Anyway, on the subject of Ridley (pfft), y'think they'll ever make a form of him that looks anything like the weird Cthulu-cousin, Nu-Nu (Teletubbies) -wannabe he was in M1['s instruction manual]?
Also: "Robot Ridley"; because that sounds lame, I used "R-Ridley".
Quote from Mr. Shadow:
So you can't button mash with the power beam by what your saying?
Quote from tomatobob:
Such tactics are also for the weak, real men headbutt him into submission and make him serve as you're heavy weapons support.
Quote from Mr. Shadow:
You know that samus isn't a "man", so she won't ever be that "real man" your talking about.
there's no actual proof that Ridley was cloned for SM. it could be a different Ridley. if that was the case, then him and Ridley X wouldn't count if we're talking about the old ridley (he was revived as Meta Ridley twice and then as Omega Ridley) or they would have to count along Iron Ted if we're talking about different ridleys and don't consider him the same one. even if he was cloned, it still isn't the same one.
also, Ridley was frozen and crumbled in that mini-cutscene. the X stole his inner parts to copy him.
This is what I believe happened to ridley after corruption: phazon was destroyed, so all creatures were returned to their original form. Ridley probobly was returned to regular as well, and the "ridley" on the bsl was no more than one of the space dragons the federation was expirimenting on.
The Ridley on BSL was officially a Ridley before being X'ed. Then it was Ridley X. I don't think there would be multiple space dragons named Ridley. And look at Fusion itself; the entire staff of BSL is pathetic weaklings killed in moments by zombies and pink hornoads. I doubt they'd be able to find some way to get a Ridley into a fridge.
Maybe after Super Metroid, Ridley and the pirates went to SR388 to see if any metroids survived to steal and replenish their army, then the X caught them and snuck aboard BSL.
obviously, its the same principle as the metroid section... its a single dna culture of ridley that was infected by the X and was only allowed to leave its icy prison due to the slight rise in temperature from samus' body heat.