Kneel before the great & powerful chOZo
I got my varia suit statue from First 4 Figures about 5 weeks ago. In case any of you saw it online but didn't want to shell out $100.00 + $25.00 shipping, take my word for it: it's worth it! This thing is f***ing awesome. The thing weighs like 6 pounds and comes off of the base. The detail quality is high, but not totally perfect since the details are hand-painted in a chinese sweat-shop.
I ordered the gravity suit in December '07, should be here next week.
Both of them are already sold out! They made 2500 varias and only 250 gravity suits. You can still find them on Ebay however, just be careful who you buy them from. says they are working on a Zero-Suit, Dark Suit, Light Suit, Trace from MPH (why?), and MP2 gunship and I plan on getting all of them. Judging from how quickly the first two have sold out I recommend ordering 4-6 months in advance like I did.
Here's a pic, I put a JoyRide samus figurine right behind it to give you an idea of how big it is. Go to to see some good 360 degree pics of it.

I ordered the gravity suit in December '07, should be here next week.
Both of them are already sold out! They made 2500 varias and only 250 gravity suits. You can still find them on Ebay however, just be careful who you buy them from. says they are working on a Zero-Suit, Dark Suit, Light Suit, Trace from MPH (why?), and MP2 gunship and I plan on getting all of them. Judging from how quickly the first two have sold out I recommend ordering 4-6 months in advance like I did.
Here's a pic, I put a JoyRide samus figurine right behind it to give you an idea of how big it is. Go to to see some good 360 degree pics of it.
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