It's no fault of yours, it just isn't possible for a human to argue with J-SNAKE. Many before you have tried and failed, you were pretty much dead on with:
Repeating arguments you already made and which I, in fact, have proven to be part of what I've been trying to get across is not really helping your argument. Nor is pulling things out of context. You're mixing up everything I've said into 1 thing and placing words in my mouth I never said.
That is literally how every attempt has gone. He is the pro-est internet arguer because he can and will outlast you and wear you out though sheer quantity of words. The only way to win is not to play.
All I saw was him stating his opinion, people laughing at him for it (wtf?), and him trying to explain why he felt that way. :\
I didn't laugh at J's opinion, I laughed at his mockable attempts to sell those opinions as absolute truths.
Quote from taigabob:
It's no fault of yours, it just isn't possible for a human to argue with J-SNAKE. Many before you have tried and failed, you were pretty much dead on with:
Quote from taigabob:
That is literally how every attempt has gone. He is the pro-est internet arguer because he can and will outlast you and wear you out though sheer quantity of words. The only way to win is not to play.
I don't think he ever said his opinions were anything more than opinions. In fact, he said specifically "It has a more authentic feel to me" ; "the combination of all that makes the game significantly more immersive than Prime to me."
I also think he had plenty of right to explain his opinions with walls of text considering they were received as if they were the most ridiculous things anyone had ever read. (See kesvalk's post -- what I was originally referring to about laughing.)
And yes, my 666th post is me defending J_SNAKE, go ahead and make a joke about that >_>
SM is more of gritty realism and dense bone-chilling atmosphere.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
In 3D the feel corresponds differently and less forgiving. What I was trying to convey is that in Prime your environment looks not authentic but like a poor steril arteficial movie-stage.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
but I think we can at least agree on the fact that SM looks more dirty and gritty while Prime looks more flashy and steril with poor environmental detail.
Quote from J_SNAKE:
If something looks less distracting it looks more authentic.
All opinions, when you think about it. And all portrayed as fact.
Not explicitly stating that something is an opinion does not automatically mean that you believe it is an undeniable fact. Arguments... just don't look very good with an "IMO" at the end of every sentence. I don't think it's anything to make a big deal about anyway.
I just think that the animosity J_SNAKE is getting has more to do with what he's said in the past than what he's said in this topic. :\
Not as far as I'm concerned. Yes, I did look back at what happened before concerning J_SNAKE, but, I wasn't a registered member back then. My opinion on him is based on his futile attempts at holding an intelligent discussion. I'm not discounting the fact he actually is intelligent, I mean, his work on his... errrhmm... experiment (SMTac) is really interesting, to some degree.
But, well... let's just say, if he ever needs help pulling his head out of his own arse, I'll be happy to help.
Here is how I see it (if a mod commplains about off-topic I will quit it):
In 2D you can go more into detail with far less hardware-requirements. Thus your game can look more detailed, dirty, gritty and 'serious'. Cel shading is a good way to save ressources in 3D and offer a new style in one slap but in 2D you would loose detail for nothing.
Compare these bosses as example: dirty, gritty, more detailed
flashy, sterile, less detailed:
So I am surprised when someone strongly disagrees with that.
I always thought Mother Brain looked goofy as hell, look at that eye bugging out and tell me she doesn't looked constantly surprised. Also comparing a final boss that was supposed to surprise the player and what essentially becomes a mook is silly.
Quote from 072:
And yes, my 666th post is me defending J_SNAKE, go ahead and make a joke about that >_>
It is important to note that while J-SNAKE may make a lot of long winded posts that may or may not make sense, does not mean his ideas are bad, that he is necessarily wrong, or even that any response I make to his posts should imply that I actually disagree with him. But I will not ever be convinced that when he makes posts like earlier in the thread, that he does so without knowing full well what's going to happen when he does; it always goes the same way and it has happened far too many times for it too be accidental and he's far too smart not to anticipate it.
it is entertaining... every forum need someone like him... he is like gramatical gerbil from the MP2D forums...
anyway, i think we deviated a little about the topic in question...
so, are any of you guys wanting a new theme for a area? we aways have the jungle, the frozen (okay, not on zebes or SR388) and the lava filled area... what do you guys want in terms of areas this time?
the fact that it will be prolly inside bottle ship restricts a lot what can be done, but i want a vertical area, like a tower or observation deck, that is mainly composed of vertical shafts with simple rooms on the side, like the chapel on simphony of the night, just with out the ladders connecting the towers
Back on topic then - I'd prefer a wide variation in areas. For a few reasons but most importantly - if it's just 1 primary area and it happens to be one I dislike, well, it would deter me personally from playing the game. Fallout 3 is a prime example of this. Interesting as the game may be, to me the gameworld just seems too static, way too plastic. Somehow. It lacks... vibrance, in the graphics at least. To this day, I've yet to play more than one hour into the game.
Another thing - having a wider variation of areas will allow for a wider variation of puzzles & challenges to overcome. Limiting to just a spaceship will seriously limit the different number of puzzles & challenges you can implement.