so i'm 120 hours into xenoblade 2 and i think i'm only a little over halfway through the story. there's just so much fun grindy shit you can do, and it's not getting old yet
haven't had a crash in 70 hours, i'm thinking a patch fixed that. i've already played for longer than i played xcx, but i still like x more
That reminds me, are there any interviews discussing unused/removed ideas for Breath of the Wild? I'd bet money that game had a hunger meter until like 1 month before release lol
They ask for the serial # and your PSN info. I'm hoping that there is some kind of verification using your ID with the console so that people who bought a Fat PS3 years after they stopped selling them won't be able to use their serial number and claim they've had the console all along. Otherwise there's no way anyone's getting close to $65.
I was just talking about Igavanias ... pretty much
Funny thing is, when I wrote the previous post I briefly thought about post-OoE games
And the only one I remembered was Judgment, even though I played LoS1 and MoF, which are okay games
But my brain won't register them as Castlevanias
I think the lack of Yamane might be the reason, because giving her an excuse to make a console-quality greatest hits album was the best thing about that game
Then again I don't consider Mario Tennis and Hotel Mario "Mario games" either