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I was veiwing capo327's profile and I put translate page using the translate page extension of Firefox. Then it said sorry, but that user does not exist.
I made a post, and then tried to edit it. It said "You can only edit your own post". I reloaded the page, and the post was deleted.

LOL, The forum has glitches like the games. I wonder if I can sequence break and get the "Your post has been added" page before the Post a Message page. Or ghetto jump using the scroll bar.
red chamber dream
Quote from LifeMega:
I made a post, and then tried to edit it. It said "You can only edit your own post". I reloaded the page, and the post was deleted.

It was most likely not a glitch. A mod probably deleted your post just as you tried to edit it. If that happens, getting that message would make sense.
usally i post in a stupid topic that i know will be locked. After i post . The topic you posted in does not exsits and stuff.
red chamber dream
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
usally i post in a stupid topic that i know will be locked. After i post . The topic you posted in does not exsits and stuff.

That's also probably because a mod deleted the topic as you were typing your post.

I got this when searching for Metroid Dread.
in the name of justice!
That is an error FOR THE AGES.  I wish I could understand why gunship like that happens...especially, it seems, to you.
red chamber dream
It's obviously something wrong with his computer, since it only seems to happen to him and not to the rest of us.
you must have missed the conversation about it earlier. summary thereof: ark thinks it's funny and i think it's appropriate.
red chamber dream
Probably one of the best on the forum. :)
I attached an image to a post, then edited the post. Everytome I edited it, the image re-uploaded, even though the extras didn't show up on the edit post screen. I deleted them in the "edit user attachments" screen.
Whoa...  What happened here?

Okay, the image is tiny, but the glitch is obvious.  Loss of color...  Everywhere...
Seems like it couldn't load the .css file, would be easier to tell if I could see the font.
Font was totally normal and even colored correctly.
It's obviously smartDark and smartDark has Courier New, which that doesn't look like, and the colors are off. Black text for the normal text on a black background? And the URLs are waay off as well, different colors for when it's pressed, when it's not and it has underline..
yeah, i've seen that. probably http glitch trying to load the .css, as trh already said. hit reload.
Seen that alot during the summer. Never happened since.
lol no way
Yes SAL, we know your computer's having trouble.

I'll be honest, I thought this topic was about topics that go on for way longer than they should.
Sort of like this one. :/
everybody knows it's true
I got on one day to see my self logged on and NOT logged on at the same time. Caused a new record on being gone (2 days :o)
Quote from njahnke:
yeah, i've seen that. probably http glitch trying to load the .css, as trh already said. hit reload.

Yeah, reloading/hitting a link/hitting the back or forward button on the browser fixes it.  Oh, did I mention that it only happens when I use the back button on my browser?  This has never happened to me if I click on a link to take me somewhere in here...
Ready and willing.
You mean it's repeatable? If it is, does it screw up other sites as well?
I meant if I were looking at a thread, and instead of using a link to go back to the boards I hit the back button.  Then it comes up.  But not every time.  It's only the second time I've seen it do that.  But as soon as I get off that exact page, whether it be through refreshing the page, clicking a link, whatever, it goes away and the page becomes normal.  I've never seen it happen anywhere but here on M2K2, though.
you know, yoshi, i really wish i had some technobabble right now i could throw behind one of my beloved "phpbb sucks lol" statements, but i don't, so i'll spare you this once. >:P
Ready and willing.
Merry Christmas to you too. ^_^