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Hey guys.

I was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a delay between the time you fall off a block in morphball and the time you can unmorph.  If I press up as soon as I have cleared the block, Samus stays morphed up.  If I wait a tiny bit, then I'm able to unmorph.  The problem is that I am not able to do it quickly enough to grab the ledge at the end of the acid pool room.

Any information is much appreciated.  Also, note that I am using an emulator (VBA-M) on a Linux machine, and I am using a SNES replica controller to play.

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Actually, this is a good question. I have noticed something similar.
It's not possible to unmorph immediately because samus doesn't have enough space to unmorph (her head would go through the ceiling). It shouldn't be too big of a problem with proper timing though. It's roughly the same timing as grabbing the blocks when using that method of advancing instead of using bombs to do it.
samus needs at least one block of open space above her to unmorph.
The combination I use to clear it is left,up,left,up. It's a pain, as others have outlined, but that's pretty consistent. You have to be fairly fast, if you fail you weren't going fast enough. I'm not sure about the frame timing, I'm sure dragonfangs can interject :)