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Out of curiosity, when this site ws established, what considerations were made as to exactly what defines a word that should be censored and what should not?  Given that the word "Damn" is the most common in the world, but is that all when some words were censored and others weren't?
originally afaik it was whatever tim and/or toozin didn't want people's mommies seeing their kidzorz reading on the interwebs. later i modified them to be more politically correct and internationally correct with less emphasis on babying people.
Ready and willing.
Read: we can say ass. Ass ass ass ass ass.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
how come we can't say bitch and bastard then?

i thought those were less censor-qualified than ass.
some people say bitch is the worst word ever because it's used to slight women and there's no male equivalent.
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i guess i've seen bitch written and used too much elsewhere :p
l'appel du vide
Personally, I'd only go with what is censored on television.

EDIT:  Yeah, American.  Lowest common denominator and all...
american television? none of the american curse words are censored on japanese television.
Quote from nate:
some people say zazabi is the worst word ever because it's used to slight women and there's no male equivalent.

I always thought that bastard was the male equivalent to bitch.
This conversation is highly surreal.
Careful, everyone.  Wouldn't want to make DJ have to break out the italics again.
The whole thing with "bitch" (if you're not familiar with the censor... rhymes with ditch, but starts with a different letter) is that it's quite demeaning when used as a noun, but has a completely different meaning as a verb which I think is far less offensive.  "Shut up, bitch" is one thing, but "Stop bitch-ing" is another.
However, given the way the censor works, I don't think there's any way to conditionally allow a word to pass through depending on its usage.  Unless, of course, you want to get a team together to create a syntax parsing system.  Rolling Eyes
soaking through
It still works fine as a verb.

"Stop zazabing."
Quote from DeathNoble:
Quote from nate:
some people say zazabi is the worst word ever because it's used to slight women and there's no male equivalent.

I always thought that kraid was the male equivalent to zazabi.

No, bastard is an insult to one's parents, hence blaming a woman yet again... I'm sure I don't need to point out that the parents of illegitimate children have historically been treated vastly differently.
Indeed, but your point stems from the direct definition of 'bastard' and as we all know in this current day and age, some swear words are used in a multitude of ways.  Just take 'fuck' for example.
red chamber dream
While "bastard" is unacceptable here, I'd like to make it clear that "bastardise", in some usages, is certainly permitted.
Hey, Nate finally got himself a custom title again!

Anyways, I have a question.  On some gaming forums, of course they have the same no rom begging rule as here, but the loophole they allow is email.  For instance, it's perfectly fine on some forums to make a post saying "could someone email me the rom?"  The logic is that if I made such a post, then if someone emails me the rom, the email addresses are totally seperate from M2K2, so it would be rom-begging if someone posted "email me the rom?"
red chamber dream
Yes. There's no talk about transferring ROMs here. Asking for a ROM in any way is ROM begging.
Yeah, I figured M2K2 was more serious than the rest of the forums out there.  Anyways, just clarifying.
red chamber dream
Why can't you just send the person an email asking them? What's the point of using the forum at all?

>.< Problem solved.
Nobody has actually said anywhere here that they have the specific one I'm looking for.
red chamber dream
Then I guess you'll learn not to break the law.
I didn't ask for it.  All I asked was it okay to ask for it elsewhere if the conversation started here.  I haven't broken the law yet.

Well, at least not in this aspect...
Quote from DeathNoble:
Yeah, I figured M2K2 was more serious than the rest of the forums out there.  Anyways, just clarifying.

Actually, SCU has the same rule.  Asking for a ROM download/site, or providing either, are grounds for warning.  The thing is - it's quite unlikely to ever happen, but that kind of activity could open up a site to legal action.  m2k2 or SCU could be hit with a lawsuit by Nintendo... not for trademark infringement, but for "restriction of trade" or "intellectual property theft" or somesuch.  (I'm a biochemist, not a lawyer.  Cut me some slack.)
The Ninty lawyer could produce printouts of forum pages like this:
* Hey, does anyone have a link for the ROM for Zero Mission?
* Sure, I do.
* Could you email me the link?
* Here you go.

as proof that the site was facilitating illegal activities, ESPECIALLY if no action was taken.  Now, if something like that goes down, and the responsible parties get disciplined, the site can say "We don't approve of that, in fact we actively discourage it" and have a legal foot to stand on.
Of course, you can always do things via PM.  Those aren't accessible to outsiders, and @ SCU we've always said if you're going to ask for/distribute ROMs, it had better be done via PM, so that the site has plausible deniability.
Yeah, I know why it's against the rules to ask for roms.

But PM's are private?  Unless SCU and M2K2 are differrent than my forums, then private messages aren't that private.  On mine, admins can access any member's PM inbox.
1) That won't be the case on every board... on one I have admin access on PMs were visible to admins via a mod which was later dropped during some upgrade so they no longer are.

2) The point is whether, as Monster said, "the Ninty lawyer could produce printouts of forum pages like this".  Said lawyer is unlikely to be an admin on the site and therefore able to read PMs to/from other people.

3) Could you change your sig pic?  Not all of us are voyeurs.