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Edit history:
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 12:35:22 pm
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 12:31:50 pm
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 12:28:37 pm
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 12:26:16 pm
there's a big toggleable list of event flags in the new debug rom. I've been trying to work out what they all do. Here's what I've got:
0 ???
1 easy mode on
2 hard mode on (if you set both of these, hard takes precedence)
3 enter norfair cutscene played
4 leave kraid cutscene played
5 enter ridley cutscene played
6 enter mothership cutscene played
7 enter tourian cutscene played
8 first statue
9 statue at the top of brinstar
10 statue below hive room
11 statue after ice beam
12 statue outside kraid
13 statue after hijump
14 statue after varia
15 ??? (a removed statue?)
16 power grip acquired
17 platforms in power grip pit spawned
18 hijump acquired
19 varia suit
20 charge beam
21 screw attack
22 space jump
23 gravity suit
24 plasma beam
25 stops charge beamst from spawning in lower brinstar
26 stops charge beamst from spawning in upper brinstar
27 some other beamst spawn flag, activates when you kill it in upper brinstar
28 acid worm dead
29 kraid eyedoor dead
30 kraid dead
31 wall outside kraid collapsed
32 imago larva dead
33 path in floor of cocoon's room open
34 imago cocoon dead
35 imago dead
36 ridley eyedoor dead
37 ridley dead
38 wall outside ridley collapsed
39 mother brain dead
40 ??? (crocomire?)
41 ??? (another unused boss?)
42 golden 2 visited
43 hopper at the top of brinstar dead
44 hives dead
45 beetles after bombs dead
46 ziplines activated
47 barrier after varia
48 barrier underneath varia
49 first varia barrier
50 third varia barrier
51 second varia barrier
52 two giant hoppers in kraid dead
53 gold kraid open
54 gold ridley open
55 first metroid room clear
56 third metroid room clear
57 fifth metroid room clear
58 second metroid room clear
59 sixth metroid room clear
60 fourth metroid room clear
61 first zebetite destroyed
62 second zebetite
63 third zebetite
64 fourth zebetite
65 first escape
66 ???
67 fully powered suit
68 ??? activates after getting fully powered suit
69 ???
70 power bomb tank despawns from statue in ruins (you can't collect it anyway)
71 despawns the pirate carrying the power bomb in the screen above the statue (it has no collisions)
72 despawns the pirate carrying the power bomb just before the actual tank (ditto)
73 glass bridge destroyed
74 mecha ridley dead (doesn't activate until countdown starts)
75 escape!
76 ???
77 ???
78 end

so, here are just the unknown ones:
0 0 ダミーダコリヤ
15 SCREWCHO タチチヨウ スクリユー
40 CROCOSI ボス クロコマイヤー シ
41 GEKITAIM ボス ゲキタイマシン シ
66 AFROHAKKEN ロロ ココカラコウハン ロロ
68 VARIATYOKU バリア チヨクドリデナ
69 CHOZOBLOCK チヨウゾブロック
76 AKI アキ
77 BOMBGATE アキ ボムゲート

some of these ヨ are supposed to be the little subscript ones but I can't be bothered with that

Thread title: 
event flags? what is this, metroid fusion? #Kappa
Edit history:
Mobiusman: 2013-08-02 04:57:07 am
Mobiusman: 2013-08-02 04:56:56 am
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 06:27:48 pm
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 06:27:43 pm
Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 06:27:42 pm
67 (fully powered suit) is also the flag that kills the chozo ghost and changes the entire of chozodia.

68 (VARIATYOKU) activates if you get fully powered suit without varia in your inventory. It doesn't come on if you already have varia. I guess it's a flag to give you varia at that point.
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kirbymastah: 2013-08-01 06:41:45 pm
Hm so I guess that 100% confirms that getting varia despite varis kip is intended then.
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Mobiusman: 2013-08-01 06:44:41 pm
shooting the orb that contains varia sets flag #19, even if you don't collect it. But flag #18 isn't set until you actually collect hijump. Consistency! The itemflags don't seem to actually do much anyway. (with the exceptions of unknown items and power grip)
I like Big Butts and I can not lie
#15 as you probably know would be the chozo for collecting screw attack, and it's set when you collect screw attack as well. All the other blanks are the same ones I have
Quote from P.JMan:
#15 as you probably know would be the chozo for collecting screw attack, and it's set when you collect screw attack as well. All the other blanks are the same ones I have

yeah, enabling #15 before you collect screw actually puts a map marker on screw's location. ZX was saying he thought the statue after ridley was originally functional and the devs just broke it instead of removing it when they realised it was completely unnecessary.
a little analysis of the katakana in the unknown flags:

0 0 ダミーダコリヤ - ???
15 SCREWCHO タチチヨウ スクリユー - the first word appears in all the statue flags, the second is "screw"
40 CROCOSI ボス クロコマイヤー シ - "boss crocomire [dead]"
41 GEKITAIM ボス ゲキタイマシン シ - in the same form as the above, so the middle word is probably a name
66 AFROHAKKEN ロロ ココカラコウハン ロロ - ???
68 VARIATYOKU バリア チヨクドリデナ - "varia ???"
69 CHOZOBLOCK チヨウゾブロック - "chozo block"
76 AKI アキ - "aki" (???)
77 BOMBGATE アキ ボムゲート - "aki bomb gate"

it'd be awesome if biospark could weigh in and say if the remaining things are actual words :)
タチチヨウ i think is supposed to mean "standing chozo" if that makes sense
"aki" can mean "empty" or "open" if that makes sense
Empty? Maybe that's the flag that removes the Brinstar Varia Suit if you didn't collect it?

Chozoblock could be the big thing that blocks access to the Chozo test room after you get the Fully Powered Suit.
Quote from PokeyTroid:
Empty? Maybe that's the flag that removes the Brinstar Varia Suit if you didn't collect it?

Chozoblock could be the big thing that blocks access to the Chozo test room after you get the Fully Powered Suit.

as far as I can tell, items despawning has nothing to do with any flags, the game just checks whether you have it in your inventory.

That was my first thought for chozoblock too, but it doesn't seem to be the case :(