hah who gives a fuck about the story man? like the characters are at least well-defined and reasonably funny and charming so who cares? it's just like this mock pulp noir thing anyway
I liked the clue bottles in the first two games, but as with most other things, I think the second game did them better - just one set of them per world, and they still gave you cool stuff.
<3 Voltage Attack
I liked the story. Especially Bentley, who is one of my favorite characters in a video game.
why i wasn't big on fallout 3 and red dead redemption maybe
Yeah Red Dead is more of a game where you could just fast travel to every mission and burn through all the scripted stuff, but the real fun of it is running into all the crazy shit that can happen just out in the wild. Like the real game happens between towns in my mind, it's a little weird.
@turtle yeah idk, i mean i enjoy games like gta alright, but they're more just a game i'll finish because i have to finish everything, not because i'm really enjoying it a lot
tbob yeah and i dunno, because majora's mask is like that too and i love that game. i just feel like in rdr there just wasn't as much good writing put into everything
but like majora's mask is this cohesive thing where all the side missions are related in tone and "atmosphere" (dreary, depressing, sad, hopeless), and they all give you rewards that go together (masks) and can even all be used to help you later (fierce deity)
it feels more like a total, directed experience, like the writers/developers had a lot of ideas they really wanted to get across to you, and everything in the game WAS one of those
it was more just like "events" you could trigger rather than really interacting with other characters
Yeah that's a pretty good way to describe it. There's some good character interaction and writing in there but it's not super consistent, Mexico had some issues character wise, though I thought John was a really good character and I actually liked the way his story wrapped up. But a lot of the game was kind of a love letter to Westerns and wasn't always really connected very well.
Quote from Turtle:
I really do enjoy a good open/nonlinear structure, though.
Play Fallout New Vegas! You've got a nice open world with plenty of room to do what you want and legit good writing throughout!