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Ready and willing.
Okay, in my attempt to stir up the flames of mischief, here's a little game... an evil game.  Twisted Evil

Okay, not really. But, I figure we might get some interesting statements out of this.  Rules are simple. You must give ONE sentence describing your feelings on the above poster's game, and then throw a new game out. No elaboration. I'd appreciate a minimum of 5 words, 'cause "it sux0rs" isn't very interesting. No run-on sentences, no replying to a game you haven't played, and no picking really obscure games to bring the thread to a screeching halt.

Let's start with... I dunno... Golden Sun.
Thread title: 
Definately a game I dont like and never will like. :P

Fun, but not all that memorable.

Ocarina Of Time
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
A totally overrated, piece of shit game that killed the Zelda series, for all time.

Awesome. It was like the best game, until Metroid Prime Comes.

Need For Speed, Hot Pursuit 2
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Awesome, another Crystalis fan.  :o  Wink

Never played Need For Speed anything, so I'll let the next person respond to Need For Speed, Hot Pursuit 2.
Lets see...well, it was ok. Not something I'd go out of my way to play, just at my friend's house when we're bored.

Er...Pokemon Yellow
It was a lot of fun when I wa young, but now, meh.

Looks great, frikkin hard in some tracks though.

Gunstar Heroes
A very great action game.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
A truly disturbing game if I remember correctly.

Tetris Attack
Ready and willing.
One of the l33test puzzle games ever, and it's not just the Yoshis talking.

Superman 64.  Wink
soaking through


Street Fighter II Turbo (SNES)
One of those many Street Fighter games!

Shining Force.
First RPG I played for over 5 minutes. I loved it. Now I can't stand it :(.

GoldenEye (N64)
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Perfect Dark was much better.

Guilty Gear X2.
just doesn't compare to the rest of the series.

Zelda: link to the past
Very good game and was a lot of fun.

Mario Party
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Has 4 sequals too many.

Final Fantasy X
A Final Fantasy that is actually good, excluding Crystal Cronicles.

Rules!!!! great game, although a little frustrating at times

mario kart double dash
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
Tapper: I can't remember much of it....

Double Dash: Fun, but not as fun as I thought it should of been.


Halo: Combat Evolved
What a fantastic game! Surely one of the best!

urm, metroid prime?
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
PRIME R0X0RZ OMG!!!!!1!!!1!!1!seventeen!

Eternal Darkness
An awesomely disturbed game that was way too underappreciated.
