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Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2010-12-03 08:29:30 pm
KennyMan666: 2010-12-01 03:37:18 pm
KennyMan666: 2010-12-01 03:26:07 pm
Since Toozin has not been around for all of November, I shall take the helm this year.

It's that time of the year again! So, everyone, HAPPY FESTIVUS!

I'm new or a forgetful moron! What's Festivus?
Festivus is an alternative holiday to Christmas, traditionally celebrated on December 23rd. As opposed to Christmas, there's no hassle. No lights, no tinsel, no gifts, no happiness, and no tree. The only Festivus decoration is an undecorated metal pole. The m2k2 Festivus pole is the Eiffel Tower, procured for us by Saber in 2005, as chronicled here:

So how do you celebrate it?
There's three parts to Festivus: The Festivus dinner, the Airing of Grievances and the Feats of Strength. The Festivus dinner is exactly what it sounds like. The Airing of Grievances is where you go around the table, expressing how the other family members have disappointed you during the previous year. The Feats of Strength is the final thing to be done on Festivus - the holiday only ends when a chosen family member has defeated the head of the household.

And this applies to us how?
Well, the Festivus dinner will be done on an individual basis, so as long as you eat dinner sometime in December, preferably on the 23rd, we got that covered. While nate is definitely the head of the household, we still haven't figured out how to pull the Feats of Strength off, so unless we figure something out (hey, Saber, why don't you travel to nate's house and have a wrestling match with him on the 23rd) we'll probably skip it this year too. Which leaves us with the forum tradition of the Airing of Grievances, where we explain how other forum members have disappointed us during the past year. Traditionally, in days of yore (pre-Taiga), disappointments were to be directed solely at the poster above you. We're not quite doing that now - you can be disappointed in any forum member that has disappointed you!

Sounds great! Let's do it!
Not so fast, bucko - there are rules. Breaking any of these rules will result in your post being replaced by a picture of pants (as suggested by Toozin at the closing of the last Festivus failure), to follow up on the success of the shoes in 2009 and the hats in 2008.

Rule 1: No being disappointed in the pants.
Rule 2: Don't make stupid bullshit posts that ruin Festivus for everyone, which we've seen far too much of in previous years. Simply don't be an idiot, and you'll avoid the pants.
Rule 3: You are not allowed to express disappointment at the fact that someone expressed disappointment in you, or give a reply/explanation to what someone was disappointed in you for.
Rule 4: Don't chat in this thread. Ever.
Rule 5: No being disappointed in that someone posted while you were typing (just to be sure, here - I think you're actually smart enough to realize this, but past Festivuses (Festivii?) has proven that assuming that people can play nicely and don't be idiots is a Bad Idea™).
Rule 6: Only one grievance per post.
Rule 7: No double posting. This does not mean that it's fine for two people to post one after another in rapid succession. Festivus shalt not be a rushjob. Think through your grievances before you air them!

If you don't understand any part of this, just sit this one out, 'kay?

And as per time-honoured tradition, the topic creator shall air the first grievance, directed at nate.

nate, you should be ashamed of yourself for seemingly having abandoned Logbot. She has not been anywhere to be found in either of the m2k2 IRC channels for such a long time that I can't remember when I last saw her. For shame, dude.
Thread title: 
Super Secret Area - Dead Ahead!
Never sure if we're supposed to be semi-serious with this or not...  It's also difficult to find disappointment when it's opened by somebody who doesn't post very often!

Anyway, KennyMan666 forced me to wrist-slitting with his usage of "There's" instead of "There're".  This is an adopted colloquialism in speech, but is incorrect in text.  Yarrr!!
Edit history:
ryu: 2010-12-01 02:42:22 pm
as always i didn't get your british humor. nobody does.

qui(e)t it.
Edit history:
KennyMan666: 2010-12-01 03:21:02 pm
Germans don't have a sense of humor anyway. ...eh.  Shame on you Bill for making a post worthy of pants.  But I must say, they do look comfortable.
As I just edited the post, and thus it was a very easy mistake to make not noticing, I will still express my disappointment in Gaius_4 in not following the newly added Rule 0: No being disappointed in the pants. I will let it slide this time as you did not know, which is my fault, but for you and everyone else, no pants-related grievances. Well, unless they're pants-related in a way that does not have anything to do with the pantsing in this thread.
red chamber dream
kennyman disappoints me by getting all butthurt over taiga forum and its mysterious new "chat" capabilities
Edit history:
ryu: 2010-12-01 04:24:21 pm


don u tell me to use taiga blu man!!!
red chamber dream
can do that as soon as tf supports styles on a per-board basis ... lol

ryu sits in the anime thread talking about index all day which makes me ;(
ark, you've got me using the ;( emoticon and I can't even explain what the fuck it represents! I like how it looks though.
lol no way
More people need to be interested in things I'm interested in, and that goes for you too TGM. Lookin for more GBA metroid speedruns, and more posts from you that make me go "oh yeah well I think in a similar fashion."
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Wow, a Festivus thread that has managed to go for 24 hours with no Festivusing. Twice. Just two days after its creation.

