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in the name of justice!
Do you really think somebody who's not going to read the rules voluntarily will follow them if they have them shoved in their face?

I mean, software companies make you "read" the EULA before installing, but almost nobody reads them...just scroll down until it lets you "agree" to them.
red chamber dream
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
D'you reckon there's any way of forcing the rules on them? Like shoving the rules page in their face when signing in and not letting them sign in for a further 5 minutes (to make them read the rules) or some other system like that? I wonder if it'd work...

No, nothing like that would work, imo. The way we have it works fine. If a user breaks a rule, it's no big deal: I'll just warn/probation/ban them. Not something I get all torn up over.
Cook of the Sea
I know I rarely read the rules when I sign up for a forum.  It's the same everywhere.  Any deviations from the norm as far as rules are concerned are almost always noted in stickies. 

Damn, I need to get some rules up on my place...
red chamber dream
Yeah, I don't either, now, anyway. When I first joined this forum, it was the first forum I actually seriously wanted to be a part of, and I read all the rules. Now, I could tell you all the rules from memory. Which isn't really a surprise, since, you know, it's my job to know the rules.

Quote from SABERinBLUE:
Damn, I need to get some rules up on my place...

Indeed. You going for something along the lines of m2k2's, or are you just doing the simpler way, as in "1. Don't spam 2. Don't flame, etc."?
One shall stand, one shall ball.
I usually justscan the rules of a forum after joining, though for this one I actually got around to reading all of the rules, which is a surprise.
red chamber dream
I find reading rules fascinating. Well, maybe not fascinating but pretty cool, at least. Just seeing how different people word things is interesting to me.
It is a little interesting to see exactly how the rules work. Tooz did a good job on explaining them all.
red chamber dream
Quote from Dark_SA-X:
It is a little interesting to see exactly how the rules work. Tooz did a good job on explaining them all.

Toozin did not write most of the rules:
Quote from DominicanZero":
The first version of those rules ever written were written by Reeve, ex-webmaster of the MegaMan Network, as far as I'm concerned.

Tim then copied the rules over to m2k2 (but probably changed them a little). The rules are currently listed in Toozin's post, because he was the one to repost them after they got auto-pruned, as Yoshi said.

Toozin, however, did write the Sig Image part, and the additions to the first version of the rules were written by various admins and mods.
red chamber dream
I took a suggestion from Scarlet and went ahead and deleted over fifty off-topic/spam posts in this topic. We don't want users to have to read a bunch of crap to follow the discussion of the rules. I'll say it once more, just so it's clear: Only discuss this forum's rules here. Any off-topic posts will be deleted on sight.

I'm going to be more strict about this topic than any other, because it's as nearly as important as the Rules topic itself, and it being free of clutter is vital.
Quote from Yoshi348:
Quote from Hejira:
Quote from CoffeeMate78:
Oh yeah this may be off topic but, does anyone know where I can get an emu. for Metroid Zero Mission for my computer?



Remember kids; don't be a foo, read the rules! Word.

Wait, so was that Yoshi responding to Hejira's one word post, or was Yoshi responding to CoffeMate78's post, which would bringme to my question, in a way.

Rom-begging isn't allowed.  Would asking for an emulator be classified as rom-begging, since all the rules say is

No Warez - Posting up and asking for illegal warez is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: ROMS, ISOs, and game cracks. Violation of this Rule will usually result anywhere from a Warning to a Ban, depending on the offense.

which don't exactly say asking for emulators is a no-go...  Just a late Christmas wish for a little clarification on that.
don't know, but it shouldn't be (asking for emulators an offense).
l'appel du vide
Well...since there are discussions on this forum with regards to cyborg runs, I don't think the discussion of emulators would be strictly forbidden.
I meant asking specifically, like if I were to say "Where do I get (Game name) rom at?" would be against the rules.  So I wondered if saying "Where do I get a (Insert console name) emulator at?" would be against the rules.  But what Nate said there leads me to believe I misinterpreted what Yoshi said.  Which is on me.

