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I have some challenging Quiz questions(I will be making more since there are only 3 right now). You can answer them here or on the site that they are on.


Scoring: Only the first 3 get points
1st: 3x number of stars
2nd: 2x number of stars
3rd: number of stars

The scores for each person is here:

Thread title: 
1.  I'm not exactly sure what you mean by shutters but the only game i can think of is prime and i believe it is the p bomb or super missles

2. Prime

3.  5 minutes

And i do believe we have enogh quiz threads...

New answers

4. Bendezium

5. Super, Zero Mission, Prime
Same as Mega, except 7 minutes.
4 and 5 have been added.

I wont add another one until 3 people have guessed correctly on one of the 5 questions.

I wont reveal the answer as well as tell you if you got it right until there are 3 correct answers.
Q 4:  Bendezium
Questions 5:Metroid Prime,Metroid Fusion
I will reveal the answers to the five questions at 7PM EST if I dont have 3 correct answers at that time.
1. Just what the flickerbat do you mean with shutters? The doors at Space Station Ceres in Super Metroid can be destroyed with Super Missiles.
2. Prime.
3. Seven minutes
4. Bendezium
5. Prime and Super. If there's one in Zero Mission I don't know it because I haven't played it.
Q1: How 'bout hyper beam, from Super? Do those gates count as shutters?
Shutters... Those are the things used in cameras... I'd expect even a pea shooter can break one of those...
Quote from MetalRidley:
Q1: How 'bout hyper beam, from Super? Do those gates count as shutters?

Those are the kind of shutters.

Question 2 is no longer Valid. Question 6 now posted.
Holy crap 6 is tough.. but I'd have to go with 4 switches for 6
6. Three.
Ready and willing.
1. Hyper Beam, from Super. I just watched Smokey's run last night.

3. 7 minutes.

4. Bendezium.

5. Super, Prime, ZM. Fusion also has a glass pipe, but it doesn't get destroyed per se. There's just powerbomb blocks on the top.

6. 16.
The first 5 Questions are no longer Valid to answer.

Ive updated the Scores.


Questions 7 and 8 have now been added.

Number 7 is a special Question That will be open for answers for a while. Everyone can score points for this. The amount of points you score depends on how well you answer the question. If you answer it completely, it will be worth a *****!

Question 9 added.

Your answer should be based on rooms that have the word "Subchamber" in the room names.
I uhhh had 4 and 5 right pretty early on...


8. Maridia, Crateria

9. 8 (if all rooms)  5 (if counting elevator)  4 (without elevator) 3 (without Primes chamber)
I see. You edited it so I couldnt see your new answers. Let me just fix those scores.

for 9, You might want to use the hint i gave in my last post.

I have now added 10.
Ready and willing.
Brinstar, Crateria, Norfair, Tourain, Chozodia, Kraid, Ridely, Space Pirate Mother Ship, Zebes, SR388, Lower Norfair, Tallon IV, Magmoor Caverns, Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins, Phendrena Drifts, Impact Crater, Phazon Mines, Ceres Station, Wrecked Ship, The Frigate, BSL Labs, Main Deck, Habitation Deck, Sector 1-6 (SRX, TRO, PYR, AQA, ARC, NOC), Maridia

Crateria, Norfair, Maridia.

9. 4?

6:3 power conduites
7:Space Pirate Frigate,Tallon VI(overworld),Chozo Ruins,Magmoor Caverns,Phendrana,Impact Crater,phazon mines,Brinstar,Norfair,lower norfair,Kraid,Ridley,Tourian,space pirate mothership,Habitation deckCrateria,Main deck,The six sectors:SRX,TRO,PYR,AQA,ARC,NOC,Chozodia,Zebes,SR388,BSL labs,frigate chrash site,

10:In the hands of a chozo?
7. Whoa.
Brinstar (Kraid's Lair), Norfair (Ridley's Lair), Tourian, The Blue Area Where You Begin Which I Don't Know If It Has Any Name and The Golden/Brown Area That You Come To After That Which I Don't Know If It Has Any Name Either.

Metroid II - Return of Samus
SR388. The individual areas has never had any known names.

Super Metroid
Space Station Ceres, Crateria, Brinstar, Norfair, Crashed Frigate, Maridia, Tourian.

Metroid Fusion
Main Deck, Sector 1 (SRX), Sector 2 (TRO), Sector 3 (PYR), Sector 4 (AQA), Sector 5 (ARC), Sector 6 (NOC).

Metroid Prime
Space Pirate Frigate, Tallon Overworld, Chozo Ruins, Magmoor Caverns, Phendrana Drifts, Phazon Mines, Impact Crater.

I have still not played Zero Mission. I guess it's like Metroid 1, plus Chozodia. And a space pirate ship.

8. Crateria, Maridia, Norfair.

10. Maridia.
10. Maridia
6. Three.

7. Ouch. Without repeating areas: Brinstar, Kraid, Ridley, Norfair, tourian, chozodia, SR388, Ceres station, maridia, lower norfair, wrecked ship, tallon overworld, chozo ruins, magmoor, phendrana, phazon mines, impact crater, main deck, Sectors 1-6(srx, tro, pyr, aqa, arc, noc), research lab

8. Crateria, Norfair, Maridia

9. 4

10. Maridia
8 and 10 are no longer valid.

11 and 12 added

You might want to look over 6 again.
When I mean the Reactor Core, I mean one room. Answers like 12 and 16 are way off the correct number.

According to the Scores, Yoshi348 appears to be the Best with a score of 35.
Scores are here:

11. Phazon mines, near fungal hall; Chozo ruins, by hall of the elders; Impact crater, from big central room(can't remember name).

12. Super, Ceres station; MZM, hard mode tourian.

EDIT: whoops, there were two fungal halls, so B, and the big central room is central core.