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I can connect to servers fine, but when I try and join a channel, nothing happens.  The channel monitor says that channel monitoring has begun, but a new window doesn't pop up.  I even tried reinstalling it, and still nothing.  Can anyone help?
Thread title: 
How exactly are you joining?
[code /j #metroid[/code]

That should work.  If it doesnt, make sure you're on the right server (irc.metroid2002.com).
Well, I know I'm on the right server because the motd comes up, but it won't work with either /join #metroid or /j #metroid.  Also, I just noticed this, but if I open up the Window menu, there are 2 windows open.

1 Unkown Description (Unknown) -  PessimistByNature - Disconnected

2 Unkown Description (irc.metroid2002.com) - PessimistByNature - Initialising

The first one is just the standard window that opens up with HydraIRC.  But what does initializing mean?  It doesn't say it on the title bar of the actual window, just the window menu.  Even if I wait a while, it still doesn't go away.