I was just wondering if anyone does. It seems it's always normal or hard, never easy. I can see why you wouldn't, considering it's...well easy, and no matter what you end up with the same ending picture.
No. If you'e played a 2d metroid before, easy mode is just an insult to your intelligence and skills. Heck, after playing a Hard 15%, even a normal Hard run is too easy. Tourian in particular is far too easy when I have all the missiles I could ever need. Compare that to constantly refreezing the metroids, shooting rinkas in hopes that they will drop a pair of missiles.
No. If you'e played a 2d metroid before, easy mode is just an insult to your intelligence and skills. Heck, after playing a Hard 15%, even a normal Hard run is too easy. Tourian in particular is far too easy when I have all the missiles I could ever need. Compare that to constantly refreezing the metroids, shooting rinkas in hopes that they will drop a pair of missiles.
Worst room: that U-shaped one after the long lava hallway. There are around 10 metroids there, and all of them start swarming once you land on the platform. That, and there are two rinkas coming at you from below. The horror...
Wow... I actually have yet to have even started an easy run... been too focused on getting all the endings, and I got the first ending when I did my awesome 6+ hour run on normal my first time through 8)
It's quicker to get ending one on easy. To get all the endings, all you need is a normal 99% <1:55 run, a normal 15% run, a hard 100% <2:00:00 run and a hard 15% run. I've yet to get ending 2, so I'm just doing a hard 99% <1:55 run. Then, one more new game and a Fusion link and I'm done.
I played my first run in easy and when training for a normal 100% run I used easy to get through it quickly so I could explore to find the items I've been missing.
Please tell me you can't freeze a metroid to death on easy. I know easy's pathetic, but that's worse than the extra escape time you get! The only thing that would be worse than that is if you got double the missiles and energy from tanks.
No, if you look what he said, he said freeze long enough to kill it, as in shoot it with missiles. They don't stay frozen as long in Normal or Hard. Reading comprehension is your friend.
Ok, I guess, but it doesn't seem like that's what he meant. After all, if you couldn't keep them frozen long enough to smack 'em with missiles, how could you beat hard mode at all?
After all, if you couldn't keep them frozen long enough to smack 'em with missiles, how could you beat hard mode at all?
After they unfreeze, they keep your smacks, so, if you hit one with 3 missiles before they unfreeze, you only need to freeze it and hit it with 2 more missiles. Duh!
Oh, I see. I always just barrage them with ice beams, though, then kill the rinkas quickly to keep the metroids frozen. I see what he meant now though. Thanks.
Yeah, sorry for the lack of clarity, I probably could've explained a little better. I guess you could just freeze them, hold R and rapid-tap B counting "1-3-5" (I tap faster than I think). Or you could use the 6 super missiles before MB (on Hard 100% run, all item tanks are halved: 50 health each, 2 missiles each, 1 super missile each, 1 power bomb each).