what i'm thinking would be fun though is if there were so many npcs in the world you could just form your own thieves' den with your buddies and grow it from there
or, if you want you could work your way into an existing one like in skyrim
I actually really liked the pipeline dungeons in Skyrim, and I'm usually on the opposite side of that issue.
I just find dungeons to be horribly tedious after a while, independent of their other good qualities. So one thing I appreciate is dungeons where you can just go through the thing, especially during the endgame.
yeah exactly. in the beginning skyrim's dungeons felt big enough because they were still new (and perhaps more difficult), and by the end they feel short, which is what you want, or at least what i want
What the actual fuck is happening to the gaming industry. First Bethesda taking over stalker, and now EA is going to become korean. Next we'll see Sony and Nintendo forming an alliance to co-create the next-gen console, and Microsoft is going to get funding from Apple to make a Truly Innovative next-gen console.
I absolutely love it when shit like this happens in video games. When people come together to totally beat the system, or do something extremely outlandish and crazy that most likely won't be repeated.
looking over the page that shows all the ships dieing: http://www.eve-kill.net/?a=system_detail&sys_id=143 it says currently 548 BILLION ISK has been destroyed in ships alone. After doing a quick google search it looks like the price per billion is about $24. That means in JUST ships, over $13,000 worth of this video game's currency has been destroyed. Take into account that the rich merchant ships could easily be carrying five times their ship's worth, and this is a shitload of cash being thrown around.
real life stuff is boring, video game news is the best.
I think for me it's because EvE is taken more seriously than almost any other mmo, possibly only second to Second Life. People honestly treat it like a second job, or even a primary job. The amount of time EvE players put into their corporations, and then treat them like real companies doing real things, is just crazy. So when some viking goons come along like this and are like "WHATUP FRENCHIES?" and just cause chaos in all their shit, it's magnificent.
It's a shame sci-fi stuff like this absolutely bores me to tears. I just can't get into it at all, but I kinda wish I could just to get that absorbed into something.
Yeah I guess that's it, it's just so involved. Like it's a ton of effort to coordinate this raid and it's probably a fraction of the effort those regulars put into whatever it is that goes into playing Eve successfully. I could never take playing a game that seriously but damn if it isn't hilarious when people just take a huge dump on those that do.
makes me not want to ever play that game lol, just listening to his description of the gameplay
well, i was never much interested in it in the first place, to be fair
Just from your review of his review, I'd say Yahtzee and I are about to have us some problems. Not for the first time, I guess. He didn't seem to like Uncharted, either.
i pretty much agree with all his criticisms of uncharted though (and most games in general, really), it's just that there are other things in games that appeal to me that he doesn't seem to care about. which is fine, it's all a matter of preference.
to be fair he tries to be humorous and entertaining in his videos. It's been pointed out before that sometimes he won't even play the game before making one of his video reviews on it. You guys should read his text reviews if you want his serious opinion on things.
It sounds like Kid Icarus has the same controls as MPH though, and I thought it felt fine, so we'll see.