I don't get why people would beg for an emulator, the first hit Google gives you for "emulator" is the best site I've found and they're always updating with the most recent versions.
Beware: off duty ninja
well I think that because the emu allows one to play roms and such, that it would be against the rules here to ask for even the emus themselves. just my guess. . . . and if that one isn't no the mark, I think that asking for the emu itslef would fall under the no warez rule as opposed to the rom begging one. if a mod/admin could clear that up, it would be great.
Well, as far as I know emulators aren't illegal, as in, it's not a copy of the actual console, it just knows how to read the rom files created from a game. And I have no idea if there's emulators that actually is a copy of the console, in which case it would be pretty hard to get ahold of anyway.
s.samus: your argument proceeds from a faulty premise: that every rom is illegal.
Ready and willing.
As for the post, he was clearly asking for a ROM, rather than an emulator, unless somebody released this new "Metroid Zero Mission" system while I wasn't looking.
Cook of the Sea
Yeah, a lot of people don't get the different between emulators and ROMs.
Quote from Spine Shark:
Do you really think somebody who's not going to read the rules voluntarily will follow them if they have them shoved in their face?

I mean, software companies make you "read" the EULA before installing, but almost nobody reads them...just scroll down until it lets you "agree" to them.

heh, exactly what my freind (a 14 year old genious who is making an mmorpg) is going to use, his "user agreement" is going to allow me a lot of fun from the many many things going to be in it, such as:

-administrators have the authority to terminate your account for any and all reasons

-if you are caught swearing or breaking the cencors ingame, you will be assigned the "a-hole" tag ingame, and will not be able to use the in-game chat system or forums for a set amount of time (fun for admins, who will be able to listen to world chat)

-administrators have the power to say whatever they wish, whether in-game or on the forums

-if your account becomes banned from play and another account using a similar e-mail adress is created, you are eligable to recieve an IPor e-mail ban.

of cource, as one of the game's (which is currently being worked on by my freind for coding, my brother for sound, and me for uhh, enemy design, yea, enemy design. and overall if this project doesnt get scrapped like the other 4 ideas, then well.... i dunno...)
Beware: off duty ninja
Quote from njahnke:
s.samus: your argument proceeds from a faulty premise: that every rom is illegal.

I should clarify what I meant: I was thinking about roms and emus as they pertain to the rules, although I didn't say what I meant clearly in my previous post. I was wondering if asking for information pertaining to getting an emu would be against m2k2 rules/regs and thinkingwhy it may or may not be acceptable. one of those things that I meant to come out one way but ended up being taken in another way
ah, a hypothetical situation. i see.
This may seem like a dumb question, but I've seen some topics with small black paperclips next to their names. What does the paperclip mean?
Quote from Sasuke_Kun:
This may seem like a dumb question, but I've seen some topics with small black paperclips next to their names. What does the paperclip mean?

That someone has posted an attatched file, most stupid thing ever. Gonna go block it now, heh.

Edit: ok I accidentally blocked the wrong picture, does anyone know how to unblock something with adblock? :|

Never mind, figured it out.
If you want, I can always replace that thing with one you design.
Quote from Zeke:
Well, maybe nobody cares what I have to say, but I think this new anti-off-topic-posting policy is not just draconian, it's almost offensive.  Threads going off topic is a sign of a healthy forum -- it means people are enjoying each other's company.  (How many subjects do you usually go through when chatting with an RL friend?)  Further, off-topic posting is no threat to on-topic discussion.  Anyone who has something new to say about the topic can just post it; if no one does, why shouldn't people be allowed to go on a tangent or two?

Even though i havent been here a long time, this thread caught my eye because i have been members of other forums in the past.  i was a member on a phantasy star forum for years back in the day, and almost every post was off-topic.  Of course if you watned to talk about Phantasy Star, that was cool, but it was a given that that game was our common bond..and didnt need to be talked about all the time.  The board had roughly 20 regulars and about 70 members altogether, and everyone was *close*.  One guy told us about his wedding plans before he even told his own parents.  And that was great...because of the off topic posts, not only did you have a whole group of people who you could talk to about phantasy star, but you had a whole bunch of new friends who actually WANTED to get to know you.  If I walked into a room in real life full of a bunch of Metroid fans, yeah, of course I'd want to talk about Metroid, but after a while I'd want to know more about the people in that room. I dont think it would be very realistic to be talking to someone and all of a sudden flame the shit out of them for changing the subject to something besides a video game.  Same should go for the internet...but its only my opinion. Im fairly new here, so Im trying to follow the rules, because I really like it here...but Im a bit of a revolutionary I'm sure you'll all figure out...and I cant resist a good arguement, especially over a point I feel I can illustrate well.  I'd like to come out of this experience actually knowing at least SOMEBODY else in the world besides myself and my boyfriend who loves Metroid as much as I do, and being able to talk to them on more than one level.  Samus may only have 2 dimensions (most of the time), but we as humans have more...