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Just wondering why this forum has 2002 on the logo, im assuming thats when it came online.
Thread title: 
The site is called metroid2002 because when it started, it only covered the two Metroid games released in 2002 (Prime and Fusion).
red chamber dream
Yep. Site/forum actually started in 2003.
Super Metroid Addict
Why not change the name of the forum?
Quote from Luna_Aran:
Why not change the name of the forum?

This forum has been a big success, relatively speaking.  To change the name for no important reason would make no sense.
the forum was renamed after the site. the site was named for the reason paraxade gave. see my history blocks for more.
Not to mention that changing the name would piss people off.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Quote from Luna_Aran:
Why not change the name of the forum?

1) It's not even a problem.
B) M2k2 has caught on so much that it could actually be detrimental to change it (to a small degree at least).
My, what a gigantic sig image!  Isn't that a little too big?  Maybe half the size would be good.
Oh, you mean TwinNova's sig?  It's bigger than most that I see, but it does look really cool.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's over the limit. Shrinkage must ensue.
Edit history:
Acheron: 2008-10-30 11:58:22 pm
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
I'm sorely disappointed in Ark for not having gotten on this before it even happened. You're slippin', dude!

That's more like it.
Future people reading this thread may wonder what sig we are talking about.
Oh no! Whatever will we do?
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Ooh, ooh, pick me! I have an idea!

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