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Quote from TRH:
those things are teh eaz :D

Wind Waker forced me to learn how to deal with them in order to see if there was a Heart Piece after all of them.. turned out not to, what a waste of time.

Yeah. I wasted like 20 minutes getting pissed at the controls (the only actual hard part of those puzzles)... only to find that you get extra money at the end. Gurgle.
Here is my latest from DDR. Not too amazing and certainly not good by any means, but I'm proud for one reason: I did it on 2x speed.


I have other pictures, I'm just too lazy....
Nice, nick.

On a completely unrelated note, has anyone besides me tried Bop It Extreme and DDR at the same time? It's so freaking hard. I'm usually somewhat OK at DDR and really good at Bop It, but combine them makes me totally suck at both.
No. I haven't tried bop it hardcore or whatever/ddr. It sounds pretty tasty though.

I am, however, quite good at DDR. I can pass Max 300 on Heavy with an A; and my best double-A's are Tsugaru, Healing Vision (pretty much every mix), Rythym and Police, and most of the Paranoias... but meh.

Another note: I seriously lost like 20 pounds playing DDR... I'll attempt to get some before/after pictures online. And maybe a video of me dancing. Maybe.
red chamber dream
This just in: DDR has been recently discovered as the best way to lose weight. Plus, it's fun.
I've gained weight (muscle) and endurance. DDR kicks ass.
red chamber dream
It's like the only video game that is actually good for you.

Exercise made fun!!! :D

I should start playing more of it then!!!

The exercises I do at school are so boring, DDR is the way to go!!! :D
#118772 + (209) - [X]
<Mewten> video games are now making us nerds do things we would never do in other situations: Dance (DDR), Play an instrument (Samba de Amigo), and now, GO OUTSIDE. Pretty soon we'll be like normal people

teh bash.org quote recreation :D
Whee. Just managed a B on So Deep (perfect sphere mix) on teh keyboard. Kinda odd, last night I couldn't even pass it...
Quote from TRH:
#118772 + (209) - [X]
<Mewten> video games are now making us nerds do things we would never do in other situations: Dance (DDR), Play an instrument (Samba de Amigo), and now, GO OUTSIDE. Pretty soon we'll be like normal people

teh bash.org quote recreation :D

Bash.org always rocks.

BTW, Who is that in your avatar?
Quote from professor_scissors:
BTW, Who is that in your avatar?

Lets get this right:

http colon slash slash double v double v double v dot metroidtwothousandandtwo dot com slash forum slash viewtopic dot php questionmark p equals thirtythreethousandthreehundredandfourtyfive wierdmark thirtythreethousandthreehundredandfourtyfive

www://.metroid2002 ?

... Now, that's fucked up.
I also forgot a quesitonmark... Fix'D
Hmmm, I recently have been playing DDR like a maniac, I'm not good, but I play it.  My local movie theater is the only place where I can play it, and the only place I prefer to play it...  But so far I've spent $100 dollars on it in two hours...  I'm such a fool, I can't even pass The legend of Maxx on beginner...  I can't even TRY light...  By the way, it's DDR Extreme.  It's really a lot of fun to be playing DDR for two hours and then when the movies let out people come out to see me drenched in sweat, my shirt literally soaked from sweat, the floor, with a puddle the size of 3 large dogs on the floor of sweat, and then seeing me do horrible at the most easy song...  I'm really passionate about DDR...  My, how our time has been...  And since I own no car, I bike the  23 miles to the movie theater!  Just so I can tire myself out even MORE...  I think only once in the past month have I gone to the movies to see a movie (my movie theater doubles as an arcade)
lol ... trh seems to be pulling a euro here and not knowing what to call that crazy hash brown deal that we 'mericans produce by hitting shift-3.
Quote from MegaMyke:
Hmmm, I recently have been playing DDR like a maniac, I'm not good, but I play it.  My local movie theater is the only place where I can play it, and the only place I prefer to play it...  But so far I've spent $100 dollars on it in two hours...  I'm such a fool, I can't even pass The legend of Maxx on beginner...  I can't even TRY light...  By the way, it's DDR Extreme.  It's really a lot of fun to be playing DDR for two hours and then when the movies let out people come out to see me drenched in sweat, my shirt literally soaked from sweat, the floor, with a puddle the size of 3 large dogs on the floor of sweat, and then seeing me do horrible at the most easy song...  I'm really passionate about DDR...  My, how our time has been...  And since I own no car, I bike the  23 miles to the movie theater!  Just so I can tire myself out even MORE...  I think only once in the past month have I gone to the movies to see a movie (my movie theater doubles as an arcade)

doing beginner first was your first mistake.

So was thinking you have to finish all songs before going up a difficulty.

My friend Alex was doing standards by about the 6th or 7th song he played.  Start on the 3-4 feet songs, work up from there.
.. I don't get it.
Heh. Scratch my So Deep B on keyboard. I just managed 20-something greats, the rest perfects... So it's an AA.

By the way, yeah, beginner is evil, I've heard. It teaches you how to play on beginner, and makes you used to it. That's a bad thing. Most standard songs are NOTHING like what you're currently learning. Get yourself some courage and try things you know you CAN'T handle. That's the only way to progress.

And even better, download DWI/Stepmania and practice your arrow reading skills. That's usually what puts newbies to a grinding halt. Thanks to Flash Flash Revolution and some DWI, I've gone from first-time-player to Heavy-regular in less than two months.
Quote from njahnke:
lol ... trh seems to be pulling a euro here and not knowing what to call that crazy hash brown deal that we 'mericans produce by hitting shift-3.

I can't believe you actually read all that.

And speaking of what you started out on, what did you guys start out on? And how did you get into it?

For me, it was seeing this girl play at the arcade. My friend was playing first and he was horrible. About a light or something. Then this girl came out and played on heavy and blew him away. I thought that it looked awesome.

Then my friend rented it one day for a party. We didn't have a pad so we all used controllers. It was the first time I played and I drove myself up to Standard in 2 hours. I was able to do a Heavy song, like a six step or something, by then too. After that, I was hooked.
Quote from njahnke:
lol ... trh seems to be pulling a euro here and not knowing what to call that crazy hash brown deal that we 'mericans produce by hitting shift-3.

oh, wait.. now I get it. I get the # mark when pressing shift-3 as well, its just that I didnt know what to call it.
We call it a Pound Sign, or sometimes just a Pound. No one knows why.
I also must wonder how the game is any fun with a keyboard or controller, too simple, nothing of interest.

Beating So Deep with my feet....makes me want to cry  Crying or Very sad  Crying or Very sad
Quote from professor_scissors:
We call it a Pound Sign, or sometimes just a Pound. No one knows why.

some people sure think they do, though. ;)

what else is new.