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Bangaa Bishop
Ok, so after taking care of the second bomb part in SkyTown East, I decided "Well, I guess it would be less time consuming and less annoying to fly to the first dock instead of walking all the way back" but when I tried to land the ship I got a warning "Your ship must drop any cargo it is carrying in order to land. Continue?" (At first, I thought that my ship took the parts away to some locaiton, but then I realized that it inserted the first part into the second, and so it was still carrying the first and now the second).

If I land the ship, where does it drop what it is carrying?
Thread title: 
Where you found them.
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from sp unit 262:
Where you found them.

So in other words, i'd have to do the whole thing over again? The puzzles would reset etc. ?
Yes. If you land the ship, both bomb parts would be placed back where you first picked em up. Except for the puzzels. I am pretty sure that they would stay solved.
There's a shortcut in Zipline Station Bravo that leads right to Transit Hub. Use that.