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Quote from Chet Rippo:
Quote from MetalRidley:
Since when are those big books? Read Atlas Shrugged or The Lord of the Rings, the ultimate reading endurance and comprehension test.

Well big enough for a 9 year old (when I started reading Jurassic Park).

stop gitting off subject k lets git back on it

plz post ure does and donts about emu and system k
Having at least a minimally decent grammar, spelling and punctuation is NEVER off topic. I suggest you follow Toozin's advice.

And there's never been a library that's HEARD of the English language that doesn't carry Lord of teh Rings.
Well my Libaery dosnt carry it then I my libary is the only one.
I read really big books...
Lord Of the Rings
Thief Lord
Artemis Fowl(and the other 2)
Titan A.E.

As you can see,I read some of the biggest books in town. I read any book over 250+ pages. Timeline is almost double that.... Twisted Evil
I read the "M" volume of the encyclopedia once.
Quote from SonicandTailspma:
I read the "M" colume of the encyclopedia once.

Maybe you should read the "v" section of the dictionary.

No.  You should read the "S" section.  Much longer.
Quote from Chet Rippo:
No.  You should read the "S" section.  Much longer.

....please tell me you understand the joke!  Don't explain it; just tell me you understand and I'll believe you.
Quote from RoboBlob:
Quote from Chet Rippo:
No.  You should read the "S" section.  Much longer.

....please tell me you understand the joke!  Don't explain it; just tell me you understand and I'll believe you.

..... Sure I do.....  Yes.......
Wait, I don't get it.  SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT!
Damn.  Well, he spelled volume with a c, so I suggested he read the V section of the dictionary.  Thank you for making me ruin it.
BACK to the main topic here...    Rolling Eyes

System is better. i have the SNES emulator, but the keyboard is a lot more frustrating to work with than any controller.
Aaah, I get it.  For some reason, I thought he was trying to say "column".  I dunno . . . Embarassed
Yes... I knew.... all the time...... yes......
I have to agree that the keyboard is hard to work with. I had trouble getting the Gravity suit because of this.
My keyboard has trouble registering three or more keystrokes at once. Therefore, I can't run and shoot, running jump, shoot and jump, etc. very well. Plus, it's easier to execute mockball on SNES.
Quote from Ekarderif:
My keyboard has trouble registering three or more keystrokes at once. Therefore, I can't run and shoot, running jump, shoot and jump, etc. very well. Plus, it's easier to execute mockball on SNES.

I agree.  The keyboard never seemed to accept my using the aim diagonally up, jump, and fire buttons at the same time.  I died once or twice because of this.  (hack cough Ridley cough wheeze)  This defect also made some of the harder grapple beam puzzles really frustrating.
try using other keys.  Shift can combine with ANY other two, for example.  They're all different.  Even different sections of the alpha keyboard
Yeah, just use a SNES. It's easier to work with an actual game controller than a keyboard. (especially Super Metroid).

OK, you people that don't own a Super Nintendo or Super Metroid..Go out and get them NOW!

BTW. Can't you record yourself playing with a cassette tape?
Ready and willing.
Quote from Chozo Nut:
BTW. Can't you record yourself playing with a cassette tape?

Yep, that's how 99% of SDA entries are made. Nate and Radix have uber l33t conversion programs.

Although, I'm getting a funny image of someone recording themselves playing WITH a cassette tape. ^_^
i play on an emulator... i want a snes but im not that old.  and there hard to find...

and the emulator controller i use sucks majorly
I actually never noticed the c/v discrepency.
Well, after loads and loads of people saying super metroid rocks!!wh00t! I FINALLY got it on an emulator. I must say this game rocks!!The atmosphere is so cool. After having all the metroid games (also prime) and completing them I am surprised that this game rocks so very well! So I have never played a snes and probably never will, me bieng only 13  :(  So I will just play this awesome game on an emulator and will love it unconditianly!