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arkarian: 2008-10-08 08:49:44 pm
red chamber dream
Quote from Opium:
close enough.  up up down down left right left right b a select start

That's not the Konami code, either.
Thread title: 
Quote from Arkarian:
Quote from Opium:
close enough.  up up down down left right left right b a select start

That's not the Konami code, either.

oh yeah i forgot, its:
up, up, down, down, fuck, you, you, fucking, dork
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Opium:
oh yeah i forgot, its:
up, up, down, down, fuck, you, you, fucking, dork

This was also unnecessary. :|
red chamber dream
Opium, don't blatantly flame forum admins. Some of your other posts suggest you actually have a fair bit of intelligence, so when you make posts like that it just makes you look retarded.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Just "don't flame" period. It's one thing to call someone stupid when they're being stupid, another thing to blatantly say "fuck you". If you REALLY want to let someone know you hate them, PM them. Don't publicly give people the finger, it makes the forums look bad.
Quote from Acheron86:
it makes the forums look bad.


The thing that makes these forums look bad is the endless rude shitty nitpicking by the mods.  You just don't realize how much you do it because people refrain from telling you - because YOU ARE MODS and they don't want to get 'in trouble.'    Sure I understand there are more rules here than other forums, that makes sense and its not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about the just plain rudeness that's so prevalent.  Just because you can tell someone something with perfect grammar, syntax, and without swear words doesn't mean it's not bad manners.  I really don't think my response was that much more rude than many of the mods' responses in here, mine just had the F word in it. 
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Opium:
TI really don't think my response was that much more rude than many of the mods' responses in here, mine just had the F word in it.  

That would be the difference. Telling someone "fuck you" is different than someone telling you you're wrong. You seem to want us to all wear kids' gloves with the idiots on this forum; that's not how things work. If you don't like it, you're free to join another Metroid community. If you're right about who we are, I'm sure all these people who you speak of that won't speak up because of fear would love to go with you and leave us mean old crotchety admins alone here.

You know what your real issue has been, the one that keeps putting us on the other side of most disagreements that happen between staff and idiots? You have no interest in understanding WHY we do or say or look at things differently. And I think you like that, I think you like making it some black and white issue of "you're the good guys and we're the mean guys on top". You're just acting like the typical youth, and it's embarrassing that I have to call you out on this since I'm pretty sure I'm younger, but you need to start acting a little more mature and not turn everything here into a petty-fest.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Opium:
The thing that makes these forums look bad is the endless rude shitty nitpicking by the mods.  You just don't realize how much you do it because people refrain from telling you - because YOU ARE MODS and they don't want to get 'in trouble.'    Sure I understand there are more rules here than other forums, that makes sense and its not what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about the just plain rudeness that's so prevalent.  Just because you can tell someone something with perfect grammar, syntax, and without swear words doesn't mean it's not bad manners.  I really don't think my response was that much more rude than many of the mods' responses in here, mine just had the F word in it. 

You know, back in the day, when this board was a much smaller, tight knit community, your post wouldn't have caused much trouble. Stupid shit that poked fun at another poster was easily understood as a joke, but now this community is much larger people as familiar with each other. Posts like yours don't really fly as well anymore because a harder stance against flaming and general stupidity has been taken to keep this place from becoming like many other forums where stupidity reigns.

So if the mods aren't to your liking then fine, that probably means that they're doing their jobs and keeping people like IUniverse and Mr Shadow from taking over. It may not necessarily be the best way to do it, maybe toozin's influence has spread a bit farther than it should have, but it's worked out pretty well so far.
Quote from Acheron86:
Quote from Opium:
TI really don't think my response was that much more rude than many of the mods' responses in here, mine just had the F word in it. 

That would be the difference. Telling someone "fuck you" is different than someone telling you you're wrong. You seem to want us to all wear kids' gloves with the idiots on this forum; that's not how things work. If you don't like it, you're free to join another Metroid community. If you're right about who we are, I'm sure all these people who you speak of that won't speak up because of fear would love to go with you and leave us mean old crotchety admins alone here.

You know what your real issue has been, the one that keeps putting us on the other side of most disagreements that happen between staff and idiots? You have no interest in understanding WHY we do or say or look at things differently. And I think you like that, I think you like making it some black and white issue of "you're the good guys and we're the mean guys on top". You're just acting like the typical youth, and it's embarrassing that I have to call you out on this since I'm pretty sure I'm younger, but you need to start acting a little more mature and not turn everything here into a petty-fest.

