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Again, just different colors. Thankfully, they've now run out of Varia Suit redesigns, so hopefully they'll make different poses for Dark and Light Suit.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo

The pose may be the same, but did you notice that the price is an extra $100 and that it lights up ?!

I just placed a pre-order.  I can't wait to get this one.
Yeah, I noticed, but I don't like the arm cannon, and I wouldn't ever turn on the lights, anyway - I pre-ordered the non-exclusive Zero Suit months ago and don't intend to switch. As for Power Suits, I'm fine with my Varia, unless Dark and Light turn out awesome. The real question is - where's Ridley? Mother Brain? A Chozo statue?
once GameFAQs, now Twitch
A Metroid?  Srslt, could you imagine a statue collage of the different Metroids, from regular-sized to SR388 variants, to the Super Metroid (which I figure might be the collage's base), infant Metroids, and all the different Phazon/Aether variations, up to and including one or both of Metroid Prime's forms.
Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
Quote from Serris:
Yeah, I noticed, but I don't like the arm cannon, and I wouldn't ever turn on the lights, anyway - I pre-ordered the non-exclusive Zero Suit months ago and don't intend to switch. As for Power Suits, I'm fine with my Varia, unless Dark and Light turn out awesome. The real question is - where's Ridley? Mother Brain? A Chozo statue?

That would be pretty cool.  So far the only things they've designed (but haven't produced for sale yet) that aren't Samus are the MP2 gunship and Trace from MPH.  The gunship look pretty neat, but it's like $300!  I know I'm gonna end up buying it anyways.  I've invested too much in the series so far to not get it.  The varia and gravity statues look so nice on my shelves, I dust them almost every day and admire them.  Those shelves have room for more, would be f-ing awesome to have about 10 different metroid statues filling up the whole thing. 

And I don't get why they are thinking about selling a Trace statue.  Seems like fans either like MPH or MP, but not both.  I wouldn't buy the Trace statue, looks kinda flimsy anyways.
defrag in progress
I also own the Varia Suit version. I did not know about the Gravity version till now...
Too bad in germany the statue costs 100€ which is around 156 dollars at the current exchange rate.

The phazon suit is pretty cool, since you its illuminated by LEDs. That`s really awesome!