I don't have a problem with conducting ROM business through PMs (don't think nate cares either), but that doesn't mean you can say "someone PM me the link to such-and-such ROM" on the forum.
The whole thought was spawned from back before SCU forums were hacked. There were topics there where people were releasing their Super Metroid hacks and people had to email the hack's makers to get the hacks. As, I assumed (Until this) that hacks were considered illegal warez as well.
And I never inclined that a lawyer would have admin access to a forum. I was merely commenting on the single phrase that Monster made when he said PM's were private. I just assumed site admins could read PM's here, too. Hence, why I've never sent a PM to anyone with some kind of rule-breaking going on in them.
Which reminds me, is it just me, or do PM's not go through the censor?
And... It was nothing but a lip peck with two of our friends and my parents in the room when the picture was taken..... But if you deem it so damn sinfull, then your wish is my command. Just don't click my button then.
And... It was nothing but a lip peck with two of our friends and my parents in the room when the picture was taken..... But if you deem it so damn sinfull, then your wish is my command.
Yeah, that's not what she meant. We just don't enjoy you plastering in our faces that you get some from your girlfriend. A gentleman never kisses and tells.
Which reminds me, is it just me, or do PM's not go through the censor?
People are more likely to avoid the censor in PM. I do by default.
lol, dn, you can talk about anything you want and break the rules all you want in PM. Seriously, it's not public, and I don't believe that all the admins here can read them, anyway - think only nate can, and believe me, he doesn't care what you talk about in private; I highly doubt he reads any but his own. We honestly don't care what you do in private, and that's also the reason why Chanoire wanted you to take that out of your sig.
Well, my apologies to all those that it offended, made feel bad, disgusted, etc. that certainly wasn't my intention. You've got believe me that I didn't even think that highly of it until it got a lot of "Aww, cute!" comments on her MySpace. Truly, that was the only thing that came to mind when I updated the image to have that picture. I'm sorry I was inconsiderate of everyone.
And... It was nothing but a lip peck with two of our friends and my parents in the room when the picture was taken..... But if you deem it so damn sinfull, then your wish is my command. Just don't click my button then.
a) It's nothing to do with being 'sinfull' [sic] and everything to do with PDA being obnoxious. b) Have already looked through your emo-fest. Wish I could believe that writing that angsty is parody.
Probation honestly wasn't helping, so it's gone now. We won't nessecarily be all super-ban now, but remember that warnings are and were always meant to be taken seriously as far as "don't do that again" is concerned.
To explicate further: this means (for me, at least) that all warnings will be given as "severe warnings"; there will be no more slaps on the wrist. I am going to start warning for plain general intended idiocy, so if you frequently act like a moron, now is the time to stop.
Maybe I should explain a bit more. I'm merely going to be stricter with the warnings for rulebreaking. Now of course, with newer users and such, I won't be all "RARAR you better stop!!", nor will I get too angry over the more trivial stuff like double posting : a simple reprimand/reminder is fine for that (and double posting is so arguable anyway). I'm just tired of warning a user 17528745 times and seeing no progress. I feel that stricter warnings are necessary, especially since there is no longer probation to fill the gap between warnings and bans.
Would think they'd act as a flood control essentially... someone's posting too much stupid stuff, so take away the ability to post for a while. Since you can read the forum without being logged in that's about the only difference it makes, right?
So, in essence, probation with the inability to post? Sounds fine to me, though I don't really care either way.
If we did choose to enact temp-banning I think it would be a good idea to call that "probation". Probation is the perfect word for not being able to post for a specific time. It works moreso than what we were using it to mean, at least.
at least the dudes would have a chance to correct themselves since they would think "damn, i'm in probation. i'll be more careful when i can post again" instead of "damn, banned, kthxbye"
So, in essence, probation with the inability to post? Sounds fine to me, though I don't really care either way.
If we did choose to enact temp-banning I think it would be a good idea to call that "probation". Probation is the perfect word for not being able to post for a specific time. It works moreso than what we were using it to mean, at least.
What? No. Probation is a time of trial, not time of absence. Probation means you are being tested.