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stylus (27)
dual (control pads) (4)
what mode do you like?
Thread title: 
stylus 4ever.
Quote from nate:
stylus 4ever.

Yeah. Dual mode is just too hard to use. Aiming is extremely weird, and not being able to aim properly is bad in a Metroid game.
Stylus...dual mode is not werid....my cousins use it and he is a healthy 3 star player.
With carpal tunnel syndrome.
Ready and willing.
WTF is that supposed to mean?

Stretching your hands around it is hard. Plus the edges of the DS are pointy.
Ready and willing.
Erm... because anyone who plays OTHER DS games gets carpal tunnel?
added a poll.
Quote from nate:
added a poll.

Thank you kindly.
Anywhere, everywhere
I actually like dual mode. I can play with both, but dual is easier on my hands. Besides, I'm not really a FPS kind of guy, I like FPA's more. Wink
I go with Dual Mode: Playing with the Stylus didn't seem comfortable when I first did it. (I know there is a way to fine tune the sensitivity, but the Dual Mode seems to allow me more accuracy than the Stylus, interestingly enough. :?)

I haven't gone back to the Stylus mode since day one, as far as I know.
Stylus Mode, using my thumb nail. Woo for Classical Guitar.
stylus, nothing else.
(user is banned)
dual mode... neither the left handed stylus or right handed stylus feel right for a left handed person.
Stylus, with just a little bit of practice I was able to aim just as well as I can on a computer FPS, although it helped that I played the First Hunt demo to death before hand Laughing

I've tried dual mode, maybe with practice it could be good, but I can't imagine it ever being as precise as stylus, so I've never used it for long (and never in multiplayer).
I don't know what mode I like I just switch everynow and then...but with styuls you can aim better.
Stylus mode. When my touch screen started screwing up a while back, I switched to Dual. I could barely do anything. The bots pwned me. :P