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Quote from Skreemaster:
Perhaps you could add some kind of magic red button that switches the layout between the new and the old...

With an intermediate knowledge of php and phpBB's code, that would take you about one and a half hours to install. Add about twenty minutes for each additional phpBB template you have installed on your forums. This is a lot harder to do than the attachments MOD, and sometimes won't work on phpBB 2.0.11 and up (these boards run off of phpBB 2.0.13).
I'm all up for the "new system." I used to read most of the new posts in the topics, but as of now, I'm usually just at the fusion forum (Since it's nearly dead and I kinda like fusion I guess). In my opinion, once idle chit chat in a serious topic goes on for more than a few posts, it's not going to get back on topic, and that turns me off the topic forever. Like Red Scarlet, I don't come here for chatting. IRC does a much better job than a forum does in that respect.
"multiple metroid" has been renamed "general metroid".
Time bomb set get out fast!
Quote from Red Scarlet:
Top half (down through Fusion's board) = don't make dumb, spammy, pointless posts.
Bottom half = where people can talk about random crap for a 'chatty' environment.

C'mon, Red, don't hold back.  Tell us how you really feel.
red chamber dream
Wow, this "General Metroid" thing is going to take some getting used to. But it makes sense as a change, so I guess it's cool.
red chamber dream
Please note the new, improved updated policy dealing with the new organization of the forums, off-topic-ness, and such. Many thanks to Yoshi for this.
One shall stand, one shall ball.
Well, written Ark/Yoshi, I agrre that the game specific forums should be kept on-topic. Also note that I like the new organization of the forums.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Quote from Zeke:
C'mon, Red, don't hold back.  Tell us how you really feel.

I don't feel like naming names and pointing people out just for them to get angry.  I'll pass.

Quote from njahnke:
"multiple metroid" has been renamed "general metroid".

w00t I contributed to the forum.

Oh, I was wondering why some M1 topics were thrown in there..Yoshi is a good maid.
I have a question.

Do you think it would be a good idea to PM a admin or mod about a certain website to get their OK for posting it here so as to avoid people getting warned, or getting a probation?
red chamber dream
It would definitely be a good idea, if you think it might not be appropriate. It's always better to ask than to face a warning.
Ready and willing.
We've had a spate of lock begging recently, which is weird because it came in all of a sudden. I've added a rule against it.
I was thinking if it would be a good idea if you make a topic of those that have been banned. Like a ban-list. Saying what they did to get the boot.
That could be pretty interesting and useful, as a "What NOT To Do" list for the forums, and who's been guilty of doing those things and got booted for doing so.
Cook of the Sea
In ilikebloob's case, it would be something like "saying 'toozin rhymes with poozin' while getting chewed out for being a general ass"

Good times, good times...
Ready and willing.
I don't think it's a good idea to dwell on members who get banned being stupid by enshrining their names.
Cook of the Sea
why not?
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
Quote from SABERinBLUE:
In ilikebloob's case, it would be something like "saying 'toozin rhymes with poozin' while getting chewed out for being a general ass"

Good times, good times...

You make it sound like I just got pissed and banned him. The guy was making senseless posts, annoying everyone, and literally asking for a ban. He recieved several warnings. For the record, insulting me does NOT result in a ban.
Cook of the Sea
True, and I of course knew about all that.  I did sit and laugh for about  a minute and thirty seconds when I saw the actual banning, though.  A greater jewel among message board bannings I have never seen. 

Sorry if I done misrepreSENT, though... 8)  Wink
soaking through
Quote from Toozin:
For the record, insulting me does NOT result in a ban.

Uuuh, shouldn't that count as flaming anyway?  From what I saw, he wasn't disagreeing with you or insulting you for any particular reason, so didn't that fall under a normal rule anyway?
Cook of the Sea
He was being a global ass.  His post to toozin was basically random, in reponse to Toozin calling him out on being an ass.  at least, that's how I remember it.  I'll see if I can find the thread; this was back during my first run of these boards.


Yeah, that was the capstone to a pyramid of unbridled idiocy.  Note that before teh ban, his name was "ilikebloob".
soaking through
No, I know, I've found it when randomly reading back through the board.  I was just commenting that Toozin's last statement makes no sense, as that would be flaming anyway, and probably get the perp at least a warning.
Quote from Yoshi348:
I don't think it's a good idea to dwell on members who get banned being stupid by enshrining their names.

We wouldn't be enshrining anything, Yosh.

It would be like "The Hall of Shame". Telling any new members what happened to those that got banned, and how they got banned in the first place.

If you ask me. I think it really is a good idea. Idea  Idea  Idea

Any mods, and admins agree with me?
Quote from Sam-Mag:

It would be like "The Hall of Shame". Telling any new members what happened to those that got banned, and how they got banned in the first place.

If you ask me. I think it really is a good idea. Idea  Idea  Idea

Any mods, and admins agree with me?

I disagree. Reading the rules should be enough to keep anyone away from getting banned, don't you think?
Not impossible
just highly unlikely
I said it before many moons ago; bans happen. No sense dwelling on them.
Cook of the Sea
Quote from Toozin:
I said it before many moons ago; bans happen. No sense dwelling on them.

Quote from TRH:
I disagree. Reading the rules should be enough to keep anyone away from getting banned, don't you think?

I dunno.  Some people respond better to examples.  Since the banned dudes (and there have been only a handful, right?) never really got it, they may have benefitted from examples.  Well, I mean, some of the banned dudes were simply too lazy to fix it up or they were purposefully trolling, but still, people do get referred here while reading stuff on GameFAQs (I did) and if those people like the message boards there, they need to be reacquainted with what a message board is supposed to be.  I say we help them out in whatever way we can, and since the banned dudes won't be around anyway, I say we make an object-lesson out of them.  But whatever, I've shot my wad, 'sup to you guys of course.