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I Choose You Grizzly Bear!
Hey guys mochtroid here. I cant believe I havent done this already... lol well heres mine 0215-4975-2652
Everyone add me and I add you!

Mines fc: 0645-2695-8317.
I suck...litterally
5240-7523-0665 = Leo Riese/Max Riese (new regestered people)

me and my son both play thisgame, but im usually playing it, just pm if you add me so i can add you, enjoy playing ya!
Waaaaaaa i want insanity
Up for a match anytime mate.
oh and who else has added me cause so far i can only see leo's friend in my friend codes.
It would be good if we could all have a couple of games.
Hey, I'm new here and I like metroid. Nice to see there is a group of people still active on MPH. Anyways, my friend code is 1332 4766 7973

I've added the last couple of people. Uhh, I'll just PM you if I did, I guess.

see ya in the game :)
Edit history:
Pikachu247: 2008-01-05 12:31:48 am
hey guys how long has it been since i was last here lol! well im back probably most u dont remember me but enough of that. my MPH FC is 3179-1318-6510. Username: Same as forum name, Pikachu247.
dont listen to my lisence it hasnt been updated for sum reason.
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Gamma_Metroid: 2008-01-20 07:24:25 pm
I forgot where the friend codes are shown.  Help?

EDIT: see further post
M2K2 NAME:Arwere USER NAME:Arwere FRIEND CODE:1117 9024 0853
Edit history:
Gamma_Metroid: 2008-01-21 09:39:58 am
Gamma_Metroid - M2K2Gamma - 2062-7448-7640

but I lost my charger thingy so... :^(

EDIT: can somebody update the list on the first post please?

this is not a volunteer
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Dark Phoenix: 2008-01-26 07:12:04 pm
plasma beam v.2.0
added a few names my friends.  mine is dark phoenix - phoenix - 2621-0899-9366.

edit, pm me if you want to add me.  i tend to forget whos who otherwise.
edit 2.  i will edit this as i get through the list.  im through madrox.
edit 3.  im now m2k2dark.  too many phoenixes...

hi im new to this site i have metroid prime 1 and metroid prime hunters
red chamber dream
Welcome to the forum, but this isn't really the place for introductions. Try heading to this thread instead. FC is

Damn it, and I just gave back the Wi-Fi USB Connector to my friend.  :x

Oh well, I'll return and post it later, I guess.
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Zelikman: 2008-03-26 10:33:19 pm
Memorizer of Maps
My friend code is 3136-0443-4248. Message me if you add me so I can add you too.

Zelikman - Zelikman - 3136-0443-4248
We (the M2K2 community) should form this group of people that use Wi-Fi at the same time to beat up all of the cheaters, hackers, spammers, and whatnot.  Maybe Nintendo could just re-release the game with all of the glitches fixed, filters put in to stop spammers, stuff to prevent bots, and this, and this, [size=9pt]and that, and those pro[size=6pt]blems, and these, and those, and those, blahblahblahblahleafbombboxphewnicekittyhassomementalissuescan'tnintendofixthosestupid. . . . . . . . .
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Phazar: 2008-03-26 09:18:30 pm
Yeah, I HATE it when people use cheats to get Omega Cannon on Combat Hall, have every single weapon, etc.  And here's my friend code in the original format Prime Hunter used at the beginning of this topic:

Phazar - Dark Sylux - 4768-5529-0226

Be warned, my little brother likes to change my Hunters name on me.
Edit history:
54747908563: 2009-01-18 07:30:59 am
My friend code: 4640
hey there, I just registered but I've been playing for a while. I just added about half of the list of friend codes from the first post, so if you're on that list, add me please. My friend code is


My name's Rickter on Metroid. So please add me, still haven't gotten to play a team match yet! lol.
A drool-generator.
Whoa, how come I haven't found this forum until now? Finally a good chance to get some prey to hunt, or even some real opponents in MPH ^^ I'm online pretty much every evening looking for a game. Add me on msn if you play often and you can deffo count on at least 5 sessions per week =)

My FC: 2448 8473 6654

Name: Hermanoid

Current rank: ****    The ranking is old though. I rarely get to play games with skilled opponents these days.

Contacts from Sweden are extra-appreciated =) I only have 3 from here at the moment including myself and a 4th for capture would be awesome.
Quote from squall872:
hey there, I just registered but I've been playing for a while. I just added about half of the list of friend codes from the first post, so if you're on that list, add me please. My friend code is


My name's Rickter on Metroid. So please add me, still haven't gotten to play a team match yet! lol.

Okay i add you to my friends and if you are worster player than me i'll give some handicap :D