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OK, I've not beaten the game yet, however, I have noticed something I think is very interesting so far.  I'll type it using the SPOILER thread in case somebody hasn't gotten far enough into the game to have realized it yet.  Here goes:

Has anybody else noticed that the game itself is entitled Metroid Prime 2: Echoes yet you only use the Echo visor sparingly?  There was only one boss I've fought so far who required the visor, and the levels themselves hardly us it at all.  Granted, I think the Echo visor looks amazing, and it was a very interesting idea, to use echolocation like bats but I'm not sure the game really should have used this as its selling point in the title.  I don't know a better title for the game, I am just making a simple observation.

Anybody else notice this?
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I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
I said the same thing yesterday..but people are more kind of thinking of how like when sometimes you do something in one world, the "echo" of it in the other world is affected (like moving the bridges in Torvus, or the laser thing in lower Torvus).
I don't even want to begin with whats wrong with that philosophy...
Oy, its a philosopher's and physicist's nightmare...

Still fun nonetheless.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Eh, that's what they said.  I still think it is dumb if it is named after the Echo Visor, as it's hardly used.
lol no way
Because it sounds cooler.
yeah. it just sounds cooler.
would you rather they called it "metroid prime 2: ing"?

i for one have taken to dropping all references to the "metroid prime 2" part of the title when talking about the game. "echoes" is so much nicer to say
Yeah, it's much more creative than simply tacking a number on the end of it. Say, for example, Halo 2.
  To parallel this, think of another Nintendo game that used the whole light/dark world... thing. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past didn't nessisarily have much to do with the past (it seems more to be chronologically after the first two Zeldas). What might have worked better, instead of "Echoes" would have been something like "Portal to Darkness" sounds erie enough, plus it's appropriate. Then again, I am reeeeealy tired... so it might actually be incredibly stupid!
red chamber dream
I think the "Echoes" in the title is referring to many things in the game, such as the visor, creatures echoing (sp?) the first Prime, Dark Aether echoing Light Aether, and so on. I think it's appropriate.
What luck, there's french fry stuck in my beard.
It's called Echoes because Dark Aether is an echo of Aether...
Quote from GreenMamba:
It's called Echoes because Dark Aether is an echo of Aether...
red chamber dream
Exactly. It's definitely not named after the visor.
Metroid Prime 3: What, Again?!?
I thought it was so you sync up your speedrun movies with "Echoes" by Pink Floyd.  It's sort of like the whole Wizard of Oz / Dark Side of the Moon thing. 

I guess I hadn't thought about any of those reasons.

Thanks for the interpretations of the title everybody.
I('d) like to watch (some MP3 runs)
Serujisu, your sig is still too tall.
Yay, something here I can do with somewhat close to y'alls skill ^_^

Beware, spoilers throughout ^_^

The whole story is an echo, aka, a slightly distorted, but mostly intact reproduction.  Think about the first story.  A meteor lands on a planet.  The planet is inhabited by wanderers of a highly intelligent and powerful race.  Yet this race is powerless against the disaster the meteor brings.  This race attempts to impede the progress of the disaster, but fails/is failing.  They try to contain/eliminate the disaster yet nothing works.  The disaster mutates/posesses the local creatures, and eventually, the sentient race itself.  Following the trail of the Space Pirates, Samus discovers the plight of the planet, and saves it.  If it seems like one can't quite tell which Prime I'm talking about, there's a reason for that ^_^

Everything in Echoes has an echo too.  The planet, the rooms, the  names of the rooms, enemies.  The abilities of the boss often echo the ability it gives you.  The method of killing the final boss.  Samus herself is echoed in Dark Samus.

Personally though, I think they should have done more with the echo visor.  That thing is mad cool ^_^

The other thing is, I'm suprised and slightly dissappointed they didn't tie Prime 1 and 2 together better.  There is a LOT of room for connection.  The Luminoth and the Chozo knew each other.  There's Phazon on both Tallon IV and Aether.  I'm suprised they didn't reveal that the meteor had phazon on it or some such, or even Metroid Prime in the corrupted phazon suit rode it.  They also could have pulled the same trump as in Metroid Fusion, aka, the Federation hiding a rather large secret from Samus, maybe like they knew of the war between the Luminoth and the Ing, and were trying to discover how the Ing could teleport at will between dimensions, or trying to figure out how they could posess and reanimate the dead.  So many possible things they could have echoed and they didn't ^_^

As a random yet cool side note, did you know that a duck's quack is the only sound that doesn't echo? ^_^
Ready and willing.
Hey, maybe they shouldn't cash in on these mysterious meteors just yet... leave it open for future games...
Nay, nay, I never deigned to speculate on the origin of the original meteor, I was merely supposing at the presence of a connection between it and the one in Prime 2 ^_^  Personally, I can't wait to see what Nintendo and Retro are gonna do with them ^_^
Ready and willing.
Oh. Well, I still think it's cooler that they used an implict connection rather than explicit.
I suppose you have a point there ^_^

Still, one of my favorite things to do is come up with explanations like that and compare them to what actually happens ^_^
Quote from PessimistByNature:
As a random yet cool side note, did you know that a duck's quack is the only sound that doesn't echo? ^_^

Don't believe the hype:

Quote from PessimistByNature:
As a random yet cool side note, did you know that a duck's quack is the only sound that doesn't echo? ^_^

Actually I saw on Mythbusters that it does indeed echo...
its just not in the spectrum our ears can detect.  And that makes prefect sense.  How can this one particular sound-wave behave entirely different from any other sound-wave.  After all, a quack is just the movement of air molecules on the wave itself.  The claim that it doesn't echo is a physicist's nightmare...

Snapple caps aren't always the most accurate....
lol no way
Oh my God, Pess is still alive! Man, you were like the very first person that I ever talked to from here... heehee. Cool.

And yeah, I saw that MythBusters too... now every time someone tells me that and they think they're so damn smart I'm just like "Actually, you're really an idiot. Thanks though!"
Well damn, looks like a got aced ^_^ I just read it in a random cool fact book, and it sorta stuck in my head ^_^

But wait a minute, how is it that the sound is audible when non-echoed but not after?  Isn't that just as much of a nightmare? 

Anyway, the echoing capabilites of avian produced noises aside, 'sup aj, good to see you again ^_^
Mythbusters is a funny, yet informative show. I saw my first episode when my seventh grade science teacher showed it in class.