Strange. I seem to remember loving the exploration element of the galaxy games a lot. Sure there were levels that had point-of-no-return places in them where you couldn't go back, and there were levels where something forced you to keep moving throughout the level, but other than that you could explore all you wanted. I never felt like I couldn't.
news sounded terrible until i watched the video. that actually looks neat and just might go well with kids.
from an adult perspective it's good for kids so they learn some handcrafting and develop motor skills. seems like a great present if your only plays videogames
I probably wouldn't buy Labo but I think it's perfect for today's younger generation. They like to play with shit for a short while and then move on, and these labo toys are disposable, which appeals to their environmentally conscious ideals. So they can be entertained with each new creation and then just toss it and make the next one when they get bored. If nintendo can just keep making more to keep these kids busy then I think they'll make a lot of money on Labo.