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Hey, new here ^^'

So, here's some stuff I freehanded awhile off of a Metroid website. My shading is a bit off, and some of the pictures look blurry, but what do you think?  Eh?

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Destroyer of Pirates
ohhh, there very nice  grin new
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The only one that looks off is Omega pirate. He just looks off balance almost as if maybe he is missing a leg or something to be standing in that stance. Drones look really good.
Thanks  Very Happy

And yeah I see what you mean, I'll have to go back and give him a second leg later. ^^'
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These are very good for freehanded drawings.
This is all very nice, but you should probably scale down the pictures a little.  Next try doing things from your own mind.  I'd start with something like a Space Pirate in a pose not shown as concept art, using other images as reference.
Arrow Arrow Arrow Arrow Exclamation
Yeah I've been experimenting with a lot of stuff of my own lately. I've been meaning to do some original work. I have a couple pictures done, but they still need a lot of work. x3
Club 27 Goals
Very jealous, wish I could draw =P

These look great, 9.2/10, if they had some coloring they would be even better.
Hmm thanks. I'll have to look into that.  Very Happy
Yeah, coloring always seems to be the hardest part.  Get some nice pencils or whatever you like to use, and do a rough sketch with them so you can see how certain colors look together.
All aboard the soul train
Ahh dammit, why do I have to suck at all things art. >:(