five more damn days before GW2. Kinda sad that neither myself nor any of my friends got into the beta, but it says when you preorder it you can get into the beta.
haha, well, i probably don't think it's as brilliant as you do, like the ai doesn't seem anywhere near as advanced as i think you've talked about, but it's a really fun game
haha, well, i probably don't think it's as brilliant as you do
You cannot know yet what I find brilliant and what not. It depends on how much you know about it and the picture you are looking at. You have to see it in relation to other shooters, the A.I. -integration is still unmatched.
and there's a fuckload of pop-in in the game that can make it difficult to tell where enemies are ... like you won't be able to see anyone unless you zoom in with a sniper so their models pop in
That pop ins are usual for large open-world shooters. The game was made with very limited ressources back then but it clearly tries to make a good use of tech and concepts. You are greatly offered tools to get situation-awareness for planning ahead. You can take the flaws into account.
There are different types of enemy A.I. Good game A.I. is not always about the enemy being smarter than you. You will meet "statics" (not moving enemy-types) here and there. Their placement could be better and less obvious but it still doesn't break the fun. The mix makes the game. And overall the game offers an interesting balance regarding its scope-management.
it just doesn't seem much different from other shooters in terms of ai, just the world's design
May be you haven't played many shooters yet, because it would be a pretty incompetent guess. Compared to other shooters the A.I. excels by a clear margin. Even when you take the later Crysis-games, their A.I. is no match for Far Cry. It doesn't work well on different scales. You can clearly tell the difference. Simply said, the A.I. in Crysis is bad.
The longer you play Far Cry the more likely you will realise that Far Cry's A.I.-acting on the whole outweighs some local flaws here and there. There is a reason why the game feels fun, and the A.I. is a fundamental reason for that. Perhaps you should play it through and see how your opinions mature. Happy gaming for sure;)
well, it's not an open world like in far cry, so it's supposed to be more "choreographed". you're inside hotels and casinos for a good chunk of the game, and can usually see your enemies long before they see you, so it's more about planning your attack. you can tell your two squadmates where to set up position, whether to use silencers or not, etc. it's less of an action game and more strategic due to its realism (one or two shots and you're dead, basically).