Club 27 Goals
Because Kennyman is lazy
what the fuck is this
Festivus is an alternative holiday to Christmas, traditionally celebrated on December 23rd. As opposed to Christmas, there's no hassle. No lights, no tinsel, no gifts, no happiness, and no tree. Nothing. The only Festivus decoration is an undecorated metal pole. The m2k2 Festivus pole is the Eiffel Tower, procured for us by Saber in 2005, as chronicled here:
let's fucking do it then
First: rules. Breaking any of these rules will result in your post being replaced by somethingstupid a pony.
If you don't understand any part of this, just don't bother.
As per tradition, I should start by airing a grievance towards nate. I haven't even seen or talked to nate in over a year, and this makes me very disappointed. He needs to post in the social topic more, even if he has a PhD.
what the fuck is this
Festivus is an alternative holiday to Christmas, traditionally celebrated on December 23rd. As opposed to Christmas, there's no hassle. No lights, no tinsel, no gifts, no happiness, and no tree. Nothing. The only Festivus decoration is an undecorated metal pole. The m2k2 Festivus pole is the Eiffel Tower, procured for us by Saber in 2005, as chronicled here:
There's three parts to Festivus: The Festivus dinner, the Airing of Grievances and the Feats of Strength. The Festivus dinner is exactly what it sounds like. The Airing of Grievances is where you go around the table, expressing how the other family members have disappointed you during the previous year. The Feats of Strength is the final thing to be done on Festivus - the holiday only ends when a chosen family member has defeated the head of the household.
We just bother with one thing: the Airing of Grievances, where we explain how other forum members have disappointed us during the past year. Traditionally, in days of yore (pre-Taiga), disappointments were to be directed solely at the poster above you. We're not quite doing that anymore - you can be disappointed in any forum member that has disappointed you!
let's fucking do it then
First: rules. Breaking any of these rules will result in your post being replaced by something
Rule 1: No being disappointed in the nuking of posts.
Rule 2: Don't make stupid bullshit posts that ruin Festivus for everyone, which we've seen far too much of in previous years. Simply don't be an idiot.
Rule 3: You are not allowed to express disappointment at the fact that someone expressed disappointment in you, or give a reply/explanation to what someone was disappointed in you for.
Rule 4: Don't chat in this thread. Ever.
Rule 5: No being disappointed in that someone posted while you were typing (just to be sure, here - I think you're actually smart enough to realize this, but past Festivuses (Festivii?) has proven that assuming that people can play nicely and don't be idiots is a Bad Idea™).
Rule 6: Only one grievance per post.
Rule 7: No double posting. This does not mean that it's fine for two people to post one after another in rapid succession. Festivus shalt not be a rushjob. Think through your grievances before you air them!
Rule 2: Don't make stupid bullshit posts that ruin Festivus for everyone, which we've seen far too much of in previous years. Simply don't be an idiot.
Rule 3: You are not allowed to express disappointment at the fact that someone expressed disappointment in you, or give a reply/explanation to what someone was disappointed in you for.
Rule 4: Don't chat in this thread. Ever.
Rule 5: No being disappointed in that someone posted while you were typing (just to be sure, here - I think you're actually smart enough to realize this, but past Festivuses (Festivii?) has proven that assuming that people can play nicely and don't be idiots is a Bad Idea™).
Rule 6: Only one grievance per post.
If you don't understand any part of this, just don't bother.
As per tradition, I should start by airing a grievance towards nate. I haven't even seen or talked to nate in over a year, and this makes me very disappointed. He needs to post in the social topic more, even if he has a PhD.
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