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See, a purple area would be fine, but a whole purple world? Populated almost exclusively by purple creatures? Heavy usage of a purple weapon? Purple pickups? That's all a bit much. I can't take the purple.
Edit history:
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:00:51 pm
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:00:01 pm
If you hate Prime2 so much there is no reason to love Prime1. Some need to play SM again to see how some better taste is looking like. Purple is terrible, For the record to all: the number of people teaches us over and over thet taste is not a random thing.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
If you hate Prime2 so much there is no reason to love Prime1. Some need to play SM again to see how some better taste is looking like. Purple is terrible, For the record to all: the number of people teaches us over and over thet taste is not a random thing.
You mind trying that sentence once more? It made no sense whatsoever.
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J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:13:27 pm
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:11:03 pm
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:09:40 pm
Quote from Kharay1977:
Quote from Billy:
Personal preference and quality should be judged separately.
Quality is in the eye of the beholder. As such, they cannot be judged separately. They are one and the same thing.
Chess is a good quality game but not my preference. I can judge it separately. I dont believe Quality is a random thing as you might naivly assume. I also believe taste is not that random.
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Kharay1977: 2010-07-08 05:18:22 pm
Quote from J_SNAKE:
Chess is a good quality game but not my preference. I can judge it separately. I dont believe Quality is a random thing as you might naivly assume. I also believe taste is not that random.
Excuse me? Naively? Sod off. Really, sod off.

And I never did imply taste was random. Maybe you should learn to express yourself a little bit better because you're currently making very little sense. Oh, you may also want to take up reading lessons. And get a few English lessons while you're at it.
You did imply taste is a random thing.
Wait, which is the random thing? Taste or quality?
Quote from J_SNAKE:
You did imply taste is a random thing.
No, I did not. If what I try to get across is too complicated for you to comprehend, don't worry. I won't hold it against you.
You are not reading my posts again, so you cannot know.
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Kharay1977: 2010-07-08 05:31:06 pm
Quote from J_SNAKE:
You are not reading my posts again, so you cannot know.
hahahahahaha... go re-read what you just wrote. You're accusing me of implying taste is a random thing and for reference... are now pointing to YOUR posts?

Seriously, that malfunctioning brain of yours... was it an accident or were you born with it?
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J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:37:25 pm
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 05:34:45 pm
No, it is not just the local thing here. I just followed your talk since our first conversation, where you were not willing to listen what I tried to tell you. You like to use smart sounding words without being  aware about the context.
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Opium: 2010-07-08 05:37:24 pm
Opium: 2010-07-08 05:36:08 pm
Kharay - if JSNAKE isn't communicating in accordance with your standards then it is not intentional.  Your being totally rude now, which is equally detrimental to effective communication, and it IS intentional.  It will take him a while to get better at English, but you can stop being a jerk right now.
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Kharay1977: 2010-07-08 05:39:48 pm
Quote from Opium:
Kharay - if JSNAKE isn't communicating in accordance with your standards then it is not intentional.  Your being totally rude now, which is equally detrimental to effective communication, and it IS intentional.  Stop being a jerk.
Oh, I'm fully aware I'm being a jerk. If it wasn't apparent by now I'm actually quite a jerk I apologize for not saying so before. I'm an absolute ass. And yes, it is completely intentional.

But honestly, the thing with jerks... they are jerks when provoked into being like that.

If his English skills are insufficient to understand me he should admit to that and ask me to clarify myself. He should not go about jumping to conclusions about what I may or may not have said or meant. I have no qualms whatsoever about clarifying myself. I do object to people jumping to conclusions based on misinterpretation however.
Quote from Kharay1977:
If his English skills are insufficient to understand me he should admit to that and ask me to clarify myself. He should not go about jumping to conclusions about what I may or may not have said or meant.

Chess is not my preference but I can judge its qualities separately.

In our first talk you treated taste as a random thing. I dont even see a problem why you have to deny it.
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Kharay1977: 2010-07-08 06:03:05 pm
Quote from J_SNAKE:
where you were not willing to listen what I tried to tell you.
There is a very important difference between listening to someone and agreeing with them. A very important difference. I read everything you said carefully, weighed it carefully and disagreed with it. If that is too hard for you to accept you shouldn't be caught in any discussion with me. Because I'm a very passionate debater. Much like yourself.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
Chess is not my preference but I can judge its qualities separately.

In our first talk you treated taste as a random thing. I dont even see a problem why you have to deny it.
I did not treat it as a random thing. Really, I did not. If you interpreted what I said as such, I apologize. But please stop assuming things about what I may or may not have said or meant. It really is starting to make the both of us look like asses.

