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Their is not ample measure to prevent disconnectors in this game.

1. When being matched randomly, you have no idea what the other person's connection percentage is, thus nullifying the point.

2. If someone does DC, you get no win, no points, etc.

3. If people on your friends list have less than perfect connection percentages, you give them the benefit of the doubt since they are on your friends list.

I've been DCed against about 7 or 8 times. That's 7 or 8 5 or 6 kill leads, essentially sure wins, that I've been cheated out of.

It's gotten to the point that I worry about running up the score, for fear of their disconnect. Or in the last five seconds with a lead, I wonder if this person will accept their loss.

Anybody have similar experiences?
Thread title: 
It's only happened to me a handfull of times, but that still doesn't make me feel good about it. I hate it when people can't accept their loss, all because they don't want to lose. I am far happier taking a loss to somebody than quitting out, (Which I will never do) even if I don't think they deserve to win. (There are FAR too many people who like to play Trace's Alt for for the ENTIRE match, which just happened to me yet again, and resulting in another loss)

But, there's always going to be people like that. Too bad we can't do anything about it when we run across someone like that in a random Wi-Fi match. The best I can do is not add them to my Rival list and never see them again.
While it seemed like a step in the right direction, I didn't think it would do that much. I have been fortunate enough not to run into that problem...yet.
Bangaa Bishop
I actually havent had anyone disconnect on purpose yet (I had one person disconnect on me when he was winning, so I doubt that was intentional)
Quote from Phazon Siphon:
Their is not ample measure to prevent disconnectors in this game.

1. When being matched randomly, you have no idea what the other person's connection percentage is, thus nullifying the point.

2. If someone does DC, you get no win, no points, etc.

3. If people on your friends list have less than perfect connection percentages, you give them the benefit of the doubt since they are on your friends list.

I've been DCed against about 7 or 8 times. That's 7 or 8 5 or 6 kill leads, essentially sure wins, that I've been cheated out of.

It's gotten to the point that I worry about running up the score, for fear of their disconnect. Or in the last five seconds with a lead, I wonder if this person will accept their loss.

Anybody have similar experiences?

yes i've been having huge problems with that. I have 4 wins out of 56 matches...i'm assuming it's the dissconectors because i've never really goten to finish a match lately.
I've been disconnected on before. but only like twice. But it's really annoying when they disconnect right before the results screen comes up!

And IMO, even if you could see everyone's connection rate it still wouldn't do anything. I mean, if I saw someone with like 14% I'd still battle them and just hope they didn't disconnect.  Rolling Eyes
maybe theres some kind of thing where you get kicked off for a little bit if you disconnect too often.  and if not there should be.  i just fought 3 people in a row who disconnected, usually a few seconds before losing.  maybe i could somehow program their DSs to asplode when they disconnect.....  Twisted Evil
naw it something wrong with nintendo;s service wifi thing..the techs have been notified...they said most the problems are friends online and stuff ..they said they don't know when it's going to be fixed though...:9(
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
naw it something wrong with nintendo;s service wifi thing..the techs have been notified...they said most the problems are friends online and stuff ..they said they don't know when it's going to be fixed though...:9(

I know there are problems, but they don't just magically happen whenever I get a 5-0 or better lead. Those are purely intentional.

It seems that most of the noobs who disconnect from me are Traces or Weavels... people who are in it just for the wins, I'd guess. You're probably much better off with a bad Weavel or Trace than a bad Spire, for example. And when they start to lose, well, they just DC.

My count for opponents DC is up to about 12. That would make my record like 56 of 75 instead of the meager 44 of 63 that it is... I want a 3 star rank.
er.. don't you only get rank points from LAN matches?
Nope. Otherwise I'd have like none.

...And people could play bots all the way up to the very good ranks.
er.... you can't get rank points from bots... i tried.. i set it to one kill and killed the bot with shock coil and got zero points....or maybe i'm just cheap but i still got no points.
Well, irregardlessly, I was cheated out of many such points over wifi.

And it would seem that by playing against human opponents via LAN, you get points as well. But not bots.

This guy seemed to have DC'd against me when I was up 6-0. His character didn't move at all after spawning, much like a DCer. I killed the motionless body fast enough to get the win, however. Unless he was essentially forfeiting by not moving.
Bangaa Bishop
Playing against bots will affect other stats except for your rank though. From my experience the Favorite Mode is influenced by all matches, online and off.
I had my first DC tonight.  Some guy using Trace in Combat Hall was just trying to snipe me.  He beat me the first time (only because I ran out of time).  The second match I raced him to his little sniper point and laid bombs the whole way in front of him.  I got 2 kills like this.  After a few more kills Trace DCs.  I hate it when people can't take a loss.  And I really hate campers in a one on one match.  Oh well.
Mister ...
THe most annoying part of the Wireless thing is when my telephone rings, I lose connection.  Stupid Cordless phones.
Ready and willing.
Damn I hear you. Except in my case people actually have to pick up the phone to zonk it.

Last night the whole WFC was just flickerbatted up... random disconnects and miscelanious errors abounded. Not just me too.
Quote from nn12000:
THe most annoying part of the Wireless thing is when my telephone rings, I lose connection.  Stupid Cordless phones.

change the channel your phone is on.
Quote from Yoshi348:
Damn I hear you. Except in my case people actually have to pick up the phone to zonk it.

Last night the whole WFC was just flickerbatted up... random disconnects and miscelanious errors abounded. Not just me too.

yeah i hate it when that happends since i have 7 phones in my house and only one of them is non wireless.
red chamber dream
Quote from SamusAranLuver:
yeah i hate it when that happends since i have 7 phones in my house and only one of them is non wireless.

I do hope you mean "cordless", as if you have seven wireless phones in your house, you either have a very large family or a very large wallet.
Jezz what the fuck man i barely finish any matches anymore.....and my points are getting lower and lower.....
Bangaa Bishop
Quit playing random battles, and stay on friends + rivals mode. This way, you'll see mroe people on, and you still get rank points (or lose them) by thrashing your friends.
yeah...but everyone is always on when i'm not on >_>...damn...i need more friends...(in the eastren time zone)
Mister ...
OK, Nate said that I should change the Wireless channel on my phone, any idea how I would do that?  And technichally, It was at Evilman's house.  Sad part was that the phone was on the charging base.  Pathetic to cut off teh Ds connection. 

Same thing happened when playing ACWW at his house too, tried to PLay Halo on his computer online, and when I tried to get the server list, the DS's disconnected.  Stupid Computer.  (I don't think the computer has wireless interface or anything.)
I would play freinds only matches since I have a lot, but lately Ive had the problem of not seeing some of my freinds when they are on. They can see me, they just cant see me. :x