It seems it is then up to me. One man, alone, against all odds, to summon up a whole forum's worth raging Festivus Spirit. I am going to Festivus the shit out of this thread if it kills me. Starting. Right. Fucking. Now.

What's that? Festivus rules? Fuck that shit. You're cramping my Festivus style, rules, and I won't have that. You are the worst, consider yourself grievance'd rules!

Look at all you guys, scared of pants, who the hell is afraid of pants? Babies, that's who. Fuck pants, as long as you have a good time who cares if you get pantsed. You are all babies who are ruining Festivus and I hate you for it. You have killed it. You are the worst. Yes, you, you specifically are the worst. Every last one of you. Monsters who posses only the power of intense disappointment. You have failed yourselves and you have failed Festivus.

Especially you, anime thread bitches, hiding in your little chat thread. It is your fault m2k2 is boring and stupid now. You disgust me!

Oh hey, taiga forum, still trying to decide if you're irc or a forum? Hey man, don't worry about it, you suck at being both equally well! Even SMF could do sigs. Pussy.

Sup m2k2 old buddy, old pal. Can't even get an anime thread right, that's one of the two things the internet is good at, and yet you found a way to fuck it up! I don't know whether to be disappointed or impressed and that's what's most disappointing of all. You are the most pathetic goddamned thing.

~Happy Festivus~

Quote from tomatobob:

... Monsters who posses possess only the power of intense disappointment.

I'm disappointed that Tbob, a total spelling/grammar nazi, doesn't recognize the difference between 'possess' and 'posses', which is the plural form of 'posse'.  Your precious spell-checker didn't save your nazi ass this time!
By the way, we're hereby axing the "Grievance should be about the last poster" thing. You can now be disappointed in any forum member. Of course, including the last poster, if you want to.

Which means two more Festivus-specific rules, because we're still going to try to not make this too spammy.

- Only one grievance per post.
- No double posting. This does not mean that it's fine for two people to post one after another in rapid succession. Festivus shalt not be a rushjob. Think through your grievances before you air them!

Thus, I want to say this to SABERinBLUE: You're a fucking wanker who still haven't paid us back adequately with MS Paint comics for that mouse we got you all that money for. Dude.
red chamber dream
haha wow. seriously. i gave him 5 bucks for that too!

i'm disppointed in ... uh ... acheron! for not being around like, at all.
Embarrasing Fact: Power suit made by lowest bidder
I'm disappointed in KennyMan666 for revoking the rule about not starting posts with "I'm disappointed in...", thus making it impossible for me to be disappointed in Toozin for establishing it in the first place and getting (clothing article of the year)ed in response. This was a silly pointless tradition I had planned to carry out, and you RUINED it for me!
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
I actually meant to air a grievance at Aj as soon as he posted but I suddenly got a flu. ;^(

But instead I direct my grieving at spidey even though he's not around much, for carrying on the tradition of boring old Ridley First runs of Zero Mission, and not even using the alternate trick to nab a third super tank in Brinstar. For shame.
I'm totally disappointed in DaveBatista for announcing ambitious projects without ever getting more than 10% done before he ditches it and announces a new one.  I'm also irritated by refusal to come out of the closet over his hard on for whoever that shirtless guy in his avatar is.
i'm disappointed in anyone who makes shit jokes.
Shifty Leader
That M2k2 guy
Biospark's disappointment is pretty crappy. OHOHOHO!
The guy who posted thread after thread of Metroid remix tracks got on my tits a bit.
there was this guy who made a thread about power-ranking people's skills in super metroid or something

that was quite disappointing. that thread and everyone that replied in there
i am very upset with MilesSMB for beating prime 21% on hard before i could finish it on normal :(
I'm disappointed in myself for being a party monster.
Almost happy
I'm very pissed at Phazar for not being around enough to spark or fuel endlessly hilarious debates anymore.