This is the one forum that I go to that has so many kids on it, and this is the only one I see these problems in.  For example, I could go on a 2 page tirade about how you just misused the term 'kid gloves', but I know that it's not important, and I know what you were trying to say, so why even go there?  If you agree, then tell me why do some of the mods here do just that?  I could fill up a 100 page thread full of all the posts from mods that were nothing but petty things, but that in itself would be petty.  I was only trying to give someone a dose of their own medicine, but the point is moot since they don't even see/admit that they were being rude in the first place.  And I know that telling someone 'Fuck You' is different than telling someone that they're wrong, but when you tell someone that they're wrong in a smart-ass, rude, condescending way then it really isn't all that different than 'Fuck You' now is it?
The constant anal nitpicking is insulting.  Who cares if some kid didn't spell a word right?  It gets old when half of the new posts are nothing but crap like that. 
So I find it laughable that you are telling ME that I'm throwing a petty-fest!  Was it petty of me to point out the pettiness?  That's like calling someone a bigot because they hate nazis. 
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
So basically the forum sucks because the mods aren't nice enough.

Yeah, sorry, I'm just not convinced you have any idea how the internet works, or how to moderate a forum. :|
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Quote from Opium:
I could fill up a 100 page thread full of all the posts from mods that were nothing but petty things, but that in itself would be petty.

Go for it, petty or not, if you have a problem with what the moderators are doing, then show examples. Prove you're not one of the many you say are afraid to say anything. If you feel you have a legitimate case and then decide to do nothing about it, you're just wasting your time, and allowing these problems to continue makes you no better than anyone else here.

Maybe worse, because you refuse to do anything about it even though you claim to see it.
Quote from Acheron86:
So basically the forum sucks because the mods aren't nice enough.

Yeah, sorry, I'm just not convinced you have any idea how the internet works, or how to moderate a forum. :|

You're right, I've never been a mod.  But  I've been on lots of forums with lots of mods and never seen anything like this before. 

I didn't say this forum sucks, please don't put words in my mouth.  This forum is the BEST place on earth for Metroid fans, hands down.  Unfortunately the one small thing that bugs me which has now been dragged out way too far and blown way out or proportion is mod rudeness.  That's just my opinion, I'm done talking about it unless you take another jab. 

Quote from tomatobob:
Quote from Opium:
I could fill up a 100 page thread full of all the posts from mods that were nothing but petty things, but that in itself would be petty.

Go for it, petty or not, if you have a problem with what the moderators are doing, then show examples. Prove you're not one of the many you say are afraid to say anything. If you feel you have a legitimate case and then decide to do nothing about it, you're just wasting your time, and allowing these problems to continue makes you no better than anyone else here.

Maybe worse, because you refuse to do anything about it even though you claim to see it.

Refuse to do anything about it?  I did do something - I mentioned it!  And look what happened.  I wouldn't call creating some huge thread with copied petty-posts from all the mods a 'legitimate case' for what I'm talking about, I would call it an asinine petty waste of energy.  In fact, the idea was brought up as an example of the silliness I'm talking about. 

also, not sure what you mean by 'allowing' it to continue, it's not up to me to allow what goes on in here.
Edit history:
arkarian: 2008-10-08 08:37:12 pm
red chamber dream
Opium: naturally we don't expect you to always agree with how the forum management works here— that's fine. However, rather than disrupting topics on the forum, please take up any specific issues with one of us via PM (private message) with links to the posts in question. Discussion on the matter will not continue here.
Acclaimed Threshold
Constant Sorrows
Quote from Opium:
Refuse to do anything about it?  I did do something - I mentioned it!

El oh el @ the idea that this = "doing something"

If I showed up at your job and said "hey you're not very good at this, and you're rude, and you should stop" then how would you take it? You hardly know me, and I have no credentials for criticizing how you do things. You'd probably not take me too seriously. Then I'd say "well I happen to know a LOT of people don't like how you work, they just won't say anything, but I'm saying it now". Okay, now you might be interested, maybe not, but you'd want to hear from these "others".

This thread is a good example of why you're out of line here: you're claiming to represent this silent majority, but you're telling the mods to go fuck themselves, you're saying they aren't good, and no one's backing you up, probably because you haven't done anything to contribute to these forums. Moreover, you have no interest in showing respect to your elders, because if you regarded us as actual intelligent normal human beings you wouldn't have turned this into a public thing, you'd have had the decency to say something in private. Any one of us would have responded to your problems with honest respect if you'd been so civil, but you had to be snappy and bitchy about it, so now of course we aren't going to take you seriously.

You also are failing to make a connection here, which is why I said you're being a shortsighted youth before: it's not coincidence that this forum is so popular and useful for Metroid-related information. This place stays clean like this because people like me do this job and do it well, even if it means being harsh or rude from time to time. It's a technique, one that has been reasoned out and established for a reason, and it's only used on the idiots who would make this place a worse place overall. You've managed to put yourself in this weird place where we all can tell you're smart but you're siding with the dolts because you're into this idea of "us versus you". I don't know where you're getting this... I don't see any other complaints. Why don't you rally up all these people who don't like how we do things and prove you're actually arguing from some sort of solid ground, instead of just telling us that these people are out there somewhere? I guarantee I'd change the way I do things if it was clear the majority of the forumgoers here truly felt I was bad at moderating, and I think the same goes for anyone else on staff.

Edit: Sorry Ark, typed this all up and then my internet crapped out, didn't want the post to go to waste but if you think it's a problem feel free to delete.