Additionally, you cannot simply project everything I may or may not have said at any given point along the space-time continuum onto everything else I may or may not have said along that same space-time continuum. We were talking about the aesthetics of Super Metroid in that conversation and these last few pages were about the qualities of Metroid Prime 2. Which is an entirely separate subject.
It's about intent.  If his mistakes piss you off, they're still just mistakes.  If the fact that his english skills are insufficient is the cause of his misunderstanding you, then it's totally unintentional.  He often apologizes for misunderstanding people and makes an effort.  I don't always agree with his opinions, but he's never sat there and proclaimed himself to be an ass.  It's totally immature of you to blame another person for provoking you into being rude.  It's your conscious decision to be an ass or not.  If you disagree then I suggest therapy.
Quote from arkarian:
Quote from Prime Hunter:
Yeah, I ran into this unfortunately a little while back regarding Zelda. I said something about how I thought Spirit Tracks was the best 2D Zelda game they had put out after I finished it for the first time, and everyone jumped all over me

well yeah, i'd jump all over you too. spirit tracks is not a 2d game. :P

OK, so does top-down work for you? (As in more like the original and LTTP rather than OOT or WW) Actually that does separate them better than 2D/3D if you really think about it, but I don't want to go there again so I'll leave it at that.

Quote from Opium:
EDIT:  btw gotta love those hands-on videos from E3

Yeah, weren't they the best? I wanna hear more about that game! Wink

To be honest, I've kinda given up on keeping things on topic these days. We as a forum have this natural tendency to create tangent after tangent almost everywhere we go whenever we don't have something specific to discuss at a point in time relating to said topic. I've gotten used to it.
Edit history:
Kharay1977: 2010-07-08 05:57:29 pm
Kharay1977: 2010-07-08 05:53:38 pm
Quote from Opium:
It's about intent.  If his mistakes piss you off, they're still just mistakes.  If the fact that his english skills are insufficient is the cause of his misunderstanding you, then it's totally unintentional.  He often apologizes for misunderstanding people and makes an effort.  I don't always agree with his opinions, but he's never sat there and proclaimed himself to be an ass.  It's totally immature of you to blame another person for provoking you into being rude.  It's your conscious decision to be an ass or not.  If you disagree then I suggest therapy.
Therapy failed. Please don't go there, very shaky ground and, if I may say so, an equally immature point of view. You do not know me nor do you have any idea about why I am the way I am.

And, is it really so hard for him to simply admit to his mistakes in interpreting me? Just READ what he's been doing, for crying out loud. He keeps uttering absolute nonsense and pulling things ridiculously much out of context. That is a very conscious decision to make and has nothing to do with English skills. It is a matter of common sense and logical reasoning.

For the record - as I have clearly demonstrated, I have no problems whatsoever admitting to MY mistakes. In this particular instance - the fact I'm an absolute ass when rubbed the wrong way. I know it's a character flaw. But hey, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. We all have our mistakes. At least I can admit to mine and I've been working hard on them. You have no idea what I was like when I was 5. I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say I've already come a long way. No one is flawless however.
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J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 06:15:07 pm
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 06:13:39 pm
Quote from Kharay1977:
Again, the fact you personally don't like the way Metroid Prime looks does not in any way, shape or form determine whether it looks more or less realistic, authentic or anything else you may come up with and later deny having said than Super Metroid.


Is all this is.

It does determine whether it looks more authentic/serious... or not because I believe taste is not a random thing. I also think  that one genuine thing is that if something is looking less distracting it looks more authentic/believable. A good strength of 2d:)
2D is by nature less believable. You can't perceive a believable 2D world, only a fantasy one.

Oh dear God what am I doing?!
Quote from J_SNAKE:
It does determine whether it looks more authentic/serious... or not because I believe taste is not a random thing. I also think  that one genuine thing is that if something is looking less distracting it looks more authentic/believable. A good strength of 2d:)

Honestly, I'll be the mature one for a moment and drop the effort of trying to have an intelligent discussion with you. It simply isn't worth it.
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J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 06:21:56 pm
If you are able to lead a serious discussion you are able to tell me whit what you disagree, or retry explaining what you wanted to say.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
If you are able to lead a serious discussion you are able to tell me whit what you disagree.
Really, J_SNAKE, with all due respect, you and me... we're done. Or at the very least, I am. Seems to me it is the wisest course of action in this particular case.
Edit history:
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 06:27:43 pm
J_SNAKE: 2010-07-08 06:26:27 pm
Quote from TheGreenManalishi:
2D is by nature less believable.
It is the interesting thing. Once you enter the 2D-world your attitude towards it is different to a 3D environment in general. That is the interesting thing. In 2D you ask less why a SM stone is flying. It looks less distracting.
I've never asked why magical things happen in games created with the intention of providing a magical environment in which I can wreak whatever havoc I please without any repurcussions in reality. That goes for 2D, 3D, all kinds of D.