider the simplest of factors...
Jesus! Everyone else seems to be doing this part right and screwing up the next part.

I'm talking about when you jump from the second platform to the third in the Geo Core. Is there anything you can do besides the L-Lock Spring Space Jump? I cannot do it after hours of trying. Either that, or is there any advice that may help me out?
This is for a low percent right?

If so, just stand on top of the little circular raised section that is in the center of the second platform.  Then, run forward and jump, release the L-Lock, space jump again at the peek of your first jump, and you should make it.  Chances are is that you’re not running forward far enough.  You might be surprised at how much running room there is on that small little ledge. 

It also helps to turn yourself in mid air with right trigger (do it right after the second space jump).

For further reference: http://www.metroid2002.com/without_boost_geothermal_core.php
I'm trying what you said still with no success. I run as far as I can without falling off the ring, jump and let go of the trigger, jump at the peak and turn sideway. I'm still just hitting the edge of the 3rd platform. Is there anything else that might help? Maybe I'm letting go of L at a wrong time?
I think that's it! I before, I would just let go of L the same time that I jumped. This time, I let go of L a bit after jumping and made it!

I'm damn retarded.
merged with the i need help topic. and there's no need to double post; just use the edit button on your previous post. thanks.
Quote from StefanvanDijke:
I can't help you with the dash but I can help you with the space jump. And you don't have to reverse the axis, nate should delete that from the page cos it gives no extra hight compared to the normal axis. What I can see in some video's is that a good dash jump gets you higher than a good space jump, but a space jump is easier, at least for me. Just use the method you prefer.

If you need all the details for the space jump method, this is what in my opinion is the best way to do it.

Quote from some time ago in some other topic smilingjack13:
Geo Core does become a lot easier though when you can make 2>3 consistently. The way I jump, which works well for me, is to hold L, then let go right after the initial jump. Then, just before I'm ready to space jump, I hold R, then hold upperleft or upperright, then tap B, then tap L, then let go of R, then I usually stop holding the control stick in whatever direction and straighten myself out. Try to do the R, stick, B, L combination quickly. With some practice, you should be able to make big gaps consistently.

This is everything you need, use the same technique for 2 > 3.