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Indie Lover
kinda agree with tbob on this one...

i don't think the story a mess, but it's not as good as ppl keep saying, it's basically your typical game story.
that's kinda on the level of B movie story i think.
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Ntsc: 2012-03-11 04:27:58 pm
In my opinion:
Movies > Games > Books for exact control over viewer perception.
Books > Movies > Games for story detail and depth.
Books > Games > Movies for viewer imagination and fan-fiction.
Games > Movies > Books for replayability.

With that said I enjoyed Heavy Rain - a game people commonly complain had a terrible story - more than I enjoyed Hugo - a movie that won like a stupid amount of awards. A lot of shit Hollywood produces seems to be really pretentious and contrived lately. Ask me the story of most movies I've seen and I won't remember because they were pretty mundane, ask me about the story from a game like MGS and I could give you a synopsis, opinion, and what impact the story had on me.

I'm not trying to argue opinions here I just disagree that MGS has a bad story. I think the games have good stories, are some of the best games made, and shouldn't be skipped for any core gamer.
MGS = Plot of a James Bond film + Rambo-esque lead character + Weird Japanese sense of humour
One shall stand, one shall ball.
- Any sense of pacing and word economy.

Please over explain the dumbest shit, that's what I'm playing the game for.
red chamber dream
the thing with japanese humor is that "weird" IS their humor. there's nothing else to it than that - if it's weird, it's funny.

consequently that's why i don't care for japanese humor.
Indie Lover
i dunno if you guys know, but a new fire emblem was announced for the 3ds, it seems like a sequel for the marth one (which i forgot the name...)

the battles seems to be way better than the other 3d ones...

i think i saw ike on it too...
Indie Lover
and it will have DLC too...
red chamber dream
and if people had bought more of the previous games in the series, it might see a western release!

shame that won't happen though
Looks interesting. I didn't know anything about the Fire Emblem games before the one for the 3DS Ambassador program, but I really like the style and want another one. My fingers are crossed.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Was announced for Japan and Europe only last I heard that plus being on 3DS makes it pretty who cares.
I do, and that's really all that matters.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I mean don't get me wrong I'd be happy to see it make it over here but I don't expect it. Don't think it's sold well previously.

Doesn't help that I've literally never seen a Fire Emblem game on store selves.
I don't think I have either. Until the aforementioned Ambassador program game, I thought it was a Japan-only series that had somehow worked its way into Super Smash Bros.
Well, it was until the GBA titles.
Is the 3ds region locked?
That sucks for you FE enthusiasts. I mean, I don't have a 3ds but it's nice, as a European, to not be shafted by Nintendo as much anymore.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Idkbutlike2:
Well, it was until the GBA titles.

The second GBA title specifically, Roy's appearance in Melee was pretty much solely to sell a game most of the world would never see! /sperg
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
That sucks for you FE enthusiasts.

Emulation's been the only way to play most of them anyway, we're used to it. :v
One shall stand, one shall ball.
There's only like five of us anyway so it's hard to blame Nintendo too much.
Hey, at least you guys have it better than the Mother series junkies.
I have never seen or heard anything about the Mother series directly, just other people mentioning it.
Earthbound is probably the most famous game in it. Some people worship that game like the holy grail, even more so than FF7 fan brats.
Indie Lover
earthbound freak me out...

for anyone that wants to see the entire video

it's quite long (48 minutes) but have a lot of announcements in it.
Earthbound had a very limited release didn't it? I remember seeing a used copy years ago at Gamestop/EB Games and I kinda regret not getting it at the time. (I think it was $30, which wouldn't be much of a problem today but this was 10+ years back if I'm remembering right.) I've always heard good things about it but because the game was so rare and they never brought Mother 3 to the US I've never had the chance to check the series out myself.