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red chamber dream
lol see i didn't even make the association between her thumb and hitchhiking
red chamber dream
guess you could also ask "is it even a she?"
red chamber dream
oh, right i missed that
Edit history:
Opium: 2012-03-24 08:36:47 pm
Opium: 2012-03-24 08:35:09 pm
Opium: 2012-03-24 08:33:16 pm
I think my fav artist is HR Giger.  This is general gaming convo, no?



He designed the aliens from the ridley scott movie series.
red chamber dream
the design of the alien is really fucking cool
red chamber dream
i can't imagine putting up any sci fi type art in my house though, not really my thing
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arkarian: 2012-03-24 08:39:14 pm
red chamber dream
i guess the only artist that immediatley springs to mind, in terms of stuff i'd hang in my house, is jeff jordan
I love the blasphemous stuff he does, too.  jesus sodomy, etc.
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Opium: 2012-03-24 08:40:23 pm
Quote from arkarian:
i guess the only artist that immediatley springs to mind, in terms of stuff i'd hang in my house, is jeff jordan

Nice.  It's a very colorful warhol-esque pop-art style imo

wait...more surreal than that
red chamber dream
hmm dunno if i would have compared it to warhol but it's definitely colorful
red chamber dream
he does most of the artwork for the mars volta albums, really good stuff
Edit history:
Opium: 2012-03-24 08:42:02 pm
Opium: 2012-03-24 08:41:54 pm
Quote from arkarian:
hmm dunno if i would have compared it to warhol but it's definitely colorful

yeah i spoke to soon.  it's totally surreal
dali, if anyone
red chamber dream
yeah that's why i like it i guess, it's surreal but not over the top
red chamber dream
it's as if he thought something would look cool and decided to draw it
red chamber dream
yeah i can see dali in it for sure
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Opium: 2012-03-24 08:44:06 pm
The spider head on a plate is disturbing.

oh its not a plate, but still nasty
red chamber dream

this is one of my favorites
Quote from arkarian:

this is one of my favorites

someone's been using miracle-gro
red chamber dream

that one i guess will always be important to me since it's the album cover of bedlam in goliath
woah!  don't click on the fat ladty screaming thumbnail
red chamber dream
but also because it's a really neat painting, so much going on that you don't notice at first
yeah theres a lot going on in there.  the contrast between the primitive housing and the technology on top of it, and wtf is going on with the arabian tom-thumb?
red chamber dream
like all the satellite dishes and high tech stuff on the buildings
red chamber dream
yeah exactly heh

also the three guys in white walking toward the camera look like they're